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Interactive Network Management Visualization with SVG and AJAX
The area of visualization has always been one of the most attractive sections of network management technology. Successful management tools must not only fulfill objective management needs but also be aesthetically appealing. Consequently, the seemingly mundane task of presenting information to the user has become almost a true art. The application proposed in this paper is a vehicle for the presentation of network management data using interactive graphs. By using the Scalable Vector Graphics markup language (SVG) and Asynchronous Javascript and XML (AJAX), it strives to aid the rapid development of visually impressive management applications that are accessible through the use of a web browser. These highly interactive and versatile applications can respond to user actions and present data which is organized into layers and is retrieved and refreshed on demand. The data of these layers is generated by network management tools that plug in to the application through the use of a modular framework.
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author = {Athanasios Douitsis and Dimitrios Kalogeras},
title = {Interactive Network Management Visualization with {SVG} and {AJAX} },
booktitle = {20th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA 06)},
year = {2006},
address = {Washington, D.C.},
url = {},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = dec
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