Shaya Potter and Jason Nieh - Columbia University
Pp. 47-62 of the Proceedings of LISA '05: Nineteenth
Systems Administration Conference,
(San Diego, CA: USENIX
Association, December 2005).
Patching, upgrading, and maintaining operating system software is
a growing management complexity problem that can result in
unacceptable system downtime. We introduce AutoPod, a system that
enables unscheduled operating system updates while preserving
application service availability. AutoPod provides a group of
processes and associated users with an isolated machine-independent
virtualized environment that is decoupled from the underlying
operating system instance. This virtualized environment is integrated
with a novel checkpoint-restart mechanism which allows processes to be
suspended, resumed, and migrated across operating system kernel
versions with different security and maintenance patches.
AutoPod incorporates a system status service to determine when
operating system patches need to be applied to the current host, then
automatically migrates application services to another host to
preserve their availability while the current host is updated and
rebooted. We have implemented AutoPod on Linux without requiring any
application or operating system kernel changes. Our measurements on
real world desktop and server applications demonstrate that AutoPod
imposes little overhead and provides sub-second suspend and resume
times that can be an order of magnitude faster than starting
applications after a system reboot. AutoPod enables systems to
autonomically stay updated with relevant maintenance and security
patches, while ensuring no loss of data and minimizing service
As computers become more ubiquitous in large corporate,
government, and academic organizations, the total cost of owning and
maintaining them is becoming unmanageable. Computers are increasingly
networked, which only complicates the management problem, given the
myriad of viruses and other attacks commonplace in today's networks.
Security problems can wreak havoc on an organization's computing
infrastructure. To prevent this, software vendors frequently release
patches that can be applied to address security and maintenance issues
that have been discovered. This creates a management nightmare for
administrators who take care of large sets of machines. For these
patches to be effective, they need to be applied to the machines. It
is not uncommon for systems to continue running unpatched software
long after a security exploit has become well-known [22]. This is
especially true of the growing number of server appliances intended
for very low-maintenance operation by less skilled users. Furthermore,
by reverse engineering security patches, exploits are being released
as soon as a month after the fix is released, whereas just a couple of
years ago, such exploits took closer to a year to create [12].
Even when software updates are applied to address security and
maintenance issues, they commonly result in system services being
unavailable. Patching an operating system can result in the entire
system having to be down for some period of time. If a system
administrator chooses to fix an operating system security problem
immediately, he risks upsetting his users because of loss of data.
Therefore, a system administrator must schedule downtime in advance
and in cooperation with users, leaving the computer vulnerable until
repaired. If the operating system is patched successfully, the system
downtime may be limited to just a few minutes during the reboot. Even
then, users are forced to incur additional inconvenience and delays in
starting applications again and attempting to restore their sessions
to the state they were in before being shutdown. If the patch is not
successful, downtime can extend for many hours while the problem is
diagnosed and a solution is found. Downtime due to security and
maintenance problems is not only inconvenient but costly as well.
We present AutoPod, a system that provides an easy-to-use
autonomic infrastructure [11] for operating system self-maintenance.
AutoPod uniquely enables unscheduled operating system updates of
commodity operating systems while preserving application service
availability during system maintenance. AutoPod provides its
functionality without modifying, recompiling, or relinking
applications or operating system kernels. This is accomplished by
combining three key mechanisms: a lightweight virtual machine
isolation abstraction that can be used at the granularity of
individual applications, a checkpoint-restart mechanism that operates
across operating system versions with different security and
maintenance patches, and an autonomic system status service that
monitors the system for system faults as well as security updates.
AutoPod provides a lightweight virtual machine abstraction called
a POD (PrOcess Domain) that encapsulates a group of processes and
associated users in an isolated machine-independent virtualized
environment that is decoupled from the underlying operating system
instance. A pod mirrors the underlying operating system environment
but isolates processes from the system by using host-independent
virtual identifiers for operating system resources. Pod isolation not
only protects the underlying system from compromised applications, but
is crucial for enabling applications to migrate across operating
system instances. Unlike hardware virtualization approaches that
require running multiple operating system instances [4, 29, 30], pods
provide virtual application execution environments within a single
operating system instance. By operating within a single operating
system instance, pods can support finer granularity isolation and can
be administered using standard operating system utilities without
sacrificing system manageability. Furthermore, since it does not run
an operating system instance, a pod prevents potentially malicious
code from making use of an entire set of operating system resources.
AutoPod combines its pod virtualization with a novel checkpoint-restart mechanism that uniquely decouples processes from dependencies
on the underlying system and maintains process state semantics to
enable processes to be migrated across different machines. The
checkpoint-restart mechanism introduces a platform-independent
intermediate format for saving the state associated with processes and
AutoPod virtualization. AutoPod combines this format with the use of
higher-level functions for saving and restoring process state to
provide a high degree of portability for process migration across
different operating system versions that was not possible with
previous approaches. In particular, the checkpoint-restart mechanism
relies on the same kind of operating system semantics that ensure that
applications can function correctly across operating system versions
with different security and maintenance patches.
AutoPod combines the pod virtual machine with an autonomous system
status service. The service monitors the system for system faults as
well as security updates. When the service detects new security
updates, it is able to download and install them automatically. If the
update requires a reboot, the service uses the pod's checkpoint-restart capability to save the pod's state, reboot the machine into
the newly fixed environment, and restart the processes within the pod
without causing any data loss. This provides fast recovery from system
downtime even when other machines are not available to run application
services. Alternatively, if another machine is available, the pod can
be migrated to the new machine while the original machine is
maintained and rebooted, further minimizing application service
downtime. This enables security patches to be applied to operating
systems in a timely manner with minimal impact on the availability of
application services. Once the original machine has been updated,
applications can be returned and can continue to execute even though
the underlying operating system has changed. Similarly, if the service
detects an imminent system fault, AutoPod can checkpoint the
processes, migrate, and restart them on a new machine before the fault
can cause the processes' execution to fail.
We have implemented AutoPod in a prototype system as a loadable
Linux kernel module. We have used this prototype to securely isolate
and migrate a wide range of unmodified legacy and network
applications. We measure the performance and demonstrate the utility
of AutoPod across multiple systems running different Linux 2.4 kernel
versions using three real-world application scenarios, including a
full KDE desktop environment with a suite of desktop applications, an
Apache/MySQL web server and database server environment, and a
Exim/Procmail e-mail processing environment. Our performance results
show that AutoPod can provide secure isolation and migration
functionality on real world applications with low overhead.
This paper describes how AutoPod can enable operating system self-maintenance by suspending, resuming, and migrating applications across
operating system kernel changes to facilitate kernel maintenance and
security updates with minimal application downtime. Subsequent
sections describe the AutoPod virtualization abstractions, present the
virtualization architecture to support the AutoPod model, discuss the
AutoPod checkpoint-restart mechanisms used to facilitate migration
across operating system kernels that may differ in maintenance and
security updates, provide a brief overview of the AutoPod system
status service, provide a security analysis of the AutoPod system as
well as examples of how to use AutoPod, and present experimental
results evaluating the overhead associated with AutoPod virtualization
and quantifying the performance benefits of AutoPod migration versus a
traditional maintenance approach for several application scenarios. We
discuss related work before some concluding remarks.
AutoPod Model
The AutoPod model is based on a virtual machine abstraction called
a pod. Pods were previously introduced in Zap [16] to support
migration assuming the same operating system version is used for all
systems. AutoPod extends this work to enable pods to provide a
complete secure virtual machine abstraction in addition to
heterogeneous migration functionality. A pod looks just like a regular
machine and provides the same application interface as the underlying
operating system. Pods can be used to run any application, privileged
or otherwise, without modifying, recompiling, or relinking
applications. This is essential for both ease-of-use and protection of
the underlying system, since applications not executing in a pod offer
an opportunity to attack the system. Processes within a pod can make
use of all available operating system services, just like processes
executing in a traditional operating system environment. Unlike a
traditional operating system, the pod abstraction provides a self-contained unit that can be isolated from the system, checkpointed to
secondary storage, migrated to another machine, and transparently
Figure 1: The AutoPod model.
AutoPod enables server consolidation by allowing multiple pods to
be in use on a single machine, while enabling automatic machine status
monitoring as shown in Figure 1. Since each pod provides a complete
secure virtual machine abstraction, they are able to run any server
application that would run on a regular machine. By consolidating
multiple machines into distinct pods running on a single server, one
improves manageability by limiting the number of physical hardware and
the number of operating system instances an administrator has to
manage. Similarly, when kernel security holes are discovered, server
consolidation improves manageability by minimizing the amount of
machines that need to be upgraded and rebooted. The AutoPod system
monitor further improves manageability by constantly monitoring the
host system for stability and security problems.
Since a pod does not run an operating system instance, it provides
a virtualized machine environment by providing a host-independent
virtualized view of the underlying host operating system. This is done
by providing each pod with its own virtual private namespace. All
operating system resources are only accessible to processes within a
pod through the pod's virtual private namespace.
A pod namespace is private in that only processes within the pod
can see the namespace. It is private in that it masks out resources
that are not contained within the pod. Processes inside a pod appear
to one another as normal processes that can communicate using
traditional Inter-Process Communication (IPC) mechanisms. Other
processes outside a pod do not appear in the namespace and are
therefore not able to interact with processes inside a pod using IPC
mechanisms such as shared memory or signals. Instead, processes
outside the pod can only interact with processes inside the pod using
network communication and shared files that are normally used to
support process communication across machines.
A pod namespace is virtual in that all operating system resources
including processes, user information, files, and devices are accessed
through virtual identifiers within a pod. These virtual identifiers
are distinct from host-dependent resource identifiers used by the
operating system. The pod virtual namespace provides a host-independent view of the system by using virtual identifiers that
remain consistent throughout the life of a process in the pod,
regardless of whether the pod moves from one system to another. Since
the pod namespace is distinct from the host's operating system
namespace, the pod namespace can preserve this naming consistency for
its processes even if the underlying operating system namespace
changes, as may be the case in migrating processes from one machine to
another. This consistency is essential to support process migration
The pod private, virtual namespace enables secure isolation of
applications by providing complete mediation to operating system
resources. Pods can restrict what operating system resources are
accessible within a pod by simply not providing identifiers to such
resources within its namespace. A pod only needs to provide access to
resources that are needed for running those processes within the pod.
It does not need to provide access to all resources to support a
complete operating system environment. An administrator can configure
a pod in the same way one configures and installs applications on a
regular machine. Pods enforce secure isolation to prevent exploited
pods from being used to attack the underlying host or other pods on
the system. Similarly, the secure isolation allows one to run multiple
pods from different organizations, with different sets of users and
administrators on a single host, while retaining the semantic of
multiple distinct and individually managed machines.
For example, to provide a web server, one can easily setup a web
server pod to only contain the files the web server needs to run and
the content it wants to serve. The web server pod could have its own
IP address, decoupling its network presence from the underlying
system. The pod can have its network access limited to client-initiated connections using firewall software to restrict connections
to the pod's IP address to only the ports served by the application
running within this pod. If the web server application is compromised,
the pod limits the ability of an attacker to further harm the system
since the only resources he has access to are the ones explicitly
needed by the service. The attacker cannot use the pod to directly
initiate connections to other systems to attack them since the pod is
limited to client-initiated connections. Furthermore, there is no need
to carefully disable other network services commonly enabled by the
operating system to protect against the compromised pod since those
services, and the core operating system itself, reside outside of the
pod's context.
AutoPod Virtualization
To support the AutoPod abstraction design of secure and isolated
namespaces on commodity operating systems, we employ a virtualization
architecture that operates between applications and the operating
system, without requiring any changes to applications or the operating
system kernel. This virtualization layer is used to translate between
the AutoPod namespaces and the underlying host operating system
namespace. It protects the host operating system from dangerous
privileged operations that might be performed by processes within the
AutoPod, as well as protecting those processes from processes outside
of the AutoPod.
Pods are supported using virtualization mechanisms that translate
between the pod's resource identifiers and the operating system's
resource identifiers. Every resource that a process in a pod accesses
is through a virtual private name which corresponds to an
operating system resource identified by a physical name. When
an operating system resource is created for a process in a pod, such
as with process or IPC key creation, instead of returning the
corresponding physical name to the process, the pod virtualization
layer catches the physical name value, and returns a virtual private
name to the process. Similarly, any time a process passes a virtual
private name to the operating system, the virtualization layer catches
it and replaces it with the appropriate physical name.
The key pod virtualization mechanisms used are a system call
interposition mechanism and the chroot utility with file
system stacking to provide each pod with its own file system namespace
that can be separate from the regular host file system. Pod
virtualization support for migration is based on Zap [16]. We focus
here on pod virtualization support for secure virtual machine
Because current commodity operating systems are not built to
support multiple namespaces, AutoPod must take care of the security
issues this causes. While chroot can give a set of processes a
virtualized file system namespace, there are many ways to break out of
the standard chrooted environment, especially if one allows the
chroot system call to be used by processes in a pod. Pod file
system virtualization enforces the chrooted environment and ensures
that the pod's file system is only accessible to processes within the
given pod by using a simple form of file system stacking to implement
a barrier. File systems provide a permission function that determines
if a process can access a file.
For example, if a process tries to access a file a few directories
below the current directory, the permission function is called on each
directory as well as the file itself in order. If any of the calls
determine that the process does not have permission on a directory,
the chain of calls end. Even if the permission function would
determine that the process would have access to the file itself, it
must have permission to traverse the directory hierarchy to the file
to access it.
We implement a barrier by simply stacking a small pod-aware file
system on top of the staging directory that overloads the underlying
permission function to prevent processes running within the pod from
accessing the parent directory of the staging directory, and to
prevent processes running only on the host from accessing the staging
directory. This effectively confines a process in a pod to the pod's
file system by preventing it from ever walking past the pod's file
system root.
While any network file system can be used with pods to support
migration, we focus on NFS because it is the most commonly used
network file system. Pods can take advantage of the user identifier
(UID) security model in NFS to support multiple security domains on
the same system running on the same operating system kernel. For
example, since each pod can have its own private file system, each pod
can have its own /etc/passwd file that determines its list of
users and their corresponding UIDs. In NFS, the UID of a process
determines what permissions it has in accessing a file.
By default, pod virtualization keeps process UIDs consistent
across migration and keeps process UIDs the same in the pod and
operating system namespaces. However, since the pod file system is
separate from the host file system, a process running in the pod is
effectively running in a separate security domain from another process
with the same UID that is running directly on the host system.
Although both processes have the same UID, each process is only
allowed to access files in its own file system namespace. Similarly,
multiple pods can have processes running on the same system with the
same UID, but each pod effectively provides a separate security domain
since the pod file systems are separate from one another.
The pod UID model supports an easy-to-use migration model when a
user may be using a pod on a host in one administrative domain and
then moves the pod to another. Even if the user has computer accounts
in both administrative domains, it is unlikely that the user will have
the same UID in both domains if they are administratively separate.
Nevertheless, pods can enable the user to run the same pod with access
to the same files in both domains.
Suppose the user has UID 100 on a machine in administrative domain
A and starts a pod connecting to a file server residing in domain A.
Suppose that all pod processes are then running with UID 100. When the
user moves to a machine in administrative domain B where he has UID
200, he can migrate his pod to the new machine and continue running
processes in the pod. Those processes can continue to run as UID 100
and continue to access the same set of files on the pod file server,
even though the user's real UID has changed. This works, even if
there's a regular user on the new machine with a UID of 100. While
this example considers the case of having a pod with all processes
running with the same UID, it is easy to see that the pod model
supports pods that may have running processes with many different
Because the root UID 0 is privileged and treated specially by the
operating system kernel, pod virtualization treats UID 0 processes
inside of a pod specially as well. AutoPod is required to do this to
prevent processes running with privilege from breaking the pod
abstraction, accessing resources outside of the pod, and causing harm
to the host system. While a pod can be configured for administrative
reasons to allow full privileged access to the underlying system, we
focus on the case of pods for running application services which do
not need to be used in this manner. Pods do not disallow UID 0
processes, which would limit the range of application services that
could be run inside pods. Instead, pods provide restrictions on such
processes to ensure that they function correctly inside of pods.
While a process is running in user space, its UID does not have
any affect on process execution. Its UID only matters when it tries to
access the underlying kernel via one of the kernel entry points,
namely devices and system calls. Since a pod already provides a
virtual file system that includes a virtual /dev with a
limited set of secure devices, the device entry point is already
secured. The only system calls of concern are those that could allow a
root process to break the pod abstraction. Only a small number of
system calls can be used for this purpose. These system calls are
listed and described in further detail in the Appendix. Pod
virtualization classifies these system calls into three classes.
The first class of system calls are those that only affect the
host system and serve no purpose within a pod. Examples of these
system calls include those that load and unload kernel modules or that
reboot the host system. Since these system calls only affect the host,
they would break the pod security abstraction by allowing processes
within it to make system administrative changes to the host. System
calls that are part of this class are therefore made inaccessible by
default to processes running within a pod.
The second class of system calls are those that are forced to run
unprivileged. Just like NFS, by default, squashes root on a client
machine to act as user nobody, pod virtualization forces
privileged processes to act as the nobody user when they want
to make use of some system calls. Examples of these system calls
include those that set resource limits and ioctl system calls.
Since system calls such as setrlimit and nice can
allow a privileged process to increase its resource limits beyond
predefined limits imposed on pod processes, privileged processes are
by default treated as unprivileged when executing these system calls
within a pod. Similarly, the ioctl system call is a system
call multiplexer that allows any driver on the host to effectively
install its own set of system calls. Since the ability to audit the
large set of possible system calls is impossible given that pods may
be deployed on a wide range of machine configurations that are not
controlled by the AutoPod system, pod virtualization conservatively
treats access to this system call as unprivileged by default.
The final class of system calls are calls that are required for
regular applications to run, but have options that will give the
processes access to underlying host resources, breaking the pod
abstraction. Since these system calls are required by applications,
the pod checks all their options to ensure that they are limited to
resources that the pod has access to, making sure they are not used in
a manner that breaks the pod abstraction. For example, the
mknod system call can be used by privileged processes to make
named pipes or files in certain application services. It is therefore
desirable to make it available for use within a pod. However, it can
also be used to create device nodes that provide access to the
underlying host resources. To limit how the system call is used, the
pod system call interposition mechanism checks the options of the
system call and only allows it to continue if it is not trying to
create a device.
Migration Across Different Kernels
To maintain application service availability without losing
important computational state as a result of system downtime due to
operating system upgrades, AutoPod provide a checkpoint-restart
mechanism that allows pods to be migrated across machines running
different operating system kernels. Upon completion of the upgrade
process, the respective AutoPod and its applications are restored on
the original machine. We assume here that any kernel security holes on
the unpatched system have not yet been exploited on the system;
migrating across kernels that have already been compromised is beyond
the scope of this paper. We also limit our focus to migrating between
machines with a common CPU architecture with kernel differences that
are limited to maintenance and security patches. These patches often
correspond to changes in the minor version number of the kernel. For
example, the Linux 2.4 kernel has nearly thirty minor versions. Even
within minor version changes, there can be significant changes in
kernel code. Table 1 shows the number of files that have been changed
in various subsystems of the Linux 2.4 kernel across different minor
versions. For example, all of the files for the VM subsystem were
changed since extensive modifications were made to implement a
completely new page replacement mechanism in Linux.
Type | 2.4.1 | 2.4.29 | Modified | Unmodified | %
Drivers | 2623 | 3784 | 1742 | 501 | 13.2
Arch | 123 | 128 | 93 | 22 | 17.1
FS | 536 | 894 | 410 | 59 | 6.6
Network | 461 | 600 | 338 | 84 | 9.4
Core Kernel | 27 | 27 | 24 | 3 | 11.1
VM | 21 | 20 | 20 | 0 | 0
IPC | 6 | 6 | 5 | 1 | 16.6 |
Table 1: Kernel file changes within the Linux 2.4
series for i386.
Many of the Linux kernel patches contain security vulnerability
fixes, which are typically not separated out from other maintenance
patches. We similarly limit our focus to where the application's
execution semantics, such as how threads are implemented and how
dynamic linking is done, do not change. On the Linux kernels this is
not an issue as all these semantics are enforced by user-space
libraries. Whether one uses kernel or user threads, or how libraries
are dynamically linked into a process is all determined by the
respective libraries on the file system. Since the pod has access to
the same file system on whatever machine it is running on, these
semantics stay the same.
To support migration across different kernels, AutoPod use a
checkpoint-restart mechanism that employs an intermediate format to
represent the state that needs to be saved on checkpoint. On
checkpoint, the intermediate format representation is saved and
digitally signed to enable the restart process to verify the integrity
of the image. Although the internal state that the kernel maintains on
behalf of processes can be different across different kernels, the
high-level properties of the process are much less likely to change.
We capture the state of a process in terms of higher-level semantic
information specified in the intermediate format rather than kernel
specific data in native format to keep the format portable across
different kernels.
For example, the state associated with a UNIX socket connection
consists of the directory entry of the UNIX socket file, its
superblock information, a hash key, and so on. It may be possible to
save all of this state in this form and successfully restore on a
different machine running the same kernel. But this representation of
a UNIX socket connection state is of limited portability across
different kernels. A different high-level representation consisting of
a four tuple, virtual source PID, source FD, virtual destination PID,
destination FD is highly portable. This is because the semantics of a
process identifier and a file descriptor are typically standard across
different kernels, especially across minor version differences.
The intermediate representation format used by AutoPod for
migration is chosen such that it offers the degree of portability
needed for migrating between different kernel minor versions. If the
representation of state is too high-level, the checkpoint-restart
mechanism could become complicated and impose additional overhead. For
example, the AutoPod system saves the address space of a process in
terms of discrete memory regions called virtual memory (VM) areas. As
an alternative, it may be possible to save the contents of a process's
address space and denote the characteristics of various portions of it
in more abstract terms. However, this would call for an unnecessarily
complicated interpretation scheme and make the implementation
inefficient. The VM area abstraction is standard across major Linux
kernel revisions. AutoPod view the VM area abstraction as offering
sufficient portability in part because the organization of a process's
address space in this manner has been standard across all Linux
kernels and has never changed.
AutoPod further support migration across different kernels by
leveraging higher-level native kernel services to transform
intermediate representation of the checkpointed image into an internal
representation suitable for the target kernel. Continuing with the
previous example, AutoPod restore a UNIX socket connection using high-level kernel functions as follows. First, two new processes are
created with virtual PIDs as specified in the four tuple. Then, each
one creates a UNIX socket with the specified file descriptor and one
socket is made to connect to the other. This procedure effectively
recreates the original UNIX socket connection without depending on
many kernel internal details.
This use of high-level functions helps in general portability of
using AutoPod for migration. Security patches and minor version kernel
revisions commonly involve modifying the internal details of the
kernel while high-level primitives remain unchanged. As such services
are usually made available to kernel modules, the AutoPod system is
able to perform cross-kernel migration without requiring modifications
to the kernel code.
The AutoPod checkpoint-restart mechanism is also structured in
such a way to perform its operations when processes are in a state
that checkpointing can avoid depending on many low-level kernel
details. For example, semaphores typically have two kinds of state
associated with each of them: the value of the semaphore and the wait
queue of processes waiting to acquire the corresponding semaphore
lock. In general, both of these pieces of information have to be saved
and restored to accurately reconstruct the semaphore state. Semaphore
values can be easily obtained and restored through GETALL and SETALL
parameters of the semctl system call. But saving and restoring
the wait queues involves manipulating kernel internals directly. The
AutoPod mechanism avoids having to save the wait queue information by
requiring that all the processes be stopped before taking the
checkpoint. When a process waiting on a semaphore receives a stop
signal, the kernel immediately releases the process from the wait
queue and returns EINTR. This ensures that the semaphore wait queues
are always empty at the time of checkpoint so that they do not have to
be saved.
While AutoPod can abstract and manipulate most process state in
higher-level terms using higher-level kernel services, there are some
parts that not amenable to a portable intermediate representation. For
instance, specific TCP connection states like timestamp values and
sequence numbers, which do not have a high-level semantic value, have
to be saved and restored to maintain a TCP connection. As this
internal representation can change, its state needs to be tracked
across kernel versions and security patches. Fortunately, there is
usually an easy way to interpret such changes across different kernels
because networking standards such as TCP do not change often. Across
all of the Linux 2.4 kernels, there was only one change in TCP state
that required even a small modification in the AutoPod migration
mechanism. Specifically, in the Linux 2.4.14 kernel, an extra field
was added to TCP connection state to address a flaw in the existing
syncookie mechanism. If configured into the kernel, syncookies protect
an Internet server against a synflood attack. When migrating from an
earlier kernel to a Linux-2.4.14 or later version kernel, the AutoPod
system initializes the extra field in such a way that the integrity of
the connection is maintained. In fact, this was the only instance
across all of the Linux 2.4 kernel versions where an intermediate
representation was not possible and the internal state had changed and
had to be accounted for.
To provide proper support for AutoPod virtualization when
migrating across different kernels, we must ensure that that any
changes in the system call interfaces are properly accounted for. As
AutoPod has a virtualization layer using system call interposition
mechanism for maintaining namespace consistency, a change in the
semantics for any system call intercepted by AutoPod could be an issue
in migrating across different kernel versions. But such changes
usually do not occur as it would require that the libraries be
rewritten. In other words, AutoPod virtualization is protected from
such changes in a similar way as legacy applications are protected.
However, new system calls could be added from time to time. For
instance, across all Linux 2.4 kernels to date, there were two new
system calls, gettid and tkill for querying the thread
identifier and for sending a signal to a particularly thread in a
thread group, respectively, which needed to be accounted for to
properly virtualize AutoPod across kernel versions. As these system
calls take identifier arguments, they were simply intercepted and
Autonomic System Status Service
AutoPod provides a generic autonomic framework for managing system
state. The framework is able to monitor multiple sources for
information and can use this information to make autonomic decisions
about when to checkpoint pods, migrate them to other machines, and
restart them. While there are many items that can be monitored, our
service monitors two items in particular. First, it monitors the
vendor's software security update repository to ensure that the system
stays up to date with the latest security patches. Second, it monitors
the underlying hardware of the system to ensure that an imminent fault
is detected before the fault occurs and corrupts application state. By
monitoring these two sets of information, the autonomic system status
service is able to reboot or shutdown the computer, while
checkpointing or migrating the processes. This helps ensure that data
is not lost or corrupted due to a forced reboot or a hardware fault
propagating into the running processes.
Many operating system vendors provide their users with the ability
to automatically check for system updates and to download and install
them when they become available. Example of these include Microsoft's
Windows Update service, as well as Debian based distribution's
security repositories. Users are guaranteed that the updates one gets
through these services are genuine because they are verified through
cryptographic signed hashes that verify the contents as coming from
the vendors. The problem with these updates is that some of them
require machine reboots; In the case of Debian GNU/Linux this is
limited to kernel upgrades. We provide a simple service that monitors
these security update repositories. The autonomic service simply
downloads all security updates, and by using the pod's
checkpoint/restart mechanism enables the security updates that need
reboots to take effect without disrupting running applications and
causing them to lose state.
Commodity systems also provide information about the current state
of the system that can indicate if the system has an imminent failure
on its hands. Subsystems, such as a hard disk's Self-Monitoring
Analysis Reporting Technology (SMART), let an autonomic service
monitor the system's hardware state. SMART provides diagnostic
information, such as temperature and read/write error rates, on the
hard drives in the system that can indicate if the hard disk is
nearing failure. Many commodity computer motherboards also have the
ability to measure CPU and case temperature, as well as the speeds of
the fans that regulate those temperatures. If temperature in the
machine rises too high, hardware in the machine can fail
catastrophically. Similarly, if the fans fail and stop spinning, the
temperature will likely rise out of control. Our autonomic service
monitors these sensors and if it detects an imminent failure, will
attempt to migrate an AutoPod to a cooler system, as well as shutdown
the machine to prevent the hardware from being destroyed.
Many administrators use an uninterruptible power supply to avoid
having a computer lose or corrupt data in the event of a power loss.
While one can shutdown a computer when the battery backup runs low,
most applications are not written to save their data in the presence
of a forced shutdown. AutoPod, on the other hand, monitors UPS status
and if the battery backup becomes low can quickly checkpoint the pod's
state to avoid any data loss when the computer is forced to shutdown.
Similarly, the operating system kernel on the machine monitors the
state of the system, and if irregular conditions occur, such as DMA
timeout or needing to reset the IDE bus, will log this occurrence. Our
autonomic service monitors the kernel logs to discover these irregular
conditions. When the hardware monitoring systems or the kernel logs
provide information about possible pending system failures, the
autonomic service checkpoints the pods running on the system, and
migrates them to a new system to be restarted on. This ensures state
is not lost, while informing system administrators the a machine needs
Many policies can be implemented to determine which system a pod
should be migrated to while a machine needs maintenance. Our autonomic
service uses a simple policy of allowing a pod to be migrated around a
specified set of clustered machines. The autonomic service gets
reports at regular intervals from the other machines' autonomic
services that reports each machine's load. If the autonomic service
decides that it must migrate a pod, it chooses the machine in its
cluster that has the lightest load.
Security Analysis
Saltzer and Schroeder [24] describe several principles for
designing and building secure systems. These include:
Economy of mechanism: Simpler and smaller systems are easier to
understand and ensure that they do not allow unwanted access.
Complete mediation: Systems should check every access to
protected objects.
Least privilege: A process should only have access to the
privileges and resources it needs to do its job.
Psychological acceptability: If users are not willing to accept
the requirements that the security system imposes, such as very
complex passwords that the users are forced to write down, security is
impaired. Similarly, if using the system is too complicated, users
will misconfigure it and end up leaving it wide open.
Work factor: Security designs should force an attacker to have
to do extra work to break the system. The classic quantifiable example
is when one adds a single bit to an encryption key, one doubles the
key space an attacker has to search.
AutoPod is designed to satisfy these five principles. AutoPod
provides economy of mechanism using a thin virtualization layer based
on system call interposition and file system stacking that only adds a
modest amount of code to a running system. Furthermore, AutoPod
changes neither applications nor the underlying operating system
kernel. The modest amount of code to implement AutoPod makes the
system easier to understand. Since the AutoPod security model only
provides resources that are physically within the environment, it is
relatively easy to understand the security properties of resource
access provided by the model.
AutoPod provides for complete mediation of all resources available
on the host machine by ensuring that all resources accesses occur
through the pod's virtual namespace. Unless a file, process, or other
operating system resource was explicitly placed in the pod by the
administrator or created within the pod, AutoPod's virtualization will
not allow a process within a pod to access the resource.
AutoPod provides a least privilege environment by enabling an
administrator to only include the data necessary for each service.
AutoPod can provide separate pods for individual services so that
separate services are isolated and restricted to the appropriate set
of resources. Even if a service is exploited, AutoPod will limit the
attacker to the resources the administrator provided for that service.
While one can achieve similar isolation by running each individual
service on a separate machine, this leads to inefficient use of
resources. AutoPod maintains the same least privilege semantic of
running individual services on separate machines, while making
efficient use of machine resources at hand. For instance, an
administrator could run MySQL and Exim mail transfer services on a
single machine, but within different pods. If the Exim pod gets
exploited, the pod model ensures that the MySQL pod and its data will
remain isolated from the attacker.
AutoPod provides psychological acceptability by leveraging the
knowledge and skills system administrators already use to setup system
environments. Because pods provide a virtual machine model,
administrators can use their existing knowledge and skills to run
their services within pods. This differs from other least privilege
architectures that force an administrator to learn new principles or
complicated configuration languages that require a detailed
understanding of operating system principles.
AutoPod increases the work factor required to compromise a system
by not making available the resources that attackers depend on to harm
a system once they have broken in. For example, services like mail
delivery do not depend on having access to a shell. By not including a
shell program within a mail delivery AutoPod, one makes it difficult
for an attacker to get a root shell that they would use to further
their attacks. Similarly, the fact that one can migrate a system away
from a host that is vulnerable to attack increases the work an
attacker would have to do to make services unavailable.
AutoPod Examples
We briefly describe two examples that help illustrate how AutoPod
can be used to improve application availability for different
application scenarios. The application scenarios are system services,
such as e-mail delivery and desktop computing. In both cases we
describe the architecture of the system and show how it can be run
within AutoPod, enabling administrators to reduce downtime in the face
of machine maintenance. We also discuss how a system administrator can
setup and use pods.
System Services
Administrators like to run many services on a single machine. By
doing this, they are able to benefit from improved machine
utilization, but at the same time give each service access to many
resources they do not need to perform their job. A classic example of
this is e-mail delivery. E-mail delivery services, such as Exim, are
often run on the same system as other Internet services to improve
resource utilization and simplify system administration through server
consolidation. However, services such as Exim have been easily
exploited by the fact that they have access to system resources, such
as a shell program, that they do not need to perform their job.
For e-mail delivery, AutoPod can isolate e-mail delivery to
provide a significantly higher level of security in light of the many
attacks on mail transfer agent vulnerabilities that have occurred.
Consider isolating an Exim service, the default Debian mail transfer
agent, installation. Using AutoPod, Exim can execute in a resource
restricted pod, which isolates e-mail delivery from other services on
the system. Since pods allow one to migrate a service between
machines, the e-mail delivery pod is migratable. If a fault is
discovered in the underlying host machine, the e-mail delivery service
can be moved to another system while the original host is patched,
preserving the availability of the e-mail service.
With this e-mail delivery example, a simple system configuration
can prevent the common buffer overflow exploit of getting the
privileged server to execute a local shell. This is done by just
removing shells from within the Exim pod, thereby limiting the amateur
attacker's ability to exploit flaws while requiring very little
additional knowledge about how to configure the service. AutoPod can
further automatically monitor system status and checkpoint the Exim
pod if a fault is detected to ensure that no data is lost or
corrupted. Similarly, in the event that a machine has to be rebooted,
the service can automatically be migrated to a new machine to avoid
any service downtime.
A common maintenance problem system administrators face is that
forced machine downtime, for example due to reboots, can cause a
service to be unavailable for a period of time. A common way to avoid
this problem is to throw multiple machines at the problem. By
providing the service through a cluster of machines, system
administrators can upgrade the individual machines in a rolling
manner. This enables system administrators to upgrade the systems
providing the service while keeping the service available. The problem
with this solution is that system administrators need to throw more
machines at the problem than they might need to provide the service
effectively, thereby increasing management complexity as well as cost.
AutoPod in conjunction with hardware virtual machine monitors
improves this situation immensely. Using a virtual machine monitor to
provide two virtual machines on a single host, AutoPod can then run a
pod within a virtual machine to enable a single node maintenance
scenario that can decrease costs as well management complexity. During
regular operation, all application services run within the pod on one
virtual machine. When one has to upgrade the operating system in the
running virtual machine, one brings the second virtual machine online
and migrates the pod to the new virtual machine.
Once the initial virtual machine is upgraded and rebooted, the pod
can be migrated back to it. This reduces costs as only a single
physical machine is needed. This also reduces management complexity as
only one virtual machine is in use for the majority of the time the
service is in operation. Since AutoPod runs unmodified applications,
any application service that can be installed can make use of
AutoPod's ability to provide general single node maintenance.
Desktop Computing
As personal computers have become more ubiquitous in large
corporate, government, and academic organizations, the total cost of
owning and maintaining them is becoming unmanageable. These computers
are increasingly networked which only complicates the management
problem. They need to be constantly patched and upgraded to protect
them, and their data, from the myriad of viruses and other attacks
commonplace in today's networks.
To solve this problem, many organizations have turned to thin-client solutions such as Microsoft's Windows Terminal Services and
Sun's Sun Ray. Thin clients give administrators the ability to
centralize many of their administrative duties as only a single
computer or a cluster of computers needs to be maintained in a central
location, while stateless client devices are used to access users'
desktop computing environments. While thin-client solutions provide
some benefits for lowering administrative costs, this comes at the
loss of semantics users normally expect from a private desktop. For
instance, users who use their own private desktop expect to be
isolated from their coworkers. However, in a shared thin-client
environment, users share the same machine. There may be many shared
files and a user's computing behavior can impact the performance of
other users on the system.
While a thin-client environment minimizes the machines one has to
administrate, the centralized servers still need to be administrated,
and since they are more highly utilized, management becomes more
difficult. For instance, on a private system one only has to schedule
system maintenance with a single user, as reboots will force the
termination of all programs running on the system. However, in a thin-client environment, one has to schedule maintenance with all the users
on the system to avoid having them lose any important data.
AutoPod enables system administrators to solve these problems by
allowing each user to run a desktop session within a pod. Instead of
users directly sharing a single file system, AutoPod provides each pod
with a composite of three file systems: a shared read-only file system
of all the regular system files users expect in their desktop
environments, a private writable file system for a user's persistent
data, and a private writable file system for a user's temporary data.
By sharing common system files, AutoPod provides centralization
benefits that simplify system administration. By providing private
writable file systems for each pod, AutoPod provides each user with
privacy benefits similar to a private machine.
Coupling AutoPod virtualization and isolation mechanisms with a
migration mechanism can provide scalable computing resources for the
desktop and improve desktop availability. If a user needs access to
more computing resources, for instance while doing complex
mathematical computations, AutoPod can migrate that user's session to
a more powerful machine. If maintenance needs to be done on a host
machine, AutoPod can migrate the desktop sessions to other machines
without scheduling downtime and without forcefully terminating any
programs users are running.
Setting Up and Using AutoPod
To demonstrate how simple it is to setup a pod to run within the
AutoPod environment, we provide a step by step walkthrough on how one
would create a new pod that can run the Exim mail transfer agent.
Setting up AutoPod to provide the Exim pod on Linux is straightforward
and leverages the same skill set and experience system administrators
already have on standard Linux systems. AutoPod is started by loading
its kernel module into a Linux system and using its user-level
utilities to setup and insert processes into a pod.
Creating a pod's file system is the same as creating a chroot
environment. Administrators that have experience creating a minimal
environment, that just contains the application they want to isolate,
do not need to do any extra work. However, many administrators do not
have experience creating such an environment and therefore need an
easy way to create an environment to run their application in. These
administrators can take advantage of Debian's debootstrap utility that
enables a user to quickly setup an environment that's the equivalent
of a base Debian installation. An administrator would do a
debootstrap stable /pod to install the most recently released
Debian system into the /pod directory. While this will also
include many packages that are not required by the installation, it
provides a small base to work from. An administrator can remove
packages, such as the installed mail transfer agent, that are not
To configure Exim, an administrator edits the appropriate
configuration files within the /pod/etc/ exim4/ directory. To
run Exim in a pod, an administrator does mount -o bind /pod
/autopod/exim/root to loopback mount the pod directory onto the
staging area directory where AutoPod expects it. autopod add
exim is used to create a new pod named exim which uses
/autopod/exim/root as the root for its file system. Finally,
autopod addproc exim /usr/sbin/exim4 is used to start Exim
within the pod by executing the /usr/sbin/exim4 program, which
is actually located at /autopod/exim/ root/usr/sbin/exim4.
AutoPod isolates the processes running within a pod from the rest
of the system, which helps contain intrusions if they occur. However,
since a pod does not have to be maintained by itself, but can be
maintained in the context of a larger system, one can also prune down
the environment and remove many programs that an attacker could use
against the system. For instance, if an Exim pod has no need to run
any shell scripts, there is no reason an administrator has to leave
programs such as /bin/bash, /bin/sh and
/bin/dash within the environment. One issue is that these
programs are necessary if the administrator wants to be able to simply
upgrade the package in the future via normal Debian methods. Since it
is simple to recreate the environment, one approach would be to remove
all the programs that are not wanted within the environment and
recreate the environment when an upgrade is needed. Another approach
would be to move those programs outside of the pod, such as by
creating a /pod-backup directory. To upgrade the pod using the
normal Debian package upgrade methods, the programs can then be moved
back into the pod file system.
If an administrator wants to manually reboot the system without
killing the processes within this Exim pod, the administrator can
first checkpoint the pod to disk by running autopod checkpoint
exim -o /exim.pod, which tells AutoPod to checkpoint the processes
associated with the exim pod to the file /exim.pod. The system
can then be rebooted, potentially with an updated kernel. Once it
comes back up, the pod can be restarted from the /exim.pod
file by running autopod restart exim -i /exim.pod. These
mechanisms are the same as those used by the AutoPod system status
service for controlling the checkpointing and migration of pods.
Name | Description | Linux
getpid | average getpid runtime | 350 ns
ioctl | average runtime for the FIONREAD ioctl | 427 ns
shmget-shmctl | IPC Shared memory segment holding an integer
is created and removed | 3361 ns
semget-semctl | IPC Semaphore variable is created and
removed | 1370 ns
fork-exit | process forks and waits for child which calls
exit immediately | 44.7 us
fork-sh | process forks and waits for child to run
/bin/sh to run a program that prints "hello world" then
exits | 3.89 ms
Apache | Runs Apache under load and measures average request
time | 1.2 ms
Make | Linux Kernel compile with up to 10 process active at
one time | 224.5 s
Postmark | Use Postmark Benchmark to simulate Exim
performance | .002 s
MySQL | "TPC-W like" interactions benchmark | 8.33 s
Table 2: Application
Standard Debian facilities for installing packages can be used for
running other services within a pod. Once the base environment is
setup, an administrator can chroot into this environment by running
chroot /pod to continue setting it up. By editing the
/etc/apt/ sources.list file appropriately and running apt-get update, an administrator will be able to install any Debian
package into the pod. In the Exim example, Exim does not need to be
installed since it is the default MTA and already included in the base
Debian installation. If one wanted to install another MTA, such as
Sendmail, one could run apt-get install sendmail, which will
download Sendmail and all the packages needed to run it. This will
work for any service available within Debian. An administrator can
also use the dpkg --purge option to remove packages that are
not required by a given pod. For instance, in running an Apache web
server in a pod, one could remove the default Exim mail transfer agent
since it is not needed by Apache.
Experimental Results
We implemented AutoPod as a loadable kernel module in Linux, that
requires no changes to the Linux kernel, as well as a user space
system status monitoring service. We present some experimental results
using our Linux prototype to quantify the overhead of using AutoPod on
various applications. Experiments were conducted on a trio of IBM
Netfinity 4500R machines, each with a 933 Mhz Intel Pentium-III CPU,
512 MB RAM, 9.1 GB SCSI HD and a 100 Mbps Ethernet connected to a 3Com
Superstack II 3900 switch. One of the machines was used as an NFS
server from which directories were mounted to construct the virtual
file system for the AutoPod on the other client systems. The clients
ran different Linux distributions and kernels, one machine running
Debian Stable with a Linux 2.4.5 kernel and the other running Debian
Unstable with a Linux 2.4.18 kernel.
To measure the cost of AutoPod virtualization, we used a range of
micro benchmarks and real application workloads and measured their
performance on our Linux AutoPod prototype and a vanilla Linux system.
Table 2 shows the seven micro-benchmarks and four application
benchmarks we used to quantify AutoPod virtualization overhead as well
as the results for a vanilla Linux system. To obtain accurate
measurements, we rebooted the system between measurements.
Additionally, the system call micro-benchmarks directly used the TSC
register available on Pentium CPUs to record timestamps at the
significant measurement events. Each timestamp's average cost was 58
ns. The files for the benchmarks were stored on the NFS Server. All of
these benchmarks were performed in a chrooted environment on the NFS
client machine running Debian Unstable with a Linux 2.4.18 kernel.
Figure 4 shows the results of running the benchmarks under both
configurations, with the vanilla Linux configuration normalized to
one. Since all benchmarks measure the time to run the benchmark, a
small number is better for all benchmarks results.
The results in Figure 2 show that AutoPod virtualization overhead
is small. AutoPod incurs less than 10% overhead for most of the micro-benchmarks and less than 4% overhead for the application workloads.
The overhead for the simple system call getpid benchmark is
only 7% compared to vanilla Linux, reflecting the fact that AutoPod
virtualization for these kinds of system calls only requires an extra
procedure call and a hash table lookup. The most expensive benchmarks
for AutoPod is semget+semctl which took 51% longer than
vanilla Linux. The cost reflects the fact that our untuned AutoPod
prototype needs to allocate memory and do a number of namespace
Name | Applications | Normal Startup
E-mail | Exim 3.36 | 504 ms
Web | Apache 1.3.26 and MySQL 4.0.14 . | 2.1 s
Desktop | Xvnc - VNC 3.3.3r2 X Server KDE - Entire KDE 2.2.2
environment, including window manager, panel and assorted background
daemon and utilities SSH - openssh 3.4p1 client inside a KDE konsole
terminal connected to a remote host Shell - The Bash 2.05a shell
running in a konsole terminal KGhostView - A PDF viewer with a 450 KB
16 page PDF file loaded. Konqueror - A modern standards compliant web
browser that is part of KDE KOffice - The KDE word processor and
spreadsheet programs | 19 s |
3: Application scenarios.
Figure 2: AutoPod virtualization overhead.
The ioctl benchmark also has high overhead, because of the
12 separate assignments it does to protect the call against malicious
root processes. This is large compared to the simple FIONREAD
ioctl that just performs a simple dereference. However, since
the ioctl is simple, we see that it only adds 200 ns of
overhead over any ioctl. For real applications, the most
overhead was only four percent which was for the Apache workload,
where we used the http_load benchmark [18] to place a parallel
fetch load on the server with 30 clients fetching at the same time.
Similarly, we tested MySQL as part of a web-commerce scenario outlined
by TPC-W with a bookstore servlet running on top of Tomcat with a
MySQL back-end. The AutoPod overhead for this scenario was less than
2% versus vanilla Linux.
To measure the cost of AutoPod migration and demonstrate the
ability of AutoPod to migrate real applications, we migrated the three
application scenarios; an email delivery service using Exim and
Procmail, a web content delivery service using Apache and MySQL, and a
KDE desktop computing environment. Table 3 described the
configurations of the application scenarios we migrated, as well as
showing the time it takes to startup on a regular Linux system. To
demonstrate our AutoPod prototype's ability to migrate across Linux
kernels with different minor versions, we checkpointed each
application workload on the 2.4.5 kernel client machine and restarted
it on the 2.4.18 kernel machine. For these experiments, the workloads
were checkpointed to and restarted from local disk.
Case | Check Point | Restart | Size | Compr'd
E-mail | 11 ms | 14 ms | 284 KB | 84 KB
Web | 308 ms | 47 ms | 5.3 MB | 332 KB
Desktop | 851 ms | 942 ms | 35 MB | 8.8 MB
Table 4: AutoPod migration
Table 4 shows the time it took to checkpoint and restart each
application workload. In addition to these, migration time also has to
take into account network transfer time. As this is dependent on the
transport medium, we include the uncompressed and compressed
checkpoint image sizes. In all cases, checkpoint and restart times
were significantly faster than the regular startup times listed in
Table 5, taking less than a second for both operations, even when
performed on separate machines or across a reboot. We also show that
the actual checkpoint images that were saved were modest in size for
complex workloads. For example, the Desktop pod had over 30 different
processes running, providing the KDE desktop applications, as well as
substantial underlying window system infrastructure, including inter-application sharing, a rich desktop interface managed by a window
manager with a number of applications running in a panel such as the
clock. Even with all these applications running, they checkpoint to a
very reasonable 35 MB uncompressed for a full desktop environment.
Additionally, if one needed to transfer the checkpoint images over a
slow link, Table 6 shows that they can be compressed very well with
the bzip2 compression program.
Related Work
Virtual machine monitors (VMMs) have been used to provide secure
isolation [4, 29, 30], and have also been used to to migrate an entire
operating system environment [25]. Unlike AutoPod, standard VMMs
decouple processes from the underlying machine hardware, but tie them
to an instance of an operating system. As a result, VMMs cannot
migrate processes apart from that operating system instance and cannot
continue running those processes if the operating system instance ever
goes down, such as during security upgrades. In contrast, AutoPod
decouples process execution from the underlying operating system which
allows it to migrate processes to another system when an operating
system instance is upgraded. VMMs have been proposed to support online
maintenance of systems [14] by having a microvisor that supports at
most two virtual machines running on the machine at the same time,
effectively giving each physical machine the ability to act as its own
hot spare. However, this proposal explicitly depends on AutoPod
migration functionality yet does not provide it.
A number of other approaches have explored the idea of
virtualizing the operating system environment to provide application
isolation. FreeBSD's Jail mode [10] provides a chroot like environment
that processes can not break out of. However, since Jail is limited in
what it can do, such as the fact it does not allow IPC within a jail
[9] many real world application will not work. More recently, Linux
Vserver [1] and Solaris Zones [19] offer a similar virtual machine
abstraction as AutoPod pods, but require substantial in-kernel
modifications to support the abstraction. They do not provide
isolation of migrating applications across independent machines, and
have no support for maintaining application availability in the
presence of operating system maintenance and security upgrades.
Many systems have been proposed to support process migration [2,
3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 23, 26], but do not allow migration
across independent machines running different operating system
versions. TUI [27] provides support for process migration across
machines running different operating systems and hardware
architectures. Unlike AutoPod, TUI has to compile applications on each
platform using a special compiler and does not work with unmodified
legacy applications. AutoPod builds on a pod abstraction introduced in
Zap [16] to support transparent migration across systems running the
same kernel version. Zap does not address security issues or
heterogeneous migration. AutoPod goes beyond Zap in providing a
complete, secure virtual machine abstraction for isolating processes,
finer-grain mechanisms for isolating application components, and
transparent migration across minor kernel versions, which is essential
for providing application availability in the presence of operating
system security upgrades.
Replication in clustered systems can provide the ability to do
rolling upgrades. By leveraging many nodes, individual nodes can be
taken down for maintenance, without significantly impacting the load
the cluster can handle. For example, web content is commonly delivered
by multiple web servers behind a front end manager. This front end
manager enables an administrator to bring down back end web servers
for maintenance as it will only direct requests to the active web
servers. This simple solution is effective because it is easy to
replicate web servers to serve the same content. While this model
works fine for web server loads, as the individual jobs are very
short, it does not work for long running jobs, such as a user's
desktop. In the web server case, replication and upgrades are easy to
do since only one web server is used to serve any individual request
and any web server can be used to serve any request. For long running
stateful applications, such as a user's desktop, requests cannot be
arbitrarily redirected to any desktop computing environment as each
user's desktop session is unique. While specialized hardware support
could be used to keep replicas synchronized, by having all of them
process all operations, this is prohibitively expensive for most
workloads and does not address the problem of how to resynchronize the
replicas in the presence of rolling upgrades.
Another possible solution to this problem is allowing the kernel
to be hot plugable. While micro-kernels are not prevalent, they
contain this ability to upgrade their parts on the fly. More commonly,
many modern monolithic kernels have kernel modules that can be
inserted and removed dynamically. This can allow one to upgrade parts
of a monolithic kernel without requiring any reboots. The Nooks [28]
system extends this concept by enabling kernel drivers and other
kernel functionality, such as file systems, to be isolated into their
own protection domain to help isolate faults in kernel code and
provide a more reliable system. However, in all of these cases, their
is still a base kernel on the machine that cannot be replaced without
a reboot. If one has to replace that part, all data would be lost.
The K42 operating system has the ability to be dynamically updated
[5]. This functionality enables software patches to be applied to a
running kernel even in the presence of data structure changes.
However, it requires a completely new operating system design and does
not work with any commodity operating system. Even on K42, it is not
yet possible to upgrade the kernel while running realistic application
The AutoPod system provides an operating system virtualization
layer that decouples process execution from the underlying operating
system, by running the process within a pod. Pods provide an easy-to-use lightweight virtual machine abstraction that can securely isolate
individual applications without the need to run an operating system
instance in the pod. Furthermore, AutoPod can be transparently migrate
isolated applications across machines running different operating
system kernel versions. This enables security patches to be applied to
operating systems in a timely manner with minimal impact on the
availability of application services. It also preserves secure
isolation of untrusted applications in the presence of migration.
We have implemented AutoPod on Linux without requiring any
application or operating system kernel changes. We demonstrated how
pods can be used to enable autonomic machine maintenance and increase
availability for a range of applications, including e-mail delivery,
web servers with databases and desktop computing. Our measurements on
real world applications demonstrate that AutoPod imposes little
overhead, provides sub-second suspend and resume times that can be an
order of magnitude faster than starting applications after a system
reboot, and enables systems to autonomously stay updated with relevant
maintenance and security patches, while ensuring no loss of data and
minimizing service disruption.
Matt Selsky contributed to the architecture of the isolation
mechanism. Dinesh Subhraveti contributed to the implementation of the
process migration mechanism. This work was supported in part by NSF
grants CNS-0426623 and ANI-0240525, and an IBM SUR Award.
Author Information
Shaya Potter is a Ph.D. candidate in Columbia University's
Computer Science department. His research interests are focused around
improving computer usage for users and administrators through
virtualization and process migration technologies. He received his
B.A. from Yeshiva University and his M.S. and M.Phil degrees from
Columbia University, all in Computer Science. Reach him electronically
Jason Nieh is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at
Columbia University and Director of the Network Computing Laboratory.
He is also the technical adviser for nine States on the Microsoft
Antitrust Settlement. He received his B.S. from MIT and his M.S. and
Ph.D. from Stanford University, all in Electrical Engineering. Reach
him electronically at
[1] Linux VServer Project,
[2] Artsy, Y, Y. Chang, and R. Finkel, "Interprocess
communication in charlotte," IEEE Software, pages 22-28,
January, 1987.
[3] Barak, A. and R. Wheeler, "MOSIX: An Integrated
Multiprocessor UNIX," Proceedings of the USENIX Winter 1989
Technical Conference, pp. 101-112, San Diego, CA, February, 1989.
[4] Barham, P., B. Dragovic, K. Fraser, S. Hand, T. Harris, A.
Ho, R. Neugebauery, I. Pratt, and A. Warfield, "Xen and the Art of
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To isolate regular Linux processes within a pod, AutoPod
interposes on a number of system calls. Below we provide a complete
list of the small number of system calls that require more than plain
virtualization. We give the reasoning for the interposition and what
functionality was changed from the base system call. Most system calls
do not require more than simple virtualization to ensure isolation
because virtualization of the resources itself takes care of the
isolation. For example, the kill system call can not signal a
processes outside of a pod because the virtual private namespace will
not map them and therefore it cannot reference it.
Host Only System Calls
mount - If a user within a regular pod is able to mount a file
system, they could mount a file system with device nodes already
present and thus would be able to access the underlying system
directly in a manner that is not controlled by AutoPod. Therefore,
regular pod processes are prevented from using this system call.
stime, adjtimex - These system call enable a privileged
process to adjust the host's clock. If a user within a regular pod
could call this system call they would cause a change on the host.
Therefore regular pod processes are prevented from using this system
acct - This system call sets what file on the host BSD process
accounting information should be written to. As this is host specific
functionality, AutoPod prevents regular pod processes from using this
system call.
swapon, swapoff - These system calls control swap space
allocation. Since these system calls are host specific and have no use
within a regular pod, AutoPod prevents regular pod processes from
calling these system calls.
reboot - This system call can cause the system to reboot or
change Ctrl-Alt-Delete functionality and therefore serves no place
inside a regular pod. AutoPod therefore disallows regular pod
processes from calling it.
ioperm, iopl - These system calls enable a privileged process
to gain direct access to underlying hardware resources. Since regular
pod processes do not access hardware directly, AutoPod prevents
regular pod process from calling these system calls.
create_module, init_module, delete_module, query_ module -
These system calls are only related to inserting and removing kernel
modules. As this is a host specific function, AutoPod prevents regular
pod processes from calling these system calls.
sethostname, setdomainname - These system call sets the name
for the underlying host. AutoPod wraps these system calls to save it
as a pod specific name and allows each pod to call it independently.
nfsservctl - This system call can enable a privileged process
inside a pod to change the host's internal NFS server. AutoPod
therefore prevents a process within a regular pods from calling this
system call.
Root Squashed System Calls
nice, setpriority, sched_setscheduler - These system calls
lets a process change its priority. If a process is running as root
(UID 0), it can increase its priority and freeze out other processes
on the system. Therefore, AutoPod prevents any regular pod process
from increasing its priority.
ioctl - This system call is a syscall demultiplexer that
enables kernel device drivers and subsystems to add their own
functions that can be called from user space. However, as
functionality can be exposed that enables root to access the
underlying host, all system call beyond a limited audited safe set are
squashed to user nobody, similar to what NFS does.
setrlimit - this system call enables processes running as uid
0 to raise their resource limits beyond what was preset, thereby
enabling them to disrupt other processes on the system by using too
much resources. AutoPod therefore prevents regular pod processes from
using this system call to increase the resources available to them.
mlock, mlockall - These system calls enable a privileged
process to pin an arbitrary amount of memory, thereby enabling a pod
process to lock all of available memory and starve all the other
processes on the host. AutoPod therefore squashes a privileged
processes to user nobody when it attempts to call this system call to
treat it like a regular process.
Option Checked System Calls
mknod - This system call enables a privileged user to make
special files, such pipes, sockets and devices as well as regular
files. Since a privileged process needs to make use of such
functionality, the system call cannot be disabled. However, if the
process could create a device it be creating an access point to the
underlying host system. Therefore when a regular pod process makes use
of this system call, the options are checked to prevent it from
creating a device special file, while allowing the other types through