Chetan Shankar - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Vanish Talwar, Subu Iyer, Yuan Chen, and Dejan
- Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
Roy Campbell - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pp. 103-118 of the Proceedings of LISA '06:
20th Large Installation System Administration Conference
(Washington, DC:
USENIX Association, December 3-8, 2006).
Enterprise and grid computing systems are complex and subject to a
broad range of changes such as configuration updates, failures, and
performance degradations. These changes affect infrastructure elements
such as computation and storage nodes, applications, and system
management elements such as monitoring infrastructures. Today's best
practices in use by system administrators to manage these changes are
manual and ad-hoc. In large complex installations, this would lead to
high operational costs, broken closed loop automation, and reduced
agility. Providing tools and mechanisms to administrators that
automate the reaction to these changes is highly desirable and is an
active research area.
Policy-based management using Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules
is a well-known approach for such automated change management where
management actions are executed when specified event-conditions are
observed. In complex systems, the interdependence of components
generates multiple events when a single change happens causing
multiple rules to be triggered. The order of execution of rule actions
determines the system behavior necessitating reasoning about execution
order. ECA rules do not contain explicit action specifications needed
for reasoning and are therefore unsuited for specifying management
In this paper, we propose a specification-enhanced ECA model
called Event-Condition-Precondition-Action-Postcondition (ECPAP) for
designing adaptation rules. ECPAP rules contain action specifications
in first order predicate logic enabling us to develop reasoning
algorithms to determine enforcement order of multiple rules. The
enforcement order is represented as a Boolean Interpreted Petri Net
workflow. We introduce a new notion called enforcement semantics that
provides guarantees about rule ordering. We have built an adaptation
framework using ECPAP model and have demonstrated it for automated
change management of Ganglia and HP OpenView monitoring systems. The
evaluation of the framework illustrates the significance of the ECPAP
model and demonstrates its applicability for managing complex IT
Modern IT systems, such as enterprise data centers and grids, are
paradigms of distributed computing where computation and data are
distributed across diverse computational and storage elements. These
systems are characterized by growing complexity, scale, and
heterogeneity of infrastructure and applications. Further, these
systems are highly dynamic, and subject to frequent changes such as
service plug-in/plug-out, workload variations, failures, configuration
updates, and application migration. Such changes affect the runtime
operation of the system, and the service contracts offered to
customers. Therefore, in reaction to these changes, infrastructure
elements, applications, as well as system management components need
to be adapted. For example, compute and storage resources may have to
be re-allocated, applications may need to be restarted, and monitoring
infrastructures may require re-configuration.
Current approaches used by administrators to manage these changes
are manual and/or a combination of ad-hoc tools and scripts. The
process typically requires special expertise and detailed actions by
administrators. While these approaches may work fine in small scale
installations, they do not scale in larger scale installations typical
of modern IT systems and utility systems of tomorrow. In such
environments, there is a need to provide administrators with tools
that can capture the expert domain knowledge in machine readable
format and thereafter react to changes in an automated manner.
The use of Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules [1] is a well-known
approach for enabling system administrators to specify the desired
actions to be invoked on changes in policy rules [5, 6, 7, 10, 20].
When a change event is received, the rules matching the event are
determined. If the conditions in these rules are true, the
corresponding actions are executed. An example of an ECA rule is
``When checkpoint store is full (event), if backup store is
running (condition), assign backup store as new checkpoint
store (action).'' When the checkpoint store becomes full, an
event is sent that triggers the rule. The management system verifies
if the backup store is running and if so assigns it as the new
checkpoint store.
Policy-based management systems have been effectively used to
manage network switches [5], content distribution networks [6], and
general distributed systems [7]. The applicability of policy-based
systems for reacting to changes in today's IT systems, such as data
centers and utility infrastructures, presents numerous challenges due
to highly interdependent components. Changes in these environments
propagate rapidly causing several related changes.
Consider, for example, an infrastructure for monitoring
performance of a data center as depicted in Figure 1. The
infrastructure consists of a set of monitored nodes on which
monitoring agents continuously collect performance data and send them
to nodes called aggregators. These aggregators perform
statistical functions on the collected data and send them to
interested clients, such as archival stores and performance
visualizers. An aggregator's output typically represents the
performance data of a cluster and is useful for viewing consolidated
Figure 1: Infrastructure for monitoring performance of
a data center.
If the aggregator node fails, monitored nodes cannot send data and
may report failures. Similarly, clients using the performance data may
report failures as they do not receive any data from the aggregator.
Other clients such as load balancers and job schedulers using this
data may unnecessarily rebalance the load or schedule jobs incorrectly
thus affecting the overall utilization of the system.
Change detectors monitoring different aspects of the system sense
several changes due to aggregator failure and generate various events.
This causes several policy rules to get triggered in the adaptation
The order of enforcement of rules determines the final system
state. As illustrated in Figure 2, the failure of aggregator node
generates multiple events. These events trigger two rules - R1
and R2. R1 states: ``If aggregator node fails, assign
failover node as aggregator'' and rule R2 states: ``If data-send
from monitoring agent fails, reconnect to aggregator.'' When the
aggregator node fails, both rules are triggered. If R1 is
enforced before R2, the failover node is assigned as aggregator
and the monitoring agent is reconnected to it. But if R2 is
enforced before R1, the action of R2 fails since the
monitoring agent tries to reconnect to the stopped aggregator.
Figure 2: Problem with ECA based system.
Therefore, the order of enforcement of rules determines the final
system state when multiple rules are simultaneously triggered. An
adaptation system should reason about the enforcement order of rules
and provide guarantees for system behavior to be deterministic.
ECA rules do not contain explicit action specifications needed for
reasoning and are therefore unsuited for specifying management rules
in such environments. Therefore, we propose an extended model of ECA
called Event-Condition-Precondition-Action-Postcondition (ECPAP) for
designing management rules. These rules contain the axiomatic
specification of rule actions in first-order predicate logic as pre-and
post-conditions. The pre-condition specifies the partial system
state before execution of rule action while post-condition specifies
the partial system state once the action has successfully executed.
Note that the rule condition is different from pre-condition
because the rule condition is specified by the policy designer while
the pre-condition is specified by the action developer (programmer).
We have used the ECPAP rule framework for conflict detection and
resolution and monitoring of rule enforcement in [11] and analyzing
policy cycles in [10]. In this paper, we show how the pre- and post-conditions
can be used to determine the dependencies among triggered
rule actions and reason about their enforcement order.
Given a set of triggered rules, the adaptation system dynamically
generates a Petri net workflow representing dependencies among rule
actions. An action depends on another action if the pre-condition of
the former is satisfied by the post-condition of the latter. Since
specifications are in first-order predicate logic, which are
undecidable in the general case, dependencies can only be determined
at runtime when the specifications are instantiated to form
propositional expressions. Therefore, workflows of rule actions cannot
be constructed statically and must be done at runtime.
Certain actions may be independent of other triggered actions and
therefore may not be present in the workflow. In such cases, the
system could take one of several possible decisions, for, e.g., it may
abort the workflow, or it may execute the maximum possible actions and
so on. We identify the need for policy-based systems to provide
semantic guarantees for rule enforcement in such circumstances.
We introduce a notion called rule enforcement semantics for
policy-based systems that provides certain guarantees when multiple
rules are concurrently triggered. We have identified three enforcement
semantics - random, all-or-none and maximum rule - that have been
found useful in different circumstances. We discuss this in detail in
section ``Ordering Rule Enforcement.''
We make the following contributions in this paper:
We propose a specification-enhanced rule framework called Event-Condition-Precondition-Action-Postcondition
(ECPAP) for specifying
adaptation rules.
We present algorithms to determine enforcement order of multiple rules
using the ECPAP model. The enforcement order is represented as a
Boolean Interpreted Petri Net (BIPN) workflow. We also introduce a new
notion called enforcement semantics that provides guarantees about
rule enforcement.
We describe an adaptation framework built using the ECPAP model and
demonstrate its application for automated change management of Ganglia
and HP OpenView monitoring systems.
We present evaluation results that illustrate the need for enforcement
guarantees and the feasibility of the ECPAP model.
Our extension of the ECA framework with action specifications
follows naturally from current research efforts in autonomic
computing. There has been widespread interest lately on using planning
techniques from AI for programming and managing distributed systems
with encouraging results [10, 11, 12, 13, 24]. In [10, 11] we showed
how extending actions with specifications enabled advanced conflict
and termination analysis for policy-based management systems.
Andrzejak, et al. [12] have used actions with pre- and post-conditions
for planning complex workflows from simple actions for system
The ABLE project [13] uses axiomatic specifications of actions for
goal-based autonomic computing. Anand, et al. [24] use specification-enhanced
actions, expressed as pre-conditions and effects, for
programming pervasive computing environments. These research works
have shown that annotating actions with simple pre- and post-condition
specifications provides numerous benefits such as raising the
programming abstraction level and automating system management. Based
on the success of these efforts we have extended management policies
with action specifications and introduced the ECPAP rule framework.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next
section, we present in detail the ECPAP rule framework. We then
describe the workflow generation algorithms and enforcement semantics.
Subsequently, we present the ECPAP-based adaptation framework and its
application for managing monitoring systems. We then discuss
evaluation results and some lessons learned. Finally, we present
related work and a conclusion.
Specification-Enhanced Rule Framework
The ECA rule framework is used in different paradigms such as
active databases, access control and system management to react to
different situations. Active databases use the ECA framework for
designing triggers that specify actions to be executed when certain
database operations such as record insertion or deletion are made.
Access control systems use ECA rules to authorize or deny access when
an access request is made. Management systems use the ECA framework
for designing obligation rules [7] to specify management
actions to be executed when system changes are observed. Rule actions
in active databases and access control are normally well-defined and
hence their effects on the system are implicitly known.
For example, active database trigger rules normally use insert,
delete and update actions [21] while access control actions are
normally authorize, deny and delegate. This enables complex reasoning
such as confluence [21], rights-amplification and conflict analyses to
be performed over these rules. But rule actions in system management
are not well-defined and can range from simple atomic actions to
complex scripts and so their effects on the system are not implicitly
known. Therefore, explicitly specifying the action effects using pre-and
post-conditions enables complex reasoning to be performed over
management rules. This motivated us to design the ECPAP rule
The ECPAP framework extends the ECA framework by using the Hoare
triple [23]. A Hoare triple represented as
describes how an action C changes the state of computation from a
state where P is true to a state where Q is true. P and Q,
expressed as first-order predicate logic expressions, are pre-and
post-conditions of C, respectively and are called axiomatic
specifications. The pre-condition specifies the system state that
should exist before C can be executed.
Our adaptation policies are formulated as sets of ECPAP rules
of the form on event if condition
do action
A policy rule is read as: ``When event occurs in a situation where
condition is true, then execute action.'' The action is a call to a
method in a library of actions where each action is annotated with a
pre-condition and a post-condition by the action developer
(programmer). Note that pre- and post-conditions are not specified as
part of the rules since an action may be invoked by multiple rules in
the policy and this format avoids listing the specifications at
multiple places.
We represent an ECPAP rule as (e, c, p)
(a, s) where e
denotes the rule event, c denotes the condition of the rule, p is
the pre-condition of the action, a is the action to be executed and
s is the action post-condition. Our policy rule framework extends
that of Policy Description Language (PDL) [1] by adding axiomatic
specifications as ``extension''s to the rule.
Policy 1: Adaptation Policy for Performance
Monitoring Scenario.
Policy Syntax and Semantics
There are three basic classes of symbols: primitive event
symbols, action symbols and constant symbols. Primitive event symbols
represent basic events that can be subscribed to in the system. For
example, MonNodeFail and ServiceFail are primitive
event symbols that are generated when a monitored node or service
fails. An event is a primitive event symbol or a term of the form
e(T1 t1, ..., Tn tn)
where e is a primitive event symbol of n arguments
and each ti is a constant or a variable of type
Ti. e(T1 t1, ...,
Tn tn) represents a parameterized event
where the parameters are bound to the data contained in the event.
The condition part of an ECPAP rule is a boolean expression
containing constants and variables that appear in the event part of
the rule.
Each action symbol denotes the name of a procedure that can be
invoked in the system. An action is of the form proc(t1,
..., tn) where proc is an action symbol and
{tis are parameters. For example, startService(S)
is an action. Actions are defined in an action library that also
contains pre- and post-conditions of actions.
Pre- and post-conditions of an action are first-order predicate
logic formulas of the form
p1 (
pk) k=2..m,
pi is a first-order predicate of the form
X1, ..., Qn tn
Xn pred(t1, ..., tn):
Qi is a quantifier, Xi is a
constant symbol and each ti is a constant or a
A policy, P is a finite set of ECPAP rules. The adaptation
system enforcing the policy expects as input an event e, and its
occurrence is represented by occ(e). The semantics of each rule,
(e, c, p)
(a, s) in the policy is specified by the
where exec(a) represents the initiation of the execution of
action a. The evaluation of the rule and execution of the
action is treated as an atomic operation, i.e., if the system state
changes after the rule evaluation and before the action execution,
the change is ignored.
Pre- and Post-condition Expressions
The pre- and post-conditions use pre-defined keywords for
specifying first-order expressions. For example, MonitoredNodes
and ClientNodes are keywords that represent sets of monitored
nodes and client nodes in our system. In our example scenario these
sets are: MonitoredNodes = {m1, m2} and
ClientNodes ={store, visual}. A quantifier over these
sets enumerates all the elements of the set. First-order expressions
are undecidable in the general case and therefore we convert them to
propositional logic expressions, which are decidable, during
Consider, for example,
MonitoredNodes, statusNode(x, running) is a first-order expression
that is converted to statusNode(m1, running)
statusNode (m2,
running) before analysis. These expressions are evaluated by
invoking corresponding methods in the system and verifying the
return values. For example, statusNode(m1, running)
is evaluated by comparing the return value of the call
statusNode(m1) with the string ``running.''
Example Adaptation Policy
The adaptation policy for the scenario described in the first
section is shown in Policy 1. The pre- and post-conditions of actions
are shown italicized in braces for convenience and are not specified
as part of the rules.
Rule R1 gets triggered when the aggregator node fails and
if the failed node is not the failover node, it assigns the failover
node as the new aggregator. Rule R2 is triggered when any
monitored node fails to send data to the aggregator. The rule tries to
reconnect the monitored node to the aggregator. Rule R3 is
triggered when a node fails to receive data from the aggregator node.
The rule reconnects the node to the aggregator node. Rule R4 is
triggered when the aggregation agent stops. The aggregation agent
needs to be started everytime new clients or monitored nodes are
connected to the aggregator node. This rule restarts the aggregation
When the aggregator node fails, the monitored nodes are unable to
send data and the archival store and visualizer nodes do not receive
any data. Therefore, one AggregatorFail event, two
DataSendFail events (one each from two monitored nodes), two
DataReceptionFail events (one each from the archival store and
visualizer nodes) and one AggregationAgentStopped events are
generated. These events trigger multiple instances of the above rules.
If both instances of rules R2 and R3 are
enforced before R1, the nodes try to connect to the failed
aggregator and therefore do not succeed. If R4 is enforced
before the other rules, the aggregation agent restart fails and so the
nodes can neither send nor receive data. But if R1 is
enforced before R2 and R3 and R4 is
enforced in the end, the nodes get connected to the failover
aggregator and the monitoring activity is restored. Therefore, the
order of enforcement of rules determines system behavior. While
``correct'' order of rule enforcement is hard to define and requires
experimental justification, other simpler guarantees about ordering
can be provided as will be discussed shortly.
Ordering Rule Enforcement
An adaptation policy is subject to numerous changes such as
addition and deletion of rules, rule modifications and policy
composition. Each rule is generally evaluated and enforced independent
of other rules in the policy. When multiple rules are triggered the
order of enforcement of rules determines the system behavior, as
demonstrated in the previous section. Therefore, we define a new
notion called enforcement semantics that provides certain
guarantees about rule enforcement. Enforcement semantics of a policy-based
adaptation system dictates the way rules are to be enforced when
multiple rules are simultaneously triggered.
When a set of rules is triggered, the execution order of the rule
actions is determined by constructing a workflow that expresses
dependencies between different actions. The pre- and post-conditions
of actions determine which action enables which other actions. An
action is said to enable another action if the post-condition
of the former satisfies the pre- condition of the latter. In our
example scenario, the post-condition in rule R1 satisfies the
pre-condition in R2. Therefore, action of R1 is said to
enable that of R2.
The workflow of rule actions is represented as a Boolean
Interpreted Petri net (BIPN) [4], which is useful to model and reason
about concurrent action execution. A Boolean Interpreted Petri net is
a Petri net [3] whose transitions are assigned Boolean functions. A
transition can fire only when all of its input places are marked and
its Boolean function is true. We assign a place to each action
and each transition leading to the place is assigned the pre-condition
of the action as the Boolean function. We formally define our workflow
BIPN in Appendix I. We will describe the algorithms that construct the
workflow in the rest of this section. The various notations used in
the algorithms in this section are catalogued in Figure 3.
V | : | set of trivially-enabled actions
A | : | set of actions of triggered rules
Enable(a) | : | set of actions enabled by action a
P = {Start} | : | set of Petri net Places - initialized to
Place called `Start'
T = {} | : | set of Petri net Transitions
place(a) | : | Place for action a
adj(x) | : | adjacency list of x represented as a set,
where x P
trans(p, f) | : | Transition with Boolean function f
connected by edges from places in set p
Figure 3: Notations used in the
workflow generation algorithms.
Workflow Construction
The workflow is constructed by analyzing each pair of actions to
determine if one enables the other. The current system state can be
represented as a set of propositions and pre-conditions of certain
actions may be satisfied by it. These actions are independent of other
triggered rules and can be executed as the first set of actions in the
workflow. These actions are called trivially-enabled actions.
Definition 1: An action a is said to be trivially-enabled
if the current state of the system, I, satisfies its
pre-condition. Formally, it is represented as
pre(a), where
is the satisfies symbol.
In our example scenario, the pre-condition in R1
: statusNode(``FailOver'', running) is satisfied by the
current system state since the failover system is running when the
aggregator node fails. Therefore, the action of R1
can be executed independent of actions in other triggered rules.
Algorithm 1 to determine trivially-enabled actions is shown in
Figure 4a.
The algorithm initializes the Petri net by assigning a place to
each action and creating a transition with the Boolean function
true. This transition is connected to the Start place.
The algorithm evaluates the pre- condition of each action to determine
if it is true and marks the action as trivially-enabled if so. These
trivially-enabled actions are connected by edges from the true
transition. In our adaptation scenario, only action A1 is
trivially-enabled (action of rule Ri is represented as Ai). The Petri net workflow that results from the algorithm for our
adaptation scenario is shown in Figure 4b.
Figure 4a: Algorithm 1: Workflow Initialization
and Trivially-enabled action analysis.
Figure 4b: Petri net workflow after trivially-enabled
action analysis.
Once trivially-enabled actions have been identified, we check to
see which action enables which other actions through enablement
Definition 2: An action a1 is said to
enable action a2 if
pre(a2) where
post(a1) represents the
post-condition of action a1 and a2
is not trivially-enabled.
This implies that execution of a1 would satisfy the pre-condition
of a2 and so a2 can be executed
after a1. Since any proposition satisfies the true
proposition, we do not check if post-condition of an action satisfies
pre-condition of a trivially-enabled action.
Algorithm 2 for enablement analysis is shown in Figure 5a. This
algorithm verifies for each triggered action if its post-condition
satisfies the pre-condition of a non-trivially-enabled action. It does
a pair-wise satisfiability check of actions to determine enablement.
The set Enable(a) contains all actions that are enabled by
action a. The algorithm iterates through each action a
and if a enables other actions, it connects them to a
through transitions labeled with their pre-conditions.
In our example scenario, both instances of action A2
(corresponding to two monitored nodes) and both instances of action
A3 (corresponding to archival store and visualizer)
are enabled by A1. The Petri net resulting from
Algorithm 2 is shown in Figure 5b. Aki
represents the ith instance of action Ak.
Since two instances of rules R2 and R3
are triggered, the Petri net contains two instances of their actions
represented as A2i and
A3i, (i=1, 2).
Enable(a) = {},
A//enablement analysis
for each action a
for each action b
if post(a)
Enable(a) = Enable(a)
for each action a
A//adding transitions to workflow
for each action b
t = trans({place(a)}, pre(b))
if t
T = T
adj(place(a)) = adj(place(a))
end if
adj(t) = adj(t)
end for
end for
Figure 5a: Algorithm 2: Enablement
Figure 5b: Petri net workflow after enablement
Post-conditions of some actions may satisfy part of the
pre-condition of another action. For example, post-pcondition of
A1: statusAggregator(running) satisfies a part of the
pre-condition of A4. Similarly, post-conditions
and A32 satisfy the other parts of the pre-condition of
A4. Therefore, A1,
must be executed to enable A4.
We say that each action A1,
A4. Note that the variables
x and n in predicates
connected) and
connected) are bound to values
of the nodes during evaluation.
Definition 3: An action a1 is said to partially-enable
action a2 if post(a1)
vanishsym partial-pre(a2), where partial-pre(a2) is a conjunction of
some proper subset of conjuncts of pre(a2). A set of
partially-enabling actions of an action a that together enable
a is called a partial-set of a. An action may have
multiple partial-sets and therefore, the set of all partial-sets
of a is denoted by partial-sets(a) . In the above example,
partial-sets(A3) = { {A1,
A32 } }.
Algorithm 3 in Figure 6a determines for every action a that is
not trivially-enabled, which set of actions collectively enable a.
If the set contains only one action, then it implies that a single
action enables a and therefore is already determined by Algorithm 2.
Therefore, Algorithm 3 only considers sets having more than one
element. In addition, the algorithm does not test an action with
itself for partial-enablement as this might lead to a deadlock.
Partial-sets(a) = {}
S :set that temporarily contains partially-enabling
actions of an action
for each action a
A-V//partial sets determination
S = {}
for each action b
if b partially-enables a
S = S
for each subset s of S
if (cardinality(s) > 1)
p = true
for each action a
p = p
if p satisfies pre(a)
Partial-sets(a) = Partial-sets(a)
end for
end for
for each action a
A-V//adding transitions to workflow
for each set s
t = trans(s, pre(a))
T = T
adj(t) = adj(t)
for each action b
adj(place(b)) = adj(place(b))
end for
end for
Figure 6a: Algorithm 3: Partial-sets
Though the algorithm for partial-enablement analysis can replace
enablement analysis of Algorithm 2, we separate the two algorithms
since partial-enablement analysis has a much higher complexity. We
will discuss this in more detail below when we evaluate the
algorithmic complexities.
Once we determine the partial-sets, we complete the workflow
construction by adding transitions. The Petri net generated from
Algorithm 3 is shown in Figure 6b.
Figure 6b: Final Petri net workflow.
Enforcement Semantics
Once dependencies among triggered rule actions have been
determined, the enforcement semantics of the adaptation system
specifies the execution order of actions. We have identified three
different enforcement semantics for policy-based adaptation systems.
This semantics executes rule actions in a random order. The pure
ECA policy system without the specification enhancements follows this
semantics, implicitly, since it does not provide guarantees about
enforcement of multiple triggered rules. This is the weakest of all
three semantics and does not require the action workflow to be
constructed. This semantics can be used when dependency among rule
actions is low and very few rules are triggered by a single change.
The all-or-none semantics specifies that the rule actions in the
workflow must be executed only if all actions can eventually execute.
This implies that even if one action in the workflow cannot be enabled
then the entire workflow should be discarded. In order to enforce this
semantics, the BIPN workflow is analyzed to see if all places can be
reached using a reachability algorithm [3]. The all-or-none semantics
provides the strongest guarantee and is useful in policies that have
high dependency among rule actions.
Maximum Rule
The maximum rule semantics guarantees that the management system
enforces rules in an order that ensures as many rules are successfully
enforced as possible, provided no other errors cause rule enforcement
to fail. The difference between all-or-none and maximum rule
enforcement semantics is that in the latter if any place in the
workflow can be reached from the Start place it will be executed. If
a place cannot be reached, the workflow is not discarded as in the
all-or-none semantics. Our adaptation framework discussed in the
``Framework'' section uses the maximum rule enforcement semantics.
We prove formally in Appendix I that the workflow algorithms
described above guarantee the above semantics by showing that ordering
actions according to the workflow enables maximum number of rules to
be successfully enforced.
Action Execution
The order of execution of rule action depends on the enforcement
semantics used in the system. If random enforcement is used, the
workflow construction is skipped and actions are executed in an
arbitrary order. The all-or-none and maximum rule enforcement
semantics use Petri net based traversal algorithms to traverse the
workflow and execute actions. If the system guarantees all-or-none
semantics a reachability analysis [3] is performed to determine if all
places are reachable from the Start place prior to execution.
A workflow execution engine analyzes the Petri net for any
deadlocks using the deadlock detection algorithm described in [3]. If
a deadlock is found the execution engine does not execute any action
in the workflow. Currently, we do not resolve deadlocks and abandon
the workflow. If the Petri net is deadlock-free, the engine uses a
simple Petri net traversal algorithm based on Breadth-First Search
(BFS) to traverse the net and execute actions.
The transition states of the Petri net act as synchronization
points in the workflow. When multiple places lead to a single
transition, the engine waits for the completion of all actions in the
places before executing actions of places leading out of the
transition. At each transition, the engine verifies the Boolean
function for satisfaction before executing the following action. For
our adaptation scenario, action A1 is executed, followed by
concurrent execution of actions
and then action
A4 is executed.
ECPAP-based Adaptation Framework
We have designed a framework based on ECPAP rules for adapting
Ganglia and HP OpenView monitoring systems to various changes. The
framework is external to the monitoring systems and does not modify
either system. It uses the reconfiguration support provided by the
systems for adaptation. In this section, we discuss the details of the
framework and its applications.
System Architecture
Adaptation policy, containing ECPAP rules, is compiled and loaded
into the adaptation system by the system administrator. The adaptation
system subscribes to events specified in the policy and initiates
corresponding actions when those events are fired. Figure 7a shows the
adaptation framework and Figure 7b illustrates the steps involved in
loading a policy, planning adaptation and initiating actuations.
Figure 7a: Adaptation Framework.
Figure 7b: Adaptation flowchart.
A policy is compiled into a policy object file. The policy object
file contains rules in a format suitable for loading into the
enforcement system. The enforcement system subscribes to policy events
and waits for the occurrence of events
Since a single change to the monitoring system may trigger more
than one event occurrence, we define time intervals called
epochs and consider all events received within an epoch to
correspond to a single change. The epoch model for event reception was
proposed in [2] and was found suitable for defining policy rules with
composed events.
Since a composed event normally contains events that have occurred
``simultaneously'' and event reception system receives events
sequentially, the epoch model provides a good approximation to
simultaneity. At the end of each epoch, the adaptor evaluates the
policy and determines the set of rules that are triggered. The
triggered rules are checked for conflicts and resolved using a
priority-based resolution technique [10]. The adaptor reasons about
the enforcement order of rules using pre- and post-conditions of
actions and generates the Petri net workflow. The workflow is executed
by a workflow execution engine and the adaptor waits for further
The policy-based adaptor supports interfaces to load policies and
conflict resolution rules, query the policy store for the loaded
policies and retrieve the set of actions in the action store. In
addition, the system also supports user interfaces to list available
events and actions. These interfaces are useful for designing
Event Reception Model
Our monitoring framework views a change as a set of
correlated events and evaluates the policy based on the events in the
set. Event correlation is a well-researched problem and numerous
models have been proposed to group events corresponding to a change
[25, 26, 27]. Since the focus of our work is on policy evaluation and
enforcement, we use a simple event correlation model based on
epochs proposed by Chomicki, et al. [2] for policy evaluation.
Figure 8 illustrates the epoch model. The input to our adaptation
framework is a set of events and therefore, the epoch model can be
replaced by more appropriate correlation models without affecting
policy evaluation and enforcement.
Figure 8: Epoch model.
Policy Tools and Adaptation Implementation
The adaptation framework consists of policy tools and the
adaptation system. The policy compiler generates Java class files from
policy rules. We used this approach to leverage the language features
of Java. An ECPAP rule is compiled into a method that has the same
signature as the event. The condition part of the rule is translated
into an `if' block in the method. The conditional expression of the
`if' statement is the same as that in the rule. The rule action is
translated into a set of statements that create a Java object
containing the action object along with its pre- and post-conditions.
If multiple rules have the same event signatures, the compiler
consolidates the rules into a single method with multiple `if' blocks.
A typical Java class, for a rule, generated by the policy compiler is
shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Policy compilation.
These classes are compiled by a Java compiler into class files and
loaded into the adaptation system by the policy loader. When an event
is received by the adaptation system, an equivalent method signature
is created with the event name as the method name and the event
parameters as method parameters. This method is invoked on the rule
class files and if the rule contains the event, the method invocation
succeeds. The condition is checked and if it is satisfied, an object
containing the action object along with its pre- and post-conditions
is returned. This approach provides the adaptation system with the
action specifications necessary for reasoning.
The adaptation system has been implemented in Java. Figure 10
shows the main components of the framework. It consists of a policy
store that stores a set of Java objects instantiated from rule
classes. An action library acts as an actuator store and contains a
set of actions that can be invoked from policy rules. The action
library in addition contains specification of actions in first order
predicate logic.
Figure 10: Adaptation framework
Application to Monitoring Systems
Our data center and enterprise systems use HP OpenView and Ganglia
systems for performance monitoring. Since monitoring systems run
independent of the core system services, we tested the applicability
of our adaptation framework to manage changes to these systems.
The configuration of our monitored environment consists of a set
of nodes monitored by the Ganglia monitoring system [14]. Ganglia is a
scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing
systems such as clusters and grids. It supports a hierarchical
organization of monitoring agents called Ganglia Monitoring Daemons
(gmond) that collect monitoring information from individual nodes.
Aggregation agents called Ganglia Meta Daemons (gmetad) collect
data from gmonds and apply aggregation functions to provide
consolidated information about cluster of machines. The focus of
Ganglia is on monitoring nodes and provides simple replication-based
approaches for tolerating node failures. It does not provide support
for aggregation agent failures, application migration or other
infrastructure changes.
We used the adaptation framework to enhance the resilience of
Ganglia monitoring system to changes as proof-of-concept. We developed
change detectors to detect aggregator failures and data-send and data-receive
failures from the various nodes of the monitored environment.
The change detection system generates parameterized events that
contain relevant state information. The reasoning system uses XSB
Prolog [19] to verify satisfiability of propositions.
We also used the adaptation framework for adapting OpenView
monitoring system. The framework enables adaptation when services are
plugged-in, plugged-out or migrated, alarm events are generated and so
on. For example, the adaptive system dynamically configures the
OpenView components to collect performance data from a service when it
is plugged-in. Similarly, the framework reconfigures the components to
collect additional metrics, through deep-diving (monitoring specific
components), when alarms are generated due to high CPU utilization,
low memory and so on. Our initial evaluation demonstrates that the
ECPAP-based adaptation framework can dramatically reduce the
administration cost of OpenView monitoring system.
In this section, we will discuss the algorithmic complexities of
the various algorithms presented in the paper and use them to explain
the system performance that we have empirically measured.
Algorithmic Complexity
Trivially-enabled action analysis (Algorithm 1) has a linear
complexity of O(n) pre-condition checks for n actions. Enablement
analysis (Algorithm 2) does a pair-wise satisfiability check of
actions and therefore has a quadratic complexity of O(n2).
Partial-enablement analysis (Algorithm 3) analyzes for each action if
it is enabled by a set of actions.
Each action subset must be determined and this has an exponential
complexity of O(2n). Since each subset is tested
to see if it enables the action for all actions the final complexity
is O(n22n). Currently, Algorithm 3 has
a very high complexity but there are various optimizations that can
be performed to reduce the value of n.
For example, the enablement analysis algorithm reduces the number
of rules to be verified during partial-enablement analysis. Since
enablement analysis has a quadratic complexity the overall performance
overhead is greatly reduced. In addition, the number of rules that are
normally triggered on a single event is quite less (fewer than five
rules per event in our adaptation policy) and so the overhead is
tolerable. We are currently looking at static analysis techniques
to determine dependencies between different rules at policy compilation
time. Finally, the overall complexity of the workflow generation
is O(n22n), bounded by the complexity
of the partial-enablement analysis.
Experimental Validation
The performance overhead of Petri net workflow generation is shown
in Figure 11. The adaptation system was executed on a Pentium III 1GHz
dual processor SMP machine with 2 GB memory. Figure 11a shows the
overhead with varying number of triggered rules. Our test policy had
multiple instances of the same rule since the focus was on testing the
overhead of the system. As predicted from the algorithmic complexity
described above the overhead is exponential with the number of
triggered rules. For 15 triggered rules the overhead was found to be
around three seconds. Normally, for a typical policy, the number of
rules triggered on a single change can be expected to be much less
than 15 and so the approach is feasible. Several optimization using
configuration and state models can be performed to reduce the
overhead. We do not discuss these optimizations since they are out of
the scope of the paper.
The number of predicates in pre- and post-conditions of actions
influences the Petri net generation overhead. Therefore, we measured
the overhead with varying number of predicates in action
specifications. Figure 11b illustrates the performance overhead of the
system. The x-axis indicates the average number of predicates for each
pre- and post-condition. The y-axis shows the overhead in seconds. The
overhead is less than one second for about 144 predicates.
Figure 11a: Petri net Workflow Generation vs Number of
Triggered Rules.
Figure 11b: Petri net Workflow Generation vs Average
Number of Predicates.
Figure 12 shows the graphs of times required for policy
compilation and rule evaluation. Policy compilation has a reasonable
overhead of about one second for a policy containing 400 rules. Since
policies are compiled only when they are modified, this is an
acceptable overhead. Rule evaluation is an important component of the
adaptation process and therefore its overhead contributes to the
overall performance of the system. We measured the performance of the
adaptation system with varying number of rules in a policy. We found
that rule evaluation takes about 100 ms for a policy with 2000 rules
which is a reasonable overhead for an adaptation system.
Figure 12a: Policy Compilation Times.
Figure 12b: Rule Evaluation Times.
Experience in a Real Scenario
We have used our adaptation system for managing changes to
monitoring systems as was described earlier. Figure 13 shows the
Ganglia visualizer output on aggregator failure for our adaptation
scenario. The policy consisted of four rules shown in the ``Example
Adaptation Policy'' section. On aggregator failure, six events -
one AggregatorFail, two DataSendFail, two DataReceptionFail and one
AggregationAgentStopped event - are generated. In the first experiment
(Figure 13a), an ECPAP system with maximum rule enforcement enabled
was used and the aggregator was manually stopped. The temporary
disruption during adaptation is illustrated in the figure. The
adaptation used the policy from the ``Specification-based Rule
Framework'' section.
Once the rules are enforced, monitoring resumes using the failover
aggregator. In the second experiment (Figure 13b), a pure ECA based
system was used and the adaptation framework enforced rules as soon as
they were triggered. As illustrated in the figure, random enforcement
of rules failed to connect the nodes to the failover aggregator and so
the visualizer node did not receive data.
Figure 13a: Disruption in monitored data during
adaptation (as perceived by the visualizer node) - ECPAP based system
with Maximum Rule Enforcement (with reasoning).
Figure 13b: Pure ECA based system (Random Rule
Before performing the second experiment, the original aggregator
was restarted and the failover aggregator was disconnected. This
caused no disruption in data reception since atleast one aggregator
was active during the switch. Thus, we see that with an ECPAP based
approach, even though there is overhead in workflow generation, we
guarantee recovery, whereas with a pure ECA based system (random
enforcement order), complete disruption could happen.
Lessons Learned
Policy Design: Designing adaptation policies is an onerous
task and requires significant knowledge of the system configuration
and functioning. Policy designers should foresee various changes that
may affect IT systems and specify rules. This demands significant
system knowledge and expertise from the administrator.
Defining Correctness: In this paper, we introduced the
notion of enforcement semantics and identified three different
semantics for rule enforcement. In order to prescribe a specific
semantics we need to define correctness for concurrent rule
enforcement. This requires empirical validation to determine if
application of a specific semantics provides appropriate guarantees.
Optimization using Models: As discussed in the previous
section, the workflow generation algorithms have high complexity. In a
cluster of nodes, a single change may cause similar events from
multiple nodes to be generated triggering multiple instances of the
same rule. The workflow generation complexity can be greatly reduced
if it can be inferred that the triggered rules are instances of a
smaller set of rules by using configuration models. Similarly, using
information models, such as Common Information Model (CIM) for
representing system states enables faster evaluation of
specifications. These models represent state information of entities
and provide a central service that can be queried. Therefore,
extending the adaptation framework with models enables optimization
and we plan to explore that as extensions to our work.
Event Correlation Models: Finally, the epoch model that we
have used approximates a system change in our prototype and in order
to develop a fully functioning adaptation system an event correlator
is necessary. The correlator would require system information such as
configuration, event delivery latency and so on, which can be
represented as system models.
Related Work
Automated change management has gained attention in the past few
years as a necessary technology to address the adaptation needs of
rapidly growing enterprise and grid computing markets. Several
research projects are focusing on reducing the administrator efforts
in managing different aspects of large distributed systems through
policy and model-based approaches.
The CHAMPS project [18] aims to reduce the complexity of IT change
and configuration management in distributed environments through
planning and scheduling approaches. The project uses model-based
approaches to build task graphs to adapt to system changes. Our
adaptation framework uses policies and therefore differs significantly
from the CHAMPS project. Policy-based management has been used for
network switch management [5], managing content distribution networks
[6] and distributed systems [7].
The focus of our work is on managing complex IT systems. As we
have described, the complexity of these systems causes simultaneous
activation of multiple policy rules, which have to be enforced in
proper order. None of the projects on policy-based management seem to
address this problem, to the best of our knowledge, as we have
There have been several research efforts in designing policy
languages [1, 15], detecting and resolving policy conflicts [2, 9, 11,
22], and various other analyses [8, 20]. To the best of our knowledge,
no research in this area has addressed the problem of ordering
management rules and providing enforcement guarantees as we have
addressed in this paper.
Dunlop, et al. [22] use temporal characteristics of policies to
dynamically reason about policy consistency. Their approach detects a
large class of conflicts that cannot be detected statically. The focus
of their work is on conflict analysis and not on ordering rule
enforcement as we have presented in this paper. Our previous work [11]
proposes an ECA-P framework to detect and resolve dynamic conflicts
that occur due to side-effects of actions. The focus of the work was
on conflict analysis and not on enforcement order determination.
Sloman, et al. [7, 8, 9] have developed the Ponder policy
specification language and defined techniques for conflict analysis
and role-based management. To the best of our knowledge, their work
does not address the problem of ordering concurrently triggered rules.
Several research projects in autonomic computing reason about
action ordering [12, 13]. These projects are based on AI planning
techniques where users specify high-level goals and the planning
system determines the ordered set of actions to be executed to reach
the desired goal state. The main difference between these projects and
our work is that in goal-based approaches the final system state that
needs to be reached is known and the system has to determine the
actions to be executed to reach that state. In the problem that we
have addressed, the final system state is unknown. When an event
occurs, a set of rules get triggered and we need to reason about the
execution order of the rule actions based on some enforcement
Finally, our application of policy-based techniques for adapting
monitoring systems is a novel research effort. System monitoring is a
well-researched field and several monitoring systems such as HP
Openview [16], IRISLOG [25], Ganglia [14] and MonALISA [17] are
currently being used. These systems focus mainly on data collection,
delivery, scalability and fault tolerance. None of these systems
support a generic framework that adapts to a spectrum of changes such
as application migration, service plug-ins and so on, which is
required for automated change management. Our framework uses the
configurability features of these systems to adapt to changes based on
administrator-specified policies.
IT systems are dynamic and subject to various changes. Management
of such changes needs to be automated to reduce administration cost.
Policy-based adaptation is a suitable approach where management
actions are specified by an administrator, as Event-Condition-Action
rules, for different changes in the system. The interdependence of
components in modern IT systems causes several change events to be
generated when a single change occurs triggering multiple rules. Since
the order of enforcement of rules determines the system behavior,
adaptation systems should reason about the enforcement order of the
rules before initiating corrective actions. We found the ECA rule
framework to be poorly suited for reasoning since it does not contain
specifications of rule actions.
In this work, we introduced a new rule framework, called Event-Condition-Precondition-Action-Postcondition
(ECPAP) that contains
action specification for designing adaptation policies for IT systems.
When multiple rules are simultaneously triggered on a change, the
adaptation system uses the specifications to analyze dependencies
between rule actions and generate a Petri net workflow that is
executed by an execution engine. We introduce a new notion called
enforcement semantics that provides guarantees about rule enforcement.
We have used this framework for adapting monitoring systems to changes
and presented its performance and advantages in this paper.
We would like to thank Martin Arlitt, Keith Farkas, and our
shepherd John ``Rowan'' Littell, for their comments, which have helped
improve the content and presentation of the paper. We also thank Rob
Kolstad for his extra typesetting efforts that have helped to
significantly improve the look and feel of the paper.
Author Biographies
Chetan Shankar is a doctoral candidate at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He is one of the main
contributors to the Active Spaces pervasive computing project at UIUC
and has published several papers on pervasive computing and policy-based
management. He is broadly interested in services and systems
management, programming and management frameworks for dynamic systems
and pervasive computing.
Vanish Talwar is a researcher in the Enterprise Systems and
Software Lab at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories. His technical interests
include distributed systems, operating systems, and computer networks,
with a focus on management technologies. He received his M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Illinois at
Urbana Champaign (UIUC) in 2001 and 2006 respectively. He is the
recipient of the David J. Kuck Best Masters Thesis award in the Dept.
of Computer Science, UIUC, and is an elected member of Phi Kappa Phi
and Sigma Xi.
Subu Iyer is a Systems Software Engineer and researcher at HP
Labs, Palo Alto. He joined DEC Network Systems Lab in 1997 where he
worked on collecting and analyzing performance data from a large
cluster of machines on DEC's Palo Alto Research Gateway. Over the
years, Subu has worked on projects in the areas of distributed
computing, performance monitoring and telepresence. His current work
is on scalable adaptive performance monitoring.
Yuan Chen is a post-doctoral researcher in Enterprise Systems and
Software Laboratory at HP Labs. He received a B.S degree from
University of Science and Technology of China in 1994, and M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2001 and
2005, respectively, all in Computer Science. His current research
focuses on performance and systems management in complex and large-scale
enterprise computing systems.
Dejan Milojicic is a senior researcher and a project manager at HP
Labs. He has worked in the area of operating systems and distributed
systems for more than 20 years. He has been the program chair of the
IEEE Agent Systems and Applications Symposium (ASA/MA'99) and of the
first USENIX Workshop on Industrial Experiences with System Software
(WIESS'2000). Dr. Milojicic published in many journals and at various
events. He is currently on the editorial board of IEEE Distributed
Systems Online. He has been engaged in various standardization bodies,
such as OMG and Global Grid Forum. He is a member of the ACM, IEEE,
and USENIX. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from University of
Belgrade and his Ph.D. from University of Kaiserslautern. Prior to HP
Labs, Dejan worked at Institute ``Mihajlo Pupin,'' Belgrade and at OSF
Research Institute, Cambridge, MA.
Roy Campbell is the Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Professor of Computer
Science at the Siebel Center for Computer Science at the University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He has supervised the completion of forty
Ph.D. dissertations and the author of over two hundred and forty four
research papers on security, programming languages, software
engineering, operating systems, distributed systems, and networking.
His research includes the Gaia project on Active Spaces, the security
of the power grid, and mobile computer operating systems. Professor
Campbell is Director of the University Of Illinois Center Of Academic
Excellence in Information Assurance Education, a member of the
Information Trust Institute and, with Guy Garnett, directs the
Cultural Computing Program. He is a member of the ACM and an IEEE
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Appendix I