7th Tcl/Tk Conference, 2000
[Technical Program]
TkGecko: A Frill-Necked Lizard Steve Ball Zveno Pty Ltd Eolas Technologies, Inc Steve.Ball@zveno.com
Abstract The Mozilla Open Source project has made a full-featured, fast Web browser, Netscape's Navigator, available in source form to the Internet community. A major component of the project, and an early released package, is the NewLayout (a.k.a. Gecko) HTML/XML rendering engine. One feature of this module is that it is designed to be embeddable in any application. This characteristic is quite compatible with Tcl/Tk. TkGecko is a project to create a Tk extension that allows the NewLayout rendering engine to be embedded in a Tk application as a Tk widget. Ideally, this new widget will be as completely configurable as all other Tk widgets, with all configuration options able to be queried and changed at run-time. The widget features methods and configuration options that allow the functions of the NewLayout rendering engine to be accessed and changed from a Tcl script. Currently the TkGecko project is still in its infancy. This paper aims to define the goals of the project and expected milestones. Keywords Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, NewLayout, NGLayout, Gecko, Tcl, Tk, TEA. 1. Introduction In 1997 Netscape Communications Corporation [1] released the source code for their Netscape Navigator Web browser to the Internet community, under the Netscape/Mozilla Public License (NPL or MPL) [2], a license that allows free use of the source, redistribution and modification. Netscape has setup an independent organisation to develop the next release of Netscape Navigator under the Open Source banner called Mozilla.org [3]. Currently, the majority of developers working on Mozilla are employed by Netscape (approximately 120 engineers), but there are some employed by the other organisations (about 25 engineers). The first major "product" release from Mozilla.org is Gecko, the core HTML/XML page rendering engine for the browser. Gecko is known more formerly as the NewLayout module. This module is written in C++ (in fact, all of Mozilla is written in C++, but there does exist a separate project to reimplement Mozilla in Java), and is designed to be embeddable inside other applications, for example as a HTML-based help viewing system. There are a few examples of Gecko being embedded in applications, such as an ActiveX component [4] (which entirely replaces the Internet Explorer control!) and the DocZilla viewer [5]. Eolas Technologies, Inc. [6] are sponsoring work to create a Tk extension which embeds Gecko as a Tk widget. The working title for this project is "TkGecko". The extension defines a new Tk widget class called "newlayout". The availability of this extension will provide a high-quality viewer of HTML and XML documents to be used by Tk applications, with full support for all of the current Web standards, such as CSS, JavaScript, DOM and XSL. While most of the major Web standards will be supported, it is not clear at this stage whether the extension will be able to handle Java applets or browser plugins. The former will require a Java Runtime Engine (JRE) to be included in the extension. Although TkGecko will allow the creation of a general-purpose Web browser, that is not the primary motivation for this project since at least two general-purpose Web browsers already exist. Instead, the aim is to support application developers wishing to incorporate a HTML/XML viewer into their products, often for the purpose of displaying help documents. It is certainly now the case that Web browsers are now so ubiquitous that an application developer can assume their availability and simply launch a browser to display a document. However, many developers wish to have a tighter integration of the display of help documents, particularly for context-sensitive help, with their application. An embedded viewer is necessary to satisfy this requirement. This approach to displaying documents has been already been anticipated by Microsoft, who have made their Internet Explorer browser available not just as a stand-alone browser but also as an ActiveX control [13]. Hence applications running on a Microsoft Windows platform can easily embed the Internet Explorer ActiveX control to realise an embedded HTML/XML document viewer. Alternatively, there is an equivalent ActiveX control for Mozilla [4]. However, this is not a cross-platform solution and therefore the need to have an easy method of embedding the Gecko rendering engine. 1.1. Distribution In the first phase of the project, the basic embedding of the NewLayout widget as a Tk widget will be achieved. This phase includes writing all of the necessary configuration files to link the numerous required libraries into a dynamically loadable shared library, for the Linux (i386) and Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000 platforms. The new Tk widget class is called Subsequent phases of the project will implement configuration options and methods for the newlayout widget, as detailed in the section "Future Directions". It is also an aim of the project to extend the package to the MacOS and LinuxPPC platforms and architectures. Packaging TkGecko for distribution to interested parties presents some problems. The source code alone for Mozilla is approximately 19MB, but to actually build the browser requires almost 1GB of disk space. However, these requirements may be reduced by customising the build process to compile only what is needed for the Gecko engine. Customising the Mozilla build process has not yet been attempted. Alternatively, the binaries of the Gecko engine are only approximately 1.4MB in size so binary distributions for the platforms specified above are the currently favoured form for making the extension available.
1.2 TerminologyThere are numerous names and terms surrounding the Mozilla project and its components. The Gecko HTML/XML rendering engine is more correctly known as the NewLayout or NGLayout module. Netscape Communications Corp. marketing droids originally dubbed it "Gecko", but the developers themselves don't particularly use that term. 2. Mozilla ArchitectureIn order to design and implement a Tk extension to embed Mozilla, it is vitally important to understand the architecture of the Mozilla browser. While each of the technologies required to construct a Web browser are relatively simple, combining them together into a sophisticated Web browser makes Mozilla a complex piece of software engineering. Of particular interest in the Mozilla architecture is the NGLayout module. The overall goal of the module is to provide high-quality rendering of HTML and XML documents, while at the same time achieving high-performance in page display. Documents themselves have a complex structure, especially when HTML frames (subdocuments) and tables are taken into account. This module has been designed to allow for the complexities of page display, as well as supporting the JavaScript page scripting language and dynamically loaded content viewers, for rendering different content types such as image formats. It is beyond the scope of this paper to undertake a detailed study of the module, nor to explain how high performance is achieved. Following is a brief overview of the modules which are of the most importantance to the NewLayout extension. Figure 1 shows their relationship.
Underpinning the entire Mozilla architecture is the XPCOM (Cross-Platform Component Object Module) module. XPCOM is the same in concept to Microsoft's COM, but is much simplified and implemented across all operating system platforms. In fact, XPCOM aims to be binary-compatible with COM. One feature of XPCOM is that because it binds component interfaces together at runtime it allows parts of Mozilla to be used separately and to replace an implementation of a component with another seamlessly. This characteristic is very useful for building and shipping the TkGecko extension. Another module of interest is XPConnect, which provides a bridge between XPCOM and JavaScript. This module allows JavaScript scripts to access and manipulate XPCOM objects, as well as allowing a JavaScript program to provide the implementation for a XPCOM object. In order to be able to write portable User Interface code, the Mozilla project is developing the XPToolkit (Cross-Platform Toolkit) module. This module uses XUL, the XML User Interface Language, to describe user interfaces. As the name suggests, a XUL document provides the description of the desired widgets and their layouts as a XML document. XPToolkit parses the XML document and then assembles and displays the appropriate native widgets for the interface. The implication of this approach is that building a user interface becomes the simple task of writing a document. At the lower level of windowing and drawing primitives, the Cross-Platform Front-End (XPFE) module provides a portable interface to the underlying windowing system of the machine platform. On Windows and Macintosh this is obviously the operating system's native windowing facilities, but on Unix/X Window the situation is more complicated due to the plethora of available toolkits. A number of toolkits are supported, but the primary toolkit used by the Mozilla browser is GTk+. However, the embedding interface also supports the direct use of Xlib. An initial approach to embedding the NewLayout in Tk used the GTk+ embedding interface, but since Tk also uses Xlib directly, the TkGecko extension now instructs Mozilla to use the Xlib toolkit. This is discussed in more detail below. It was recently announced that the WebShell interface is to be redesigned, and that the alternative toolkits may be dropped in favour of concentrating on the GTk+ toolkit. USENET newsgroup discussion of the new design also supports retaining the Xlib interface. As a result the TkGecko project will need to reassess its approach to embedding the NewLayout module once the module redesign is underway. Networking functions and protocol support are provided by the netlib module. There is also a new project to improve netlib called "Necko". These modules handle the transfer of document data, and use threads to deal with latencies. As of Milestone 9 Necko is now used with Mozilla. Integrating the netlib/Necko event model with the Tcl Notifier may be an issue for the TkGecko project, but at this early stage has proven to be simple and straight-forward. 2.1 NewLayout ModuleOn top of all of these modules (and some others not mentioned for the sake of brevity) is the NewLayout module, the subject of the TkGecko project. The aim of this module is to provide a small, fast rendering engine for Web documents. The most important layer of the NewLayout module is the WebShell interface. This module also provides the embedding function of the NewLayout module. A WebShell is used to display each subdocument (frame) in a document. WebShells may be nested, and the initial WebShell is known as the root WebShell. Since WebShells may contain other WebShells, the nsIWebShell class is subclassed from the nsIWebShellContainer class. The nsIWebShellContainer class provides additional methods that provide notification of events in the contained WebShell(s), such as the start of loading documents, the end of a document load, and so on. At times the NewLayout module may need to query the parent window of the root WebShell for a document. This is done using the The WebShell interface provides a number of methods for manipulating the (sub-)document. A few of these methods include:
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the Special Workshop on Intelligence at the Network Edge,
March 20, 2000, San Francisco, California, USA
Last changed: 11 Feb 2002 ml |