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Limiting Measurement Overhead

One of the advantages of the NC library is that it takes advantage of application-level traffic to keep NCs up-to-date. This implies that a lack of samples must induce additional measurements to more nodes, but only when accuracy can be significantly improved. If nodes have a small neighbor set (e.g., two), their accuracy to their neighbors and confidence $w_{i}$ is high, but their accuracy to the rest of the system (overall accuracy) is low. As the number of neighbors increases, confidence and accuracy to neighbors decrease slightly, but overall accuracy improves.

Figure 8: Accuracy with varying numbers of neighbors.

In Figure 8, we show how overall accuracy varies with the number of neighbors. Accuracy increases asymptotically as the number of neighbors approaches the number of nodes. As shown, only $16$ neighbors is a sufficiently good substitute for a fully connected graph. This means that regular application-level traffic to a small number of nodes is sufficient to support NCs on PlanetLab.

The NC library must decide when adding neighbors would significantly increase accuracy. However, a node cannot know its accuracy only by examining the relative error to its neighbors. Instead, it must estimate the overall relative error to all nodes. We propose that a node periodically samples a random node to test the current accuracy of its NC. If the tested accuracy is below a threshold, which is based on the expected accuracy of NCs on the Internet, it is likely that an increase of the neighbor set will reduce the relative error. The test node is then added permanently to the neighbor set. Similarly, if removing a node temporarily does not decrease accuracy (again by sampling a new node), the decrease is made permanent.

Jonathan Ledlie 2005-10-18