10:15 a.m.-10:45 a.m.: Mid-Morning Break
10:45 a.m.-12:55 p.m.: The Emperor's Clothes (Chair: Steve Gribble)
High Availability, Scalable Storage, Dynamic Peer Networks: Pick Two
Charles Blake and Rodrigo Rodrigues, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
One Hop Lookups for Peer-to-Peer Overlays
Anjali Gupta, Barbara Liskov, and Rodrigo Rodrigues, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
An Analysis of Compare-by-hash
Val Henson, Sun Microsystems
Why Events Are a Bad Idea (for High-Concurrency Servers)
Rob von Behren, Jeremy Condit, and Eric Brewer, University of California at Berkeley
1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m.: Lunch
2:30 p.m.-4:15 p.m.: Popping & Pushing the Stack (Chair: Geoff Voelker)
TCP Offload Is a Dumb Idea Whose Time Has Come
Jeffrey C. Mogul, Hewlett Packard Laboratories
TCP Meets Mobile Code
Parveen Patel, University of Utah; David Wetherall, University of Washington; Jay Lepreau, University of Utah; Andrew Whitaker, University of Washington
Exploiting the Synergy between Peer-to-Peer and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Y. Charlie Hu, Saumitra M. Das, and Himabindu Pucha, Purdue University
4:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m.: Mid-Afternoon Break
4:45 p.m.-5:35 p.m.: Distributed Systems (Chair: Jeff Chase)
* Scheduling and Simulation: How to Upgrade Distributed Systems
Sameer Ajmani and Barbara Liskov, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science; Liuba Shrira, Brandeis University
* Development Tools for Distributed Applications
Mukesh Agrawal and Srinivasan Seshan, Carnegie Mellon University
* Virtual Appliances in the Collective: A Road to Hassle-Free Computing
Constantine Sapuntzakis and Monica S. Lam, Stanford University
* POST: A Secure, Resilient, Cooperative Messaging System
Alan Mislove, Ansley Post, Charles Reis, Paul Willmann, Peter Druschel, and Dan S. Wallach, Rice University; Xavier Bonnaire, Pierre Sens, Jean-Michel Busca, and Luciana Arantes-Bezerra, Université Paris VI
6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.: Dinner
8:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m.: Outrageous Opinions Session (Chair: Jeff Mogul)
A grand HotOS tradition!
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.: Hot Breakfast Buffet
9:00 a.m.-11:15 a.m.: When Things Go Wrong (Chair: Dan Wallach)
Crash-Only Software
George Candea and Armando Fox, Stanford University
The Phoenix Recovery System: Rebuilding from the Ashes of an Internet Catastrophe
Flavio Junqueira, Ranjita Bhagwan, Keith Marzullo, Stefan Savage, and Geoffrey M. Voelker, University of California, San Diego
Using Runtime Paths for Macroanalysis
Mike Chen, University of California, Berkeley; Emre Kiciman, Stanford University; Anthony Accardi, Tellme Networks; Armando Fox, Stanford University; Eric Brewer, University of California, Berkeley
Magpie: Online Modelling and Performance-aware Systems
Paul Barham, Rebecca Isaacs, Richard Mortier, and Dushyanth Narayanan, Microsoft Research Ltd, Cambridge, UK
* Using Computers to Diagnose Computer Problems
Joshua A. Redstone, Michael M. Swift, and Brian N. Bershad, University of Washington
11:15 a.m.-11:45 a.m.: Mid-Morning Break
11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Performance Optimization (Chair: Jeff Mogul)
* Using Performance Reflection in Systems Software
Robert Fowler and Alan Cox, Rice University; Sameh Elnikety and Willy Zwaenepoel, EPFL
* Cassyopia: Compiler Assisted System Optimization
Mohan Rajagopalan and Saumya K. Debray, University of Arizona; Matti A. Hiltunen and Richard D. Schlichting, AT&T Labs—Research
* Cosy: Develop in User-Land, Run in Kernel-Mode
Amit Purohit, Charles P. Wright, Joseph Spadavecchia, and Erez Zadok, Stony Brook University
12:30 p.m.-1:45 p.m.: Lunch
1:45 p.m.-3:30 p.m.: Storage 1 (Chair: Armando Fox)
Why Can't I Find My Files? New Methods for Automating Attribute Assignment
Craig A. N. Soules and Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University
Secure Data Replication over Untrusted Hosts
Bogdan C. Popescu, Bruno Crispo, and Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Vrije Universiteit
Palimpsest: Soft-Capacity Storage for Planetary-Scale Services
Timothy Roscoe, Intel Research at Berkeley; Steven Hand, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
3:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m.: Mid-Afternoon Break
4:00 p.m.-5:45 p.m.: Trusting Hardware (Chair: Dan Wallach)
Certifying Program Execution with Secure Processors
Benjie Chen and Robert Morris, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
Hardware Works, Software Doesn't: Enforcing Modularity with Mondriaan Memory Protection
Emmett Witchel and Krste Asanovic, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
Flexible OS Support and Applications for Trusted Computing
Tal Garfinkel, Mendel Rosenblum, and Dan Boneh, Stanford University
7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.0 p.m.: Reception - outdoors, weather permitting
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.: Hot Breakfast Buffet
9:00 a.m.-10:25 a.m.: Pervasive Computing (Chair: Geoff Voelker)
Sensing User Intention and Context for Energy Management
Angela B. Dalton and Carla S. Ellis, Duke University
Access Control to Information in Pervasive Computing Environments
Urs Hengartner and Peter Steenkiste, Carnegie Mellon University
* Privacy-Aware Location Sensor Networks
Marco Gruteser, Graham Schelle, Ashish Jain, Rick Han, and Dirk Grunwald, University of Colorado at Boulder
10:30 a.m.-11:15 a.m.: Storage 2 (Chair: Margo Seltzer)
* FAB: Enterprise Storage Systems on a Shoestring
Svend Frølund, Arif Merchant, Yasushi Saito, Susan Spence, and Alistair Veitch, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
* The Case for a Session State Storage Layer
Benjamin C. Ling and Armando Fox, Stanford University
* Towards a Semantic-Aware File Store
Zhichen Xu and Magnus Karlsson, HP Laboratories; Chunqiang Tang, University of Rochester; Christos Karamanolis, HP Laboratories
11:15 a.m.-11:25 a.m.: Closing Remarks