HotOS IX Paper
[HotOS IX Program Index]
TCP offload is a dumb idea whose time has come
Jeffrey C. Mogul
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
Palo Alto, CA, 94304
Network interface implementors have repeatedly attempted to offload
TCP processing from the host CPU. These efforts met with little success,
because they were based on faulty premises. TCP offload per se is
neither of much overall benefit nor free from significant costs and risks.
But TCP offload in the service of very specific goals might actually be useful.
In the context of the replacement of storage-specific interconnect via
commoditized network hardware, TCP offload (and more generally,
offloading the transport protocol) appropriately solves an important
TCP [18] has been the main transport protocol for the Internet Protocol
stack for twenty years. During this time, there has been repeated debate over
the implementation costs of the TCP layer.
One central question of this debate has been whether it is more appropriate
to implement TCP in host CPU software, or in the network interface subsystem.
The latter approach is usually called ``TCP Offload'' (the category
is sometimes referred to as a ``TCP Offload Engine,'' or TOE), although
it in fact includes all protocol layers below TCP, as well. Typical
reasons given for TCP offload include the reduction of host CPU requirements
for protocol stack processing and checksumming, fewer interrupts to the
host CPU, fewer bytes copied over the system bus, and the potential for
offloading computationally expensive features such as encryption.
TCP offload poses some difficulties, including both purely technical
challenges (either generic to all transports or specific to TCP), and
some more subtle issues of technology deployment.
In some variants of the argument in favor of TCP offload, proponents
assert the need for transport-protocol offload but recognize the difficulty
of doing this for TCP, and have proposed deploying new transport protocols
that support offloading. For example, the XTP protocol [8]
was originally designed specifically for efficient implementation in VLSI,
although later revisions of the specification [23]
omit this rationale.
To this day, TCP offload has never firmly caught on in the commercial
world (except sometimes as a stopgap
to add TCP support to immature systems [16]),
and has been scorned by the academic community and Internet
purists. This paper starts by analyzing why TCP offload has repeatedly
The lack of prior success with TCP offload does not, however, necessarily
imply that this approach is categorically without merit. Indeed, the analysis
of past failures points out that novel applications of TCP might benefit
from TCP offload, but for reasons not clearly anticipated by early proponents.
TCP offload does appear to be appropriately suited when used
in the larger context in which storage-interconnect hardware, such as SCSI
or FiberChannel, is on the verge of being replaced by Ethernet-based hardware
and specific upper-level protocols (ULPs), such as iSCSI.
These protocols can exploit
``Remote Direct Memory Access'' (RDMA) functionality provided by network
interface subsystems. This paper ends by analyzing how TCP offload
(and more generally, offloading certain transport protocols)
prove useful, not as a generic protocol implementation strategy, but as a
component in an RDMA design.
This paper is not a defense of RDMA. Rather,
it argues that the choice to use RDMA more clearly justifies offloading the
transport protocol than has any previous application.
Why TCP offload is a dumb idea
TCP offload has been unsuccessful in the past for two kinds of reasons:
fundamental performance issues, and difficulties resulting from the
complexities of deploying TCP offload in practice.
Although TCP offload is usually justified as a performance improvement,
in practice the performance benefits are either minimized or actually
negated, for many reasons:
- Limited processing requirements:
- Processing TCP headers simply doesn't (or shouldn't) take many
cycles. Jacobson [11] showed how to use ``header
prediction'' to process the common case for a TCP connection
in very few instructions. The overhead of the TCP protocol
per se does not justify offloading.
Clark et al. [9] showed more generally
that TCP should not be expensive to implement.
- Moore's Law:
- Adding a transport protocol implementation to a Network Interface
Controller (NIC) requires considerably more hardware complexity
than a simple MAC-layer-only NIC. Complexity increases time-to-market,
and because Moore's Law rapidly increases the performance of
general-purpose CPU chips, complex special-purpose NIC chips can
fall behind CPU performance.
The TOE can become the bottleneck,
especially if the vendor cannot afford to utilize the latest fab.
(On the other hand, using a general-purpose CPU as a TOE could lead to
a poor tradeoff between cost and performance [1].)
Partridge [17] pointed out that the Moore's Law
issue could be irrelevant once each NIC chip is fast enough to
handle packets at full line rate; further improvements in NIC
performance might not matter (except to reduce power consumption).
Sarkar et al. [21], however, showed
that current protocol-offload NIC system products are not
yet fast enough. Their results also imply that any extra latency
imposed by protocol offload in the NIC will hurt performance for
real applications. Moore's Law considerations may plague
even ``full-line-rate'' NICs until they are fast enough to
avoid adding much delay.
- Complex interfaces to TOEs:
- O'Dell [14] has observed that
``the problem has always been that the protocol for talking
to the front-end processor and gluing it onto the API was just
as complex (often more so, in fact) as the protocol being
Similarly, Partridge [16]
observed that
``The idea was that you passed your data over the bus to an NIC that did all
the TCP work for you. However, it didn't give a performance improvement
because to a large degree, it recreated TCP over the bus. That is, for each
write, you had to add a bus header, including context information (identifying
the process and TCP connection IDs) and then ship the packet down to the board.
On inbound, you had to pass up the process and TCP connection info and then
the kernel had to demux the bus unit of data to the right process (and do all
that nasty memory alignment stuff to put it into the process's buffer in the
right place).''
While better approaches are now known, in general TOE designers had
trouble designing an efficient host interface.
- Suboptimal buffer management:
- Although a TOE can deliver a received TCP data segment to a chosen
location in memory, this still leaves ULP protocol headers mingled
with ULP data, unless complex features are included in the TOE interface.
- Connection management:
- The TOE must maintain connection state for each TCP connection, and
must coordinate this state with the host operating system. Especially
for short-lived connections, any savings gained from less host
involvement in processing data packet is wasted by this extra
connection management overhead.
- Resource management:
- If the transport protocol resides in the NIC, the NIC and the
host OS must coordinate responsibility for resources such as
data buffers, TCP port numbers, etc. The ownership problem for
TCP buffers is more complex than the seemingly analogous problem
for packet buffers, because outgoing TCP buffers must be held
until acknowledged, and received buffers sometimes must be
held pending reassembly.
Resource management becomes even harder during overload, when
host OS policy decisions must be supported.
None of these problems are insuperable, but they reduce the
benefits of offloading.
- Event management:
- Much of the cost of processing a short TCP connection comes
from the overhead of managing application-visible
events [2]. Protocol offload does nothing
to reduce the frequency of such events, and so fails to solve
one of the primary costs of running a busy Web server (for example).
- Much simpler NIC extensions can be effective:
- Numerous projects have demonstrated that instead of offloading the
entire transport protocol, a NIC can be more simply extended
so as to support extremely efficient TCP implementations.
These extensions typically eliminate the need for memory copies,
and/or offload the TCP checksum (eliminating the need for the
CPU to touch the data in many cases, and thus avoiding data
cache pollution).
For example, Dalton et al. [10]
described a NIC supporting a single-copy host OS
implementation of TCP.
Chase et al. [7] summarize several approaches
to optimizing end-system TCP performance.
These criticisms of TCP offload apply most clearly when one
starts with a well-tuned, highly scalable host OS implementation of TCP.
TCP offload might be an expedient solution to the problems
caused by second-rate host OS implementations, but this is not
itself an architectural justification for TOE.
Even if TCP offload were justified by its performance, it
creates significant deployment, maintenance, and management
- Scaling issues:
- Some servers must maintain huge numbers of connections [2].
Modern host operating systems now generally place no limits except
those based on RAM availability.
If the TOE implementation has lower limits (perhaps constrained
by on-board RAM), this could limit system scalability. Scaling
concerns also apply to the IP routing table.
- Bugs:
- Protocol implementations have bugs. Mature implementations
have fewer bugs, but still require
patches from time to time. Updating the firmware of a programmable TOE could
be more difficult than updating a host OS.
Clearly, non-programmable TOEs are even worse in this respect [1].
- Quality Assurance (QA):
- System vendors must test complete systems prior to shipping them.
Use of TOE increases the number of complex components to be tested,
and (especially if the TOE comes from a different supplier)
increases the difficulty of locating bugs.
- Finger-pointing:
- When a TCP-related bug appears in a traditional system, it is not
hard to decide whether the NIC is at fault, because non-TOE
NICs perform fairly simple functions. With a system using TCP offloading,
deciding whether the bug is in the NIC or the host could be much harder.
- Subversion of NIC software:
- O'Dell has argued that the programmability of TOE NICs offers
a target for malicious modifications [14].
This argument is somewhat weakened by the reality that many
(if not most) high-speed NICs are already reprogrammable, but
the extra capabilities of a TOE NIC might increase the options
for subversion.
- System management interfaces:
- System administrators prefer to use a consistent set of management
interfaces (UIs and commands). Especially if the TOE and OS
come from different vendors, it might be hard to provide a consistent,
integrated management interface. Also, TOE NICs might not provide
as much state visibility to system managers as can be provided by
host OS TCP implementations.
- Concerns about NIC vendors:
- NIC vendors have typically been smaller than host OS vendors,
with less sophistication about overall system design and fewer
resources to apply to support and maintenance. If a TOE NIC
vendor fails or exits the market, customers can be left without
While none of these concerns are definitive arguments against TOE,
they have tended to outweigh the limited performance benefits.
While it might appear from the preceding discussion that TCP
offload is inherently useless, a more accurate statement would
be that past attempts to employ TCP offload were mismatched
to the applications in question.
Traditionally, TCP has been used either for WAN networking applications
(email, FTP, Web) or for relatively low-bandwidth LAN applications
(Telnet, X/11). Often, as is the case with email and the Web,
the TCP connection lifetimes are quite short, and the connection
count at a busy (server) system is high.
Because these are seen as the important applications of TCP,
they are often used as the rationale for TCP offload.
But these applications are exactly those for which the problems of
TCP offload (scalability to large numbers of connections,
per-connection overhead, low ratio of protocol processing cost to
intrinsic network costs) are most obvious. In other words, in
most WAN applications, the end-host TCP-related costs are
insignificant, except for the connection-management costs that
are either unsolved or worsened by TOE.
The implication of this observation is that the sweet spot
for TCP offload is not for traditional TCP applications, but
for applications that involve high bandwidth, low-latency,
long-duration connections.
Why TCP offload's time has come
Computers generate high data rates on three kinds of channels
(besides networks): graphics systems, storage systems, and interprocessor
Historically, these rates have been provided by special-purpose
interface hardware, which trades flexibility and price for
high bandwidth and high reliability.
For storage especially, the cost and
limitations of special-purpose connection hardware is increasingly
hard to justify, in the face of much cheaper Gbit/sec
(or faster) Ethernet hardware. Replacing fabrics such
as SCSI and Fiber Channel with switched Ethernet connections
between storage and hosts promises increased configuration
flexibility, more interoperability, and lower prices.
However, replicating traditional storage-specific performance
using traditional network protocol stacks would be difficult,
not because of protocol processing overheads, but because of
data copy costs - especially since host busses are now
often the main bottleneck. Traditional network implementations
require one or more data copies, especially to preserve the
semantics of system calls such as read() and write(). These
APIs allow applications to choose when and how data buffers appear in
their address spaces. Even with in-kernel applications (such as
NFS), complete copy avoidance is not easy.
Several OS designs have been proposed to support traditional APIs
and kernel structures while avoiding all unnecessary copies. For example,
Brustoloni [4,5]
has explored several solutions to these problems.
Nevertheless, copy-avoidance designs have not been widely adopted, due
to significant limitations. For example, when network maximum
segment size (MSS) values are smaller than VM page sizes, which
is often the case, page-remapping techniques are insufficient
(and page-remapping often imposes overheads of its own.)
Brustoloni also points out that ``many copy avoidance
techniques for network I/O are not applicable or may even backfire
if applied to file I/O.'' [4].
Other designs that eliminate unnecessary copies,
such as I/O Lite [15], require the use of new APIs
(and hence force application changes).
Dalton et al. [10] list some other difficulties
with single-copy techniques.
Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) offers the
possibility of sidestepping the problems with software-based
copy-avoidance schemes. The NIC hardware (or at any rate,
software resident on the NIC) implements the RDMA protocol.
The kernel
or application software registers buffer regions via the NIC driver,
and obtains protected buffer reference tokens called region IDs.
The software exchanges these region IDs with its connection peer, via
RDMA messages sent over the transport connection. Special RDMA message
directives (``verbs'') enable a remote system to read or write
memory regions named by the region IDs.
receiving NIC recognizes and interprets these directives, validates the
region IDs, and performs protected data transfers to or from the named
In effect, RDMA provides the same low-overhead access between
storage and memory currently provided by traditional DMA-based
disk controllers.
(Some people have proposed factoring an RDMA protocol into two layers.
A Direct Data Placement (DDP) protocol simply allows a sender to cause
the receiving NIC to place data in the right memory locations. To this
DDP functionality, a full RDMA protocol adds a remote-read operation:
system A sends a message to system B, causing the NIC at B to
transfer data from one of B's buffers to one of A's buffers without
waking up the CPU at B.
David Black [3] argues that a DDP protocol by itself
can provide sufficient copy avoidance for many applications.
Most of the points I will make about RDMA also apply to a DDP-only
An RDMA-enabled NIC (RNIC) needs its own implementation of all
lower-level protocols, since to rely on the host OS stack
would defeat the purpose. Moreover, in order for RDMA to substitute
for hardware storage interfaces, it must provide highly reliable
data transfer, so RDMA must be layered over a reliable transport
such as TCP or SCTP [22]. This forces the RNIC to
implement the transport layer.
Therefore, offloading the transport layer becomes valuable not
for its own sake, but rather because that allows offloading of
the RDMA layer. And offloading the RDMA layer is valuable because,
unlike traditional TCP applications, RDMA applications are likely to use
a relatively small number of low-latency, high-bandwidth transport
connections, precisely the environment where TCP offloading might
be beneficial.
Also, RDMA allows the RNIC to separate ULP data from ULP control (i.e.,
headers) and therefore simplifies the received-buffer placement problems
of pure TCP offload.
For example, Magoutis et al. [13] show that
the RDMA-based Direct Access File System can outperform even a zero-copy
implementation of NFS, in part because RDMA also helps to enable
user-level implementation of the file system client.
Also, storage access implies the use of large ULP messages, which
amortize offloading's increased per-packet costs while
reaping the reduced per-byte costs.
Although much of the work on RDMA has
focussed on storage systems, high-bandwidth graphics
applications (e.g., streaming HDTV videos) have similar characteristics.
A video-on-demand connection might use RDMA both at the server
(for access to the stored video) and at the client (for rendering
the video).
Implications for operating systems
Because RDMA is explicitly a performance optimization, not a source of
functional benefits, it can only succeed if its design fits comfortably
into many layers of a complete system: networking, I/O, memory architecture,
operating system, and upper-level application. A misfit with any of these
layers could obviate any benefits.
In particular,
an RNIC design done without any consideration for the structures
of real operating systems will not deliver good performance and
flexibility. Experience from an analogous effort, to offload
DES cryptography, showed that overlooking the way that software
will use the device can eliminate much of the potential performance
gain [12]. Good hardware design is certainly
not impossible, but it requires co-development with the operating system
RDMA aspects requiring such co-development include:
- Getting the semantics right:
- RDMA introduces many issues
related to buffer ownership, operation completion, and errors.
Members of the various groups trying to designs RDMA protocols
(including the RDMA Consortium [19] and the IETF's RDDP Working
Group [20]) have had difficulty resolving many basic issues in
these designs. These disagreements might imply the lack of
sufficiently mature principles underlying the mixed use of remotely-
and locally-managed buffers.
- OS-to-RDMA interfaces:
- These interfaces include, for example,
buffer allocation; mapping and protection of buffers; and
handling exceptions
beyond what the RNIC can deal with (such as
routing and ARP information for a new peer address).
- Application-to-RDMA interfaces:
- These interfaces include, for example,
buffer ownership; notification
of RDMA completion events; and bidirectional interfaces to RDMA verbs.
- Network configuration and management:
- RNICs will require IP addresses,
subnet masks, etc., and will have to report statistics for use by network
management tools. Ideally, the operating system
should provide a ``single system image'' for network management functions,
even though it includes several independent network stack implementations.
- Defenses against attacks:
- an RNIC acts as an extension of the operating
system's protection mechanisms, and thus should defend against subversions
of these mechanisms. The RNIC could refuse access to certain
regions of memory known to store kernel code or data structures, except in
narrowly-defined circumstances (e.g., bootstrapping).
Since the RNIC includes a TCP implementation, there will be temptation
to use that as a pure TOE path for non-RDMA TCP connections, instead of
the kernel's own stack. This temptation must be resisted, because it
will lead to over-complex RNICs, interfaces, and host OS modifications.
However, an RNIC might
easily support certain simple features that have been
proposed [5] for copy-avoidance in OS-based
network stacks.
RDMA introduces several tricky problems, especially in the area of
security. Prior storage-networking designs assumed a closed,
physically secure network, but IP-based RDMA potentially leaves
a host vulnerable to the entire world.
Offloading the transport protocol exacerbates the security problem
by adding more opportunities for bugs.
Many (if not most) security holes discovered recently are implementation
bugs, not specification bugs.
Even if an RDMA protocol design can be
shown to be secure, this does not imply that all of its implementations
would be secure.
Hackers actively find and exploit bugs, and an RDMA bug could be much more
severe than traditional protocol-stack bugs, because it might allow
unbounded and unchecked access to host memory.
RDMA security therefore cannot be provided by sprinkling some
IPSec pixie dust over the protocol; it will require attention
to all layers of the system.
The use of TCP below RDMA is controversial, because
it requires TCP modifications (or a thin intermediate layer
whose implementation is entangled with the TCP layer) in order to
reliably mark RDMA message boundaries. While SCTP is
widely accepted as inherently better than TCP as a transport
for RDMA, some vendors believe that TCP is adequate, and
intend to ship RDMA/TCP implementations long before offloaded
SCTP layers are mature.
This paper's main point is not that TCP offload is a good
idea, but rather that transport-protocol offload is appropriate
for RNICs. TCP might simply represent the best available choice for several
TCP offload has been ``a solution in search of a problem'' for
several decades. This paper identifies several inherent reasons
why general-purpose TCP offload has repeatedly failed. However,
as hardware trends change the feasibility and economics of network-based
storage connections, RDMA will become a significant and appropriate
justification for TOEs.
RDMA's remotely-managed network buffers could be an innovation analogous
to novel memory consistency models: an attempt to focus on necessary
features for real applications, giving up the simplicity of a narrow interface
for the potential of significant performance scaling. But as in the case
of relaxed consistency, we may see a period where variants are proposed,
tested, evolved, and sometimes discarded. The principles that must be
developed are squarely in the domain of operating systems.
I would like to thank David Black, Craig Partridge, and especially
Jeff Chase, as well as the anonymous reviewers, for their
helpful comments.
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- 6
J. S. Chase.
High Performance TCP/IP Networking (Mahbub Hassan and Raj
Jain, Editors), chapter 13, TCP Implementation.
In preparation.
- 7
J. S. Chase, A. J. Gallatin, and K. G. Yocum.
End-system optimizations for high-speed TCP.
IEEE Communications, 39(4):68-74, Apr. 2001.
- 8
G. Chesson.
XTP/PE overview.
In Proc. IEEE 13th Conf. on Local Computer Networks, pages
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- 9
D. D. Clark, V. Jacobson, J. Romkey, and H. Salwen.
An analysis of TCP processing overhead.
IEEE Communications Magazine, 27(6):23-29, June 1989.
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C. Dalton, G.Watson, D. Banks, C. Calamvokis, A. Edwards, and J. Lumley.
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M. O'Dell.
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Message on TSV mailing list, Nov. 2002.
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- 19
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- 20
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- 23
T. Strayer.
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TCP offload is a dumb idea whose time has come
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- Much of this paragraph was adapted,
with permission, from a forthcoming book chapter by
Jeff Chase [6].
Jeffrey Mogul