19th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA '05): Preliminary Program
S U N D A Y |
Sysadmin in Edu Environments Workshop |
Clusters Admin Workshop |
Tutorial Program |
M O N D A Y |
Configuration Management Workshop |
AFS Workshop |
Social Technologies for System Admininstration Workshop |
Tutorial Program |
An Evening with Make Magazine (evening program) |
T U E S D A Y |
Advanced Topics Workshop |
System Administration Education Workshop |
Tutorial Program |
(workshop to be scheduled: Managing System Administrators)
W E D N E S D A Y | ||||
Refereed Papers | Invited Talks 1 | Invited Talks 2 | Guru | |
9:00 to 10:30 |
Keynote Address: Scaling Search Beyond the Public Web Qi Lu, Vice President of Engineering, Yahoo! Inc. What's next in "search?" Scaling, fault tolerance, and storage management become a lot more exciting when we go from the colossal scale of Yahoo! to the challenges of searching not just the public web, but your desktop, email, bookmarks and other repositories of information like your on-line communities. This talk introduces Yahoo!'s personal and social search initiative, and focuses on technology infrastructure that can store, index and search user and community content on a massive scale. Specific topics also include storage management, fault tolerance, metrics and real-time monitoring, and much more. Dr. Qi Lu is a VP of Engineering of Yahoo! Inc. responsible for the technology development of Yahoo's Search and Marketplace businesses unit, which includes the company's search, e-commerce, and local listings businesses and products. Prior to joining Yahoo! in 1998, Dr. Lu was a Research Staff Member at IBM Almaden Research Center. Before that, Dr. Lu worked at Carnegie Mellon University as a Research Associate, and at Fudan University in China as a faculty member. He holds 20 US patents, and received his BS and MS in Computer Science from Fudan University and PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. More information on the speaker can be found at https://360.yahoo.com/profile-dHFl7togcqomOrUGtvI- |
11:00 to 12:30 |
GULP: A Unified Logging Architecture for Authentication Data Daniel Medina Toward an Automated Vulnerability Comparison of Open Source IMAP Servers Chaos Golubitsky Fast User-Mode Rootkit Scanner for the Enterprise Yi-Min Wang |
(computing systems for amateur spacecraft)
Bdale Garbee |
Black Ops of TCP/IP: Managing the Unexpected on Your Network
Dan Kaminsky |
2:00 to 3:30 |
Config. Mgmt. Theory
Configuration Tools: Working Together Paul Anderson A Case Study in Configuration Management Tool Deployment Narayan Desai Reducing Downtime Due to System Maintenance and Upgrades Shaya Potter |
What big sites can learn from small sites
Tom Limoncelli |
(a big move at MIT)
Garrett Wollman |
4:00 to 5:30 |
Config. Mgmt. Practice
About the Integration of MacOSX Devices into a Centrally Managed Unix Environment Anton Schultschik RegColl: Centralized Registry Framework for Infrastructure System Management Vikram Sharma Herding cats: managing a mobile unix platform Maarten Thibaut |
Under 200: Applying Best Practices to Small Companies
Strata Chalup |
What's a PKI, why would I want one, and how should it be designed?
Radia Perlman |
T H U R S D A Y | ||||
Refereed Papers | Invited Talks 1 | Invited Talks 2 | Guru | |
9:00 to 10:30 |
Open Network Administrator (ONA) - A Web-Based Network Management Tool Bruce Campbell An Open Source Solution for Testing NAT'd and Nested iptables Firewalls Phil Kearns Towards Network Awareness Anil Somayaji |
Modern Trends in Unix and Linux Infrastructure Management
Andrew Cowie |
Incident Command for IT: What We Can Learn from the Fire Department
Brent Chapman |
11:00 to 12:30 |
Toward a cost model for system administration Alva Couch Voluntary cooperation in pervasive computing services Mark Burgess Network Configuration Management Via Model Finding Sanjai Narain |
Automatic PC Desktop Management with Virtulization Technology
Monica Lam |
Peyton Engel |
2:00 to 3:30 |
Network Visualization
Visualizing NetFlows for Security at Line Speed: The SIFT Tool Suite William Yurcik Interactive Traffic Analysis and Visualization with Wisconsin Netpy Cristian Estan NetViewer: A Network Traffic Visualization and Analysis Tool Seong Soo Kim |
Passive Internet Competitive Intelligence and Corporate Espionage
Lance Cottrell |
Preventing Child Neglect in DNSSEC-bis
Paul Vixie |
4:00 to 5:30 |
(picking locks & system security)
Matt Blaze |
F R I D A Y | ||||
Refereed Papers | Invited Talks 1 | Invited Talks 2 | Guru | |
9:00 to 10:30 |
A1: Spreadsheet-based Scripting for Web Tools Allen Cypher Hostdb: The best damn host2DNS/DHCP script ever written Thomas Limoncelli Solaris Service Management Facility: Modern System Startup and Administration Liane Praza |
(PATRIOT Act and data retention)
Kevin Bankston |
Wireless Security
Warfield |
11:00 to 12:30 |
Access Control
Towards a Userspace Packet Filter Toolkit for Securing Legacy Resources Phil Kearns Administering Access Control in Dynamic Coalitions Rakesh Bobba Manage People, Not Userids Jon Finke |
(blogs, wikis, and rss)
Chris Dent |
The System Administrator's Guide to Biometrics
Michael Crusoe |
2:00 to 3:30 |
Works in Progress |
Network Management: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why
Terry Slattery |
How to Think Like an Attacker
Steve Bono |
4:00 to 5:30 |
(closing session, most likely game show) |