NSDI '06 Abstract
Pp. 225238 of the Proceedings
Subtleties in Tolerating Correlated Failures in Wide-area Storage Systems
Suman Nath, Microsoft Research; Haifeng Yu, and Phillip B. Gibbons, Intel Research Pittsburgh; Srinivasan Seshan, Carnegie Mellon University
High availability is widely accepted as an explicit requirement for
distributed storage systems. Tolerating correlated failures is a key
issue in achieving high availability in today's wide-area
environments. This paper systematically revisits previously proposed
techniques for addressing correlated failures. Using several
real-world failure traces, we qualitatively answer four important
questions regarding how to design systems to tolerate such failures.
Based on our results, we identify a set of design principles that
system builders can use to tolerate correlated failures. We show how
these lessons can be effectively used by incorporating them into
IrisStore, a distributed read-write storage layer that provides high
availability. Our results using IrisStore on the PlanetLab over an 8-month
period demonstrate its ability to withstand large correlated
failures and meet preconfigured availability targets.
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