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The second, object-oriented, version of the example illustrates LINQ's use of C#'s lambda expressions. The Join method, for example, takes as arguments a dataset to perform the Join against (in this case staticRank) and three functions. The first two functions describe how to determine the keys that should be used in the Join. The third function describes the Join function itself. Note that the compiler performs static type inference to determine the concrete types of var objects and anonymous lambda expressions so the programmer need not remember (or even know) the type signatures of many subexpressions or helper functions.
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var input = GetTable<LineRecord>("file://in.tbl"); var result = MainProgram(input, ...); var output = ToDryadTable(result, "file://out.tbl");Tables are referenced by URI strings that indicate the storage system to use as well as the name of the partitioned dataset. Variants of ToDryadTable can simultaneously invoke multiple expressions and generate multiple output DryadTables in a single distributed Dryad job. This feature (also encountered in parallel databases such as Teradata) can be used to avoid recomputing or materializing common subexpressions. DryadLINQoffers two data re-partitioning operators: HashPartition<T,K> and RangePartition<T,K>. These operators are needed to enforce a partitioning on an output dataset and they may also be used to override the optimizer's choice of execution plan. From a LINQ perspective, however, they are no-ops since they just reorganize a collection without changing its contents. The system allows the implementation of additional re-partitioning operators, but we have found these two to be sufficient for a wide class of applications. The remaining new operators are Apply and Fork, which can be thought of as an "escape-hatch" that a programmer can use when a computation is needed that cannot be expressed using any of LINQ's built-in operators. Apply takes a function f and passes to it an iterator over the entire input collection, allowing arbitrary streaming computations. As a simple example, Apply can be used to perform "windowed" computations on a sequence, where the ith entry of the output sequence is a function on the range of input values [i,i+d] for a fixed window of length d. The applications of Apply are much more general than this and we discuss them further in Section 7. The Fork operator is very similar to Apply except that it takes a single input and generates multiple output datasets. This is useful as a performance optimization to eliminate common subcomputations, e.g. to implement a document parser that outputs both plain text and a bibliographic entry to separate tables. If the DryadLINQsystem has no further information about f, Apply (or Fork) will cause all of the computation to be serialized onto a single computer. More often, however, the user supplies annotations on f that indicate conditions under which Apply can be parallelized. The details are too complex to be described in the space available, but quite general "conditional homomorphism" is supported-this means that the application can specify conditions on the partitioning of a dataset under which Apply can be run independently on each partition. DryadLINQwill automatically re-partition the data to match the conditions if necessary. DryadLINQallows programmers to specify annotations of various kinds. These provide manual hints to guide optimizations that the system is unable to perform automatically, while preserving the semantics of the program. As mentioned above, the Apply operator makes use of annotations, supplied as simple C# attributes, to indicate opportunities for parallelization. There are also Resource annotations to discriminate functions that require constant storage from those whose storage grows along with the input collection size-these are used by the optimizer to determine buffering strategies and decide when to pipeline operators in the same process. The programmer may also declare that a dataset has a particular partitioning scheme if the file system does not store sufficient metadata to determine this automatically. The DryadLINQoptimizer produces good automatic execution plans for most programs composed of standard LINQ operators, and annotations are seldom needed unless an application uses complex Apply statements.
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Computers | 1 | 2 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 240 |
Time | 119 | 241 | 242 | 245 | 271 | 294 | 319 |
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Computers | 1 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 40 |
Dryad | 2167 | 451 | 242 | 135 | 92 |
DryadLINQ | 2666 | 580 | 328 | 176 | 113 |
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