16th USENIX Security Symposium
Pp. 135148 of the Proceedings
Spamscatter: Characterizing Internet Scam Hosting Infrastructure
David S. Anderson, Chris Fleizach, Stefan Savage and Geoffrey M. Voelker
Collaborative Center for Internet Epidemiology and Defenses
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego
Unsolicited bulk e-mail, or SPAM, is a means to an end. For virtually
all such messages, the intent is to attract the recipient into
entering a commercial transaction -- typically via a linked Web site.
While the prodigious infrastructure used to pump out billions of such
solicitations is essential, the engine driving this process is
ultimately the ``point-of-sale'' -- the various money-making ``scams''
that extract value from Internet users. In the hopes of better
understanding the business pressures exerted on spammers, this paper
focuses squarely on the Internet infrastructure used to host and
support such scams. We describe an opportunistic measurement
technique called spamscatter that mines emails in real-time,
follows the embedded link structure and automatically clusters the
destination Web sites using image shingling to capture graphical
similarity between rendered sites. We have implemented this approach
on a large real-time spam feed (over 1M messages per week) and have
identified and analyzed over 2,000 distinct scams on 7,000 distinct
1 Introduction
Few Internet security issues have attained the universal public
recognition or contempt of unsolicited bulk email - SPAM. In 2006,
industry estimates suggest that such messages comprise over 80% over
all Internet email with a total volume up to 85 billion
per day [17,15]. The scale of these
numbers underscores the prodigious delivery infrastructures developed
by ``spammers'' and in turn motivates the more than $1B spent annually
on anti-spam technology. However, the engine that drives this arms
race is not spam itself - which is simply a means to an end - but
the various money-making ``scams'' (legal or illegal) that extract
value from Internet users.
In this paper, we focus on the Internet infrastructure used to host
and support such scams. In particular, we analyze spam-advertised Web
servers that offer merchandise and services (e.g., pharmaceuticals,
luxury watches, mortgages) or use malicious means to defraud users
(e.g., phishing, spyware, trojans). Unlike mail-relays or bots, scam
infrastructure is directly implicated in the spam profit cycle and
thus considerably rarer and more valuable. For example, a given spam
campaign may use thousands of mail relay agents to deliver its
millions of messages, but only use a single server to handle requests from
recipients who respond. Consequently, the availability of scam infrastructure is
critical to spam profitability --- a single takedown of a scam server
or a spammer redirect can curtail the earning potential of an entire spam
The goal of this paper is to characterize scam infrastructure and use
this data to better understand the dynamics and business pressures
exerted on spammers. To identify scam infrastructure, we employ an
opportunistic technique called spamscatter. The underlying
principle is that each scam is, by necessity, identified in the
link structure of associated spams. To this end, we have built a
system that mines email, identifies URLs in real time and follows
such links to their eventual destination server (including any
redirection mechanisms put in place). We further identify individual
scams by clustering scam servers whose rendered Web pages are
graphically similar using a technique called image shingling.
Finally, we actively probe the scam servers on an ongoing basis to
characterize dynamic behaviors like availability and lifetime. Using the
spamscatter technique on a large real-time spam feed (roughly 150,000
per day) we have identified over 2,000 distinct scams hosted across
more than 7,000 distinct servers. Further, we characterize the
availability of infrastructure implicated in these scams and the
relationship with business-related factors such as scam ``type'',
location and blacklist inclusion.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 reviews related measurement studies similar
in topic or technique. In Section 3 we outline the
structure and lifecycle of Internet scams, and describe in detail one
of the more extensive scams from our trace as a concrete example.
Section 4 describes our measurement methodology,
including our probing system, image shingling algorithm, and spam
feed. In Section 5, we analyze a wide range of
characteristics of Internet scam infrastructure based upon the scams
we identify in our spam feed. Finally, Section 6
summarizes our findings and concludes.
2 Related work
Spamscatter is an opportunistic network measurement
technique [5], taking advantage of spurious
traffic -- in this case spam -- to gain insight into ``hidden''
aspects of the Internet -- in this case scam hosting infrastructure.
As with other opportunistic measurement techniques, such as
backscatter to measure Internet denial-of-service
activity [20], network telescopes and
Internet sinks [32] to measure Internet
worm outbreaks [19,21], and spam to
measure spam relays [27], spamscatter provides a
mechanism for studying global Internet behavior from a single or small
number of vantage points.
We are certainly not the first to use spam for opportunistic
measurement. Perhaps the work most closely related to ours is
Ramachandran and Feamster's recent study using spam to characterize
the network behavior of the spam relays that sent
it [27]. Using extensive spam feeds, they
categorized the network and geographic location, lifetime, platform,
and network evasion techniques of spam relay infrastructure. They
also evaluated the effectiveness of using network-level properties of
spam relays, such as IP blacklists and suspect BGP announcements, to
filter spam. When appropriate in our analyses we compare and
contrast characteristics of spam relays and scam hosts; some scam
hosts also serve as spam relays, for example. In general, however,
due to the different requirements of the two underground services,
they exhibit different characteristics; scam hosts, for example, have
longer lifetimes and are more concentrated in the U.S.
The Webb Spam Corpus effort harvests URLs from spam to create a
repository of {\em Web spam} pages -- Web pages created to influence Web
search engine results or deceive users [31].
Although both their effort and our own harvest URLs from spam, the two projects differ
in their use of the harvested URLs. The Webb Spam Corpus downloads
and stores HTML content to create an offline data set for training
classifiers of Web spam pages. Spamscatter probes sites and downloads
content over time, renders browser screenshots to identify URLs
referencing the same scam, and analyzes various characteristics of the
infrastructure hosting scams.
Both community and commercial services consume URLs extracted from
spam. Various community services mine spam to specifically identify
and track phishing sites, either by examining spam from their own
feeds or collecting spam email and URLs
submitted by the community [1,6,22,25].
Commercial Web security and filtering services,
such as Websense and Brightcloud,
track and analyze Web
sites to categorize content and to identify phishing sites and sites
hosting other potentially malicious content such as spyware and
keylogging. Sites advertised in spam provide an important data source
for such services. While we use similar data in our work, our goal is infrastructure characterization rather than operational filtering.
Botnets can play a role in the scam host infrastructure, either by
hosting the spam relays generating the spam we see or by hosting the
scam servers. A number of recent efforts have developed techniques
for measuring botnet structure, behavior, and prevalence. Cook et
al. [9] tested the feasibility of using
honeypots to capture bots, and proposed a combination of passive host
and network monitoring to detect botnets. Bächer et
al. [23] used honeynets to capture bots,
infiltrate their command and control channel, and monitor botnet
activity. Rajab et al. [26] combined a number of
measurement techniques, including malware collection, IRC command and
control tracking, and DNS cache probing. The last two approaches have
provided substantial insight into botnet activity by tracking hundreds
of botnets over periods of months. Ramachandran and
Feamster [27] provided strong evidence that
botnets are commonly used as platforms for spam relays; our results
suggest botnets are not as common for scam hosting.
We developed an image shingling algorithm to determine the equivalance
of screenshots of rendered Web pages. Previous efforts have developed
techniques to determine the equivalence of transformed images as well.
For instance, the SpoofGuard anti-phishing Web browser plugin compares
images on Web pages with a database of corporate
logos [7] to identify Web site spoofing.
SpoofGuard compares images using robust image hashing, an approach
employing signal processing techniques to create a compressed
representation of an image [30]. Robust
image hashing works well against a number of different image
transformations, such as cropping, scaling, and filtering. However,
unlike image shingling, image hashing is not intended to compare
images where substantial regions have completely different content;
refinements to image hashing improve robustness
(e.g., [18,28]), but do
not fundamentally extend the original set of transforms.

Figure 1:
Components of a typical Internet scam.

Figure 2:
Screenshots, hostnames, and IP
addresses of different hosts for the ``Downloadable Software''
scam. The highlighted regions show portions of the page that
change on each access due to product rotation. Image shingling
is resilient to such changes and identifies these screenshots as
equivalent pages.
3 The life and times of an Internet scam
In this section we outline the structure and life cycle of Internet
scams, and describe in detail one of the more extensive scams from our
trace as a concrete example. This particular scam advertises ``Downloadable
Software,'' such as office productivity tools (Microsoft, Adobe, etc.)
and popular games, although in general, the scams we observed were
diverse in what they offered (Section 5.1).
Figure 1 depicts the life of a spam-driven Internet
scam. First, a spam campaign launches a vast number of unsolicited
spam messages to email addresses around the world; a large spam
campaign can exceed 1 billion messages [12]. In
turn the content in these messages commonly advertises a scam --
unsolicited merchandise and services available through the Web -- by embedding
URLs to scam Web servers in the spam; in our data, roughly 30% of
spam contains such URLs (Section 5.1).An
example of spam that does not contain links would be ``pump-and-dump''
stock spam intended to manipulate penny stock
prices [3]. The recent growth of image-based stock spam
has substantially reduced the fraction of spam using embedded URLs,
shrinking from 85% in 2005 to 55% in 2006. [12]
These spam campaigns can be comparatively brief, with more than half lasting
less than 12 hours in our data (Section 5.4). For our example
software scam, over 5,000 spam emails were used to advertise it over the a weeklong period.
Knowing or unsuspecting users click on URLs in spam to access content
from the Web servers hosting the scams. While sometimes the embedded
URL directly specifies the scam server, more commonly it indicates an
intermediate Web server that subsequently redirects traffic (using
HTTP or Javascript) on towards the scam server. Redirection serves
multiple purposes. When spammer and scammer are distinct, it provides
a simple means for tagging requests with the spammer's affiliate
identifier (used by third-party merchants to compensate independent
``advertisers'') and laundering the spam-based origin before the
request reaches the merchant (this laundering provides plausible deniability for
the merchant and protects the spammer from potential conflicts over
the merchant's advertising policy). If spammer and scammer are the same, a
layer of redirection is still useful for avoiding URL-based
blacklists and providing deployment flexibility for scam servers. In
our traces, most scams use at least one level of redirection (Section 4).
On the back end, scams may use multiple servers to host scams, both in
terms of multiple virtual hosts (e.g., different domain names served
by the same Web server) and multiple physical hosts identified by IP
address (Section 5.2). However, for the scams in our spam
feed, the use of multiple virtual hosts is infrequent (16% of scams)
and multiple physical hosts is rare (6%); our example software scam
is one of the more extensive scams, using at least 99 virtual hosts on three
physical hosts.
Finally, different Web servers (physical or virtual), and even
different accesses to a scam using the same URL, can result in
slightly different downloaded content for the same scam. Intentional
randomness for evasion, rotating advertisements, featured product
rotation, etc., add another form of aliasing.
Figure 2 shows example screenshots among
different hosts for the software scam. To overcome these aliasing
issues, we use screenshots of Web pages as a basis for identifying all
hosts participating in a given scam (Section 4.2).
A machine hosting one scam may be shared with other scams,
as when scammers run multiple scams at once or the
hosts are third-party infrastructure used by multiple
scammers. Sharing is common, with 38% of scams being hosted on a
machine with at least one other scam (Section 5.3). One
of the machines hosting the software scam, for example, also hosted a
pharmaceutical scam called ``Toronto Pharmacy'' (which happened to be
hosted on a server in Guangzhou, China).

Figure 3:
Geographic locations of the spam relays and scam server hosts
for the ``Downloadable Software'' scam. The three scam servers are
located in China and Russia and shown with dark grey points. The 85
spam relays are located around the world in more than 30 different
countries, and are shown in white.
The lifetimes of scams are much longer than spam campaigns, with 50%
of scams active for at least a week (Section 5.4).
Furthermore, scam hosts have high availability during their lifetime
(most above 99%) and appear to have good network connectivity
(Section 5.5); the lifetime of our software scam ran
for the entire measurement period and was available 97% of the time.
Finally, scam hosts tend to be geographically concentrated in the
United States; over 57% of scam hosts from our data mapped to the
U.S. (Section 5.6.2). Such geographic concentration
contrasts sharply with the location of spam relay hosts; for
comparison, only 14% of spam relays used to send the spam to our feed
are located in the U.S. Figure 3 shows the
geographic locations of the spam relays and scam hosts for the
software scam. The three scam hosts were located in China and Russia,
whereas the 85 spam relays were located around the world in 30
The lifetimes, high availability, and good network connectivity, as
well as the geographic diversity of spam relays compared with scam
hosts, all reflect the fundamentally different requirements and
circumstances between the two underground services. Spam relays
require no interaction with users, need only be available to send
mail, but must be great enough in number to mitigate the effects of
per-host blacklists. Consequently, spam relays are well suited to
``commodity'' botnet infrastructure [27]; one
recent industry estimate suggests that over 80% of spam is in fact
relayed by bots [13]. By contrast, scam hosts are
naturally more centralized (due to hosting a payment infrastructure),
require interactive response time to their target customers, and may
--- in fact --- be hosting legal commerce. Thus, scam hosts are much
more likely to have high-quality hosting infrastructure that is stable over
long periods.
4 Methodology
This section describes our measurement methodology. We first explain
our data collection framework for probing scam hosts and spam relays,
and then detail our image shingling algorithm for identifying
equivalent scams. Finally, we describe the spam feed we use as our
data source and discuss the inherent limitations of using a single
We built a data collection tool, called the spamscatter prober,
that takes as input a feed of spam emails, extracts the sender and
URLs from the spam messages, and probes those hosts to collect various
kinds of information (Figure 1). For spam senders,
the prober performs a ping, traceroute, and DNS-based blacklist lookup
(DNSBL) once upon receipt of each spam email. The prober performs
more extensive operations for the scam hosts. As with spam senders,
it first performs a ping, traceroute, and DNSBL lookup on scam hosts.
In addition, it downloads and stores the full HTML source of the Web page
specified by valid URLs extracted from the spam (we do not attempt to
de-obfuscate URLs). It also renders an image of the downloaded page
in a canonical browser configuration using the KHTML layout
engine [14], and stores a screenshot of the browser
window. For scam hosts, the prober repeats these operations
periodically for a fixed length of time. For the trace in this paper,
we probed each host and captured a screenshot while visiting each URL
every three hours. Starting from when the first spam email introduces
a new URL into the data set, we probe the scam host serving that URL
for a week independently of whether the probes fail or succeed.
As we mentioned earlier, many spam URLs simply point to sites that
forward the request onto another server. There are many possible
reasons for the forwarding behavior, such as tracking users,
redirecting users through third-party affiliates or tracking systems,
or consolidating the many URLs used in spam (ostensibly to avoid spam
filters) to just one. Occasionally, we also noticed forwarding that
does not end, either indicating a misconfiguration, programming error,
or a deliberate attempt to avoid spidering.
The prober accommodates a variety of link forwarding practices. While
some links direct the client immediately to the appropriate Web
server, others execute a series of forwarding requests, including HTTP
302 server redirects and JavaScript-based redirects.
To follow these, the prober processes received page content to extract simple META
refresh tags and JavaScript redirect statements. It then tracks every
intermediate page between the initial link and the final content page,
and marks whether a page is the end of the line for each link.
Properly handling forwarding is necessary for accurate scam
monitoring. Over 68% of scams used some kind of forwarding, with an
average of 1.2 forwards per URL.
4.2 Image shingling
Many of our analyses compare content downloaded from scam servers to
determine if the scams are equivalent. For example, scam hosts may
serve multiple independent scams simultaneously, and we cannot assume
that URLs that lead to the same host are part of the same scam.
Similarly, scams are hosted on multiple virtual servers as well as
distributed across multiple machines. As a result, we need to be able
to compare content from scam servers on different hosts to determine
whether they are part of the same scam. Finally, even for content
downloaded from the same URL over time, we need to determine whether
the content fundamentally changes (e.g., the server has stopped
hosting the scam but returns valid HTTP responses to requests, or it
has transitioned to hosting a different scam altogether).
Various kinds of aliasing make determining scam
equivalence across multiple hosts, as well as over time, a challenging problem.
One possibility is to compare spam messages within a window of time to
identify spams for the same scam. However, the randomness and churn that
spammers introduce to defeat spam filters makes it extremely difficult
to use textual information in the spam message to identify spam
messages for the same scam (e.g., spam filters continue to struggle
with spam message equivalence). Another possibility is to compare the
URLs themselves. Unfortunately, scammers have many incentives not to
use the same URL across spams, and as a result each spam message for a
scam might use a distinct URL for accessing a scam server. For
instance, scammers may embed unique tracking identifiers in the query
part of URLs, use URLs that contain domain names to different virtual
servers, or simply randomize URLs to defeat URL blacklisting.
A third option is to compare the HTML content downloaded from the URLs
in the spam for equivalence. The problem of comparing Web pages is a
fundamental operation for any effort that identifies similar content
across sites, and comparing textual Web content has been studied extensively already. For instance,
text shingling techniques were developed to efficiently measure the
similarity of Web pages, and to scale page comparison to the entire
Web [4,29]. In principle,
a similar method could be used to compare the HTML source between scam sites, but in
practice the downloaded HTML frequently provides insufficient textual information to
reliably identify a scam. Indeed, many scams contained little
textual content at all, and instead used images entirely to display content
on the Web page. Also, many scams used frames, iframes, and
JavaScript to display content, making it difficult to capture the full
page context using a text-based Web crawler.
Finally, a fourth option is to render screenshots of the content downloaded
from scam sites, and to compare the screenshots for equivalence.
Screenshots are an attractive basis for comparison because they
sidestep the aforementioned problems with comparing HTML source. However, comparing
screenshots is not without its own difficulties. Even for the same
scam accessed by the same URL over time -- much less across different
scam servers -- scam sites may intentionally introduce random
perturbations of the page to prevent simple image comparison, display
rotating advertisements in various parts of a page, or rotate images
of featured products across accesses.
Figure 2 presents an example of screenshots
from different sites for the same scam that show variation between images due to
product rotation.
Considering the options, we selected screenshots as the basis for
determining spam equivalence. To overcome the problems described
earlier, we developed an image-clustering algorithm, called image
shingling, based on the notion of shingling from the text similarity
literature. Text shingling decomposes a document into many
segments, usually consisting of a small number of characters. Various
techniques have been developed to
increase the efficiency and reduce the space complexity of this
process [11]. Next, these hashed ``shingles'' are sorted so that hashes for documents
containing similar shingles are close together. The ordering allows
all the documents that share an identical shingle to be found quickly.
Finally, documents are clustered according to the percentage of shared
shingles between them. The power of the algorithm is that it
essentially performs comparisons in time.
Our image shingling algorithm applies a similar process to
the image domain. The algorithm first divides each image into fixed
size chunks in memory; in our experiments, we found that an image
chunk size of 40x40 pixels was an effective tradeoff between
granularity and shingling performance. We then hash each chunk to
create an image shingle, and store the shingle on a global list
together with a link to the image (we use the MD4 hash to create
shingles due to its relative speed compared with other hashing
algorithms). After sorting the list of shingles, we create a hash
table, indexed by shingle, to track the number of times two images
shared a similar shingle. Scanning through the table, we create
clusters of images by finding image pairs that share at least a
threshold of similar images.
Figure 4:
The choice of a threshold value for image shingling determines the number of clusters.
To determine an appropriate threshold value, we took one day's worth of
screenshots and ran the image shingling algorithm for all values of
thresholds in increments of 1%. Figure 4
shows the number of clusters created per threshold
value. The plateau in the figure starting at 70% corresponds to a fair balance between
being too strict, which would reduce the possibility of clustering
nearly similar pages, and being too lenient, which would cluster
distinct scams together. Manually inspecting the clusters generated
at this threshold plateau and the cluster membership changes that
occur at neighboring threshold values, we found that a threshold of
70% minimized false negatives and false positives for determining
scam page equivalence.
We have developed a highly optimized version of
this basic algorithm that, in practice, completes an all-pairs
comparison in roughly linear time. In practice, image shingling is
highly effective at clustering like scams, while neatly side-stepping
the adversarial obfuscations in spam messages, URLs, and page
Clearly, a determined scammer could introduce steps to reduce the effectiveness
of image shingling as described (e.g., by slightly changing the background colors or embedded images on each access, changing the
compression ratio of embedded images, etc.). However, we have not
witnessed this behavior in our trace. If scammers do take such steps,
this methodology will likely need to be refined.
The source of spam determines the scams we can measure using this
methodology. For this study, we have been able to take advantage of a
substantial spam feed: all messages sent to any email address at a
well-known four-letter top-level domain. This domain receives over
150,000 spam messages every day. We can assume that any email sent to
addresses in this domain is spam because no active users use
addresses on the mail server for the domain. Examining the ``From''
and ``To'' addresses of spam from this feed, we found that spammers
generated ``To'' email addresses using a variety of methods, including
harvested addresses found in text on Web pages, universal typical
addresses at sites, as well as name-based dictionary address lists.
Over 93% of ``From'' addresses were used only once, suggesting the
use of random source addresses to defeat address-based spam
We analyze Internet scam hosting infrastructure using spam from only a
single, albeit highly active, spam feed. As with other techniques
that use a single network viewpoint to study global Internet behavior,
undoubtedly this single viewpoint introduces
bias [2,8]. For example, the domain
that provides our spam feed has no actual users who read the email.
Any email address harvesting process that evaluates the quality of
email addresses, such as correlating spam email targets with accesses
on scam sites, would be able to determine that sending spam to these
addresses yields no returns (that is, until we began probing).
While measuring the true bias of our data is impossible, we can
anecdotally gauge the coverage of scams from our spam feed by
comparing them with scams identified from an entirely different spam
source. As a comparison source, we used the spam posted to the Usenet
group news.admin.net-abuse.sightings, a forum for administrators to
contribute spam [22]. Over a single 3-day period, January
26-28th, 2007, we collected spam from both sources. We captured
6,977 spam emails from the newsgroup and 113,216 spam emails from our
feed. The newsgroup relies on user contributions and is moderated,
and hence is a reliable source of spam. However, it is also a much
smaller source of spam than our feed.
Next we used image shingling to distill the spam from both sources
into distinct scams, 205 from the newsgroup and 1,687 from our feed.
Comparing the scams, we found 25 that were in both sets, i.e., 12% of
the newsgroup scams were captured in our feed as well. Of the 30
most-prominent scams identified from both feeds (in terms of the
number of virtual hosts and IP addresses), ten come from the newsgroup
feed. These same ten, furthermore, were also in our feed. Our goal
was not to achieve global coverage of all Internet scams, and,
as expected, we have not. The key question is how representative our
sample is; without knowing the full set of scams (a very challenging
measurement task), we cannot gauge the representativeness of the scams
we find. Characterizing a large sample, however, still provides
substantial insight into the infrastructure used to host scams. And
it is further encouraging that many of the most extensive scams in the
newsgroup feed are also found in ours. Moving forward, we plan to
incorporate other sources of spam to expand our feed and further
improve representativeness.
5 Analysis
We analyze Internet scam infrastructure using scams identified from a
large one-week trace of spam messages. We start by summarizing the
characteristics of our trace and the scams we identify. We then
evaluate to what extent scams use multiple hosts as distributed
infrastructure; using multiple hosts can help scams be more resilient
to defenses. Next we examine how hosts are shared across scams as an
indication of infrastructure reuse. We then characterize the lifetime
and availability of scams. Scammers have an incentive to use host
infrastructure that provides longer lifetimes and higher availability;
at the same time, network and system administrators may actively
filter or take down scams, particularly malicious ones. Lastly, we
examine the network and geographic locations of scams; again, scammers
can benefit from using stable hosts that provide high availability and
good network connectivity.
Furthermore, since spam relay hosts are an integral aspect of Internet
scams, where appropriate in our analyses, we compare and contrast
characteristics of spam relays and scam hosts.
5.1 Summary results
Characteristic |
Summary Result |
Trace period |
11/28/06 - 12/11/06 |
Spam messages |
1,087,711 |
Spam w/ URLs |
319,700 (30% of all spam) |
Unique URLs |
36,390 (11% of all spam URLs) |
Unique IP addresses |
7,029 (19% of unique URLs) |
Unique scams |
2,334 (6% of unique URLs) |
Table 1:
Summary of spamscatter trace.
Scam category |
% of scams |
Uncategorized |
29.57% |
Information Technology |
16.67% |
Dynamic Content |
11.52% |
Business and Economy |
6.23% |
Shopping |
4.30% |
Financial Data and Services |
3.61% |
Illegal or Questionable |
2.15% |
Adult |
1.80% |
Message Boards and Clubs |
1.80% |
Web Hosting |
1.63% |
Table 2:
Top ten scam categories.
We collected the spam from our feed for a one-week period from
November 28, 2006 to December 4, 2006. For every URL extracted from
spam messages, we probed the host specified by the URL for a full week
(independent of whether the host responded or not) starting from the
moment we received the spam. As a result, the prober monitored some
hosts for a week beyond the receipt of the last spam email, up until
December 11. Table 1 summarizes the resulting
spamscatter trace. Starting with over 1 million spam messages, we
extracted 36,390 unique URLs. Using image shingling, we identified
2,334 scams hosted on 7,029 machines. Spam is very redundant in
advertising scams: on average, 100 spam messages with embedded URLs
lead to only seven unique scams.
What kinds of scams do we observe in our trace? We use a commercial
Web content filtering product to determine the prevalence of different
kinds of scams. For every URL in our trace, we use the Web content
filter to categorize the page downloaded from the URL. We then assign
that category to the scams referenced by the URL.
Table 2 shows the ten most-prevalent scam categories.
Note that we were not able to categorize all of the scams. We did not
obtain access to the Web content filter until a few weeks after taking
our traces, and 30% of the scams had URLs that timed out in DNS by
that time (``Uncategorized'' in the table). Further, 12% of the
scams did not categorize due to the presence of dynamic content. The
remaining 58% of scams fell into over 60 categories. Of these the
most prevalent scam category was ``Information Technology'', which,
when examining the screenshots of the scam sites, include click affiliates,
survey and free merchandise offers and some merchandise for sale
(e.g., hair loss, software). Just over 2% of the scams were
labeled as malicious sites (e.g., containing malware).

Figure 5:
Number of IP address and virtual domains per scam.
Scam category |
# of domains |
# of IPs |
Watches |
3029 |
3 |
Pharmacy |
695 |
4 |
Watches |
110 |
3 |
Pharmacy |
106 |
1 |
Software |
99 |
3 |
Male Enhancement |
94 |
2 |
Phishing |
91 |
14 |
Viagra |
90 |
1 |
Watches |
81 |
1 |
Software |
80 |
45 |
Figure 6:
The ten largest virtual-hosted scams and the number of IP addresses hosting the scams.
5.2 Distributed infrastructure
We start by evaluating to what extent scams use multiple hosts as
distributed infrastructure. Scams might use multiple hosts for
fault-tolerance, for resilience in anticipation of administrative
takedown or blacklisting, for geographic distribution, or even
for load balancing. Also, reports of large-scale botnets are
increasingly common, and botnets could provide a large-scale
infrastructure for hosting scams; do we see evidence of botnets being
used as a scalable platform for scam hosting?
We count multiple scam hosting from two perspectives, the number of
virtual hosts used by a scam and the number of unique IP addresses
used by those virtual hosts. Overall, the scams from our trace are
typically hosted on a single IP address with one domain name. Of the
2,334 scams, 2,195 (94%) were hosted on a single IP address and 1,960
(84%) were hosted on a single domain name. Only a small fraction of
scams use multiple hosting. Figure 5 shows the
tails of the distributions of the number of virtual hosts and IP
addresses used by the scams in our trace, and Table 6 lists
the top ten scams with the largest number of domains and IP addresses.
Roughly 10% of the scams use three or more virtual domains, and 1%
use 15 or more. The top scams use hundreds of virtual domains, with
one scam using over 3,000. Of the 6% of scams hosted on multiple IP
addresses, only a few used more than ten, with one scam using 45. The
relatively prevalent use of virtual hosts suggests that scammers are
likely concerned about URL blacklisting and use distinct virtual hosts
in URLs sent in different spam messages to defeat such blacklists.
The scams in our trace do not use hosting infrastructure distributed
across the network extensively. Most scams are hosted on a single IP
address, providing a potentially convenient single point for
network-based interdiction either via IP blacklisting or network filtering.
Assuming that scammers adapt to defenses to remain effective, such
filtering does not appear to be applied extensively. Scam serving
workloads are apparently low enough that a single host can satisfy
offered load sufficiently to reap the benefits of the scam. Finally,
if scams do use botnets as hosting infrastructure, then they are not
used to scale a single scam. A scammer could potentially use
different bots each for one scam, but our methodology would not
identify this case.
Those few scams hosted on multiple IP addresses, however, are highly
distributed. Scams with multiple IP addresses were most commonly
distributed outside of the same /24 prefix. Of the 139 distributed
scams, all the hosts in 86% of the scams were located entirely on
distinct /24 networks. Moreover, 64% of the distributed scams had
host IP addresses that were all in entirely different ASes. As an
example, one distributed scam was a phishing attack targeting a bank.
The phishing Web pages were identical across 14 hosts, all in
different /24 networks. The attack employed 91 distinct domain names.
The domain names followed the same naming convention using a handful
of common keywords followed by a set of numbers, suggesting the hosts
were all involved in the distributed attack. The fully distributed
nature of these scams suggests that scammers were concerned about
resilience to defenses such as blacklisting.
5.3 Shared infrastructure
While we found that most scams are hosted on a single machine, a
related question is whether these individual machines in turn host
multiple scams, thereby sharing infrastructure across them. For each
hosting IP address in our trace, we counted the number of unique
scams hosted on that IP address at any time in the trace.
Figure 7 shows these results as a logscale
histogram. Shared infrastructure is rather prevalent: although 1,450
scams (62%) were hosted on their own machines, the remaining
38% of scams were hosted on machines hosting at least one other scam.
Ten servers hosted ten or more scams, and the top three machines
hosted 22, 18, and 15 different scams. This sharing of infrastructure
suggests that scammers frequently either run multiple different scams
on hosts that they control, or that hosts are made
available (sold, rented, bartered) to multiple scammers.

Figure 7:
The number of scams found on a server IP address.

Figure 8:
Overlap time for scam pairs on a server.
We further examined these shared servers to determine if they host
different scams sequentially or if, in fact, servers
are used concurrently for different scams. For each pair of scams
hosted on the same IP address, we compared their active times and
durations with each other. When they overlapped, we calculated
the duration of overlap. We found that scams sharing hosts shared
them at the same time: 96% of all pairs of scams overlapped with each
other when they remained active. Figure 8 shows
the distribution of time for which scams overlapped. Over 50% of
pairs of scams overlapped for at least 125 hours. Further calculating
the ratio of time that scams sharing hosts were active, we found that
overlapped scams did not necessarily start and end at the same time:
only 10% of scam pairs fully overlapped each other.
5.3.1 Sharing between scam hosts and spam relays
Host type |
Classification |
% of hosts recognized |
Spam relay |
Open proxy |
72.27% |
Spam host |
5.86% |
Scam host |
Open proxy |
2.06% |
Spam host |
14.86% |
Table 3:
Blacklist classification of spam relays and scam hosts.
More broadly, how often do the same machines serve as both spam relays
as well as scam hosting? Hosts used for both spam and scams suggest,
for instance, that either the spammer and the scammer are the same
party, or that a third party controls the infrastructure and makes it
available for use by different clients. We can only estimate the
extent to which hosts play both roles, but we estimate it in two ways.
First, we determine the IP addresses of all of the hosts that send
spam into our feed. We then compare those addresses with the IP
addresses of the scam hosts. Based upon this comparison, we find only
a small amount of overlap (9.7%) between the scam hosts and spam
relays in our trace.
Scam hosts could, of course, serve as spam relays that do not happen
to send spam to our feed. For a more global perspective, we identify
whether the spam and scam hosts we observe in our trace are
blacklisted on well-known Internet blacklists. When the prober sees
an IP address for the first time (either from a host sending spam or
from a scam host), it performs a blacklist query on that IP address
using the DNSBLLookup Perl module [16].
Table 3 shows the percentage of blacklisted spam relays and scam
hosts that were blacklisted. This perspective identifies a larger
percentage (17%) of scam hosts as also sending spam than we found by comparing scam hosts and open relays
within our spam feed, but the percentage is still small
overall. The blacklists are quite effective, though, at classifying
the hosts that send spam to our feed: 78% of those hosts are
blacklisted. The query identifies most of the spam hosts as open spam
relays --- servers that forward mail and mask the identity of the true
sender --- whereas most blacklisted scam hosts are identified as just
sending spam directly. These results suggest that when scam hosts are
also used to send spam, they are rarely used as an open spam service.
5.4 Lifetime
Next we examine how long scams remain active and, in the next section,
how stable they are while active. The lifetime of a scam is a balance of competing factors. Scammers have an incentive to use
hosting infrastructure that provides longer lifetimes and higher
availability to increase their rate of return. On the other hand, for
example, numerous community and commercial services provide feeds and
products to help network administrators identify, filter or take down
some scam sites, particularly phishing
scams [1,6,22,25].

Figure 9:
Lifetimes of individual scam hosts and Web servers, as well overall lifetimes of scams across multiple hosts.

Figure 10:
Scam lifetime distributions for malicious and shopping scams.
We define the lifetime of a scam as the time between the first and
last successful timestamp for a probe operation during the two-week
measurement period, independent of whether any probes failed in
between (we look at the effect of failed probe attempts on
availability below). We use two types of probes to examine scam host
lifetime from different perspectives (Section 4). Periodic ping probes measure host network lifetime, and periodic HTTP requests to measure scam server lifetime. Recall that
we probe all hosts for a week after they appear in our spam feed --
and no longer -- to remove any bias towards hosts that appear early
in the measurement study. For comparison, we also calculate the
lifetimes of entire scams. For scams that use multiple hosts, their
lifetimes starts when the first host appears in our trace and ends with
the lifetime of the last host to respond. As a result, scam lifetimes
can exceed a week.
How long are scams active? Figure 9 shows the
distributions of scam lifetime based upon these probes for the scams
in our trace. For ping probes, we show the distribution of just those
scam hosts that responded to pings (67% of all scam hosts). Scam
hosts had long network lifetimes. Over 50% of hosts responded to
pings for nearly the entire week that we probed them, and fewer than
10% of hosts responded to pings for less than 80 hours. Given how
close the distributions are, scam Web servers had only slightly
shorter lifetimes overall. These results suggest that scam hosts are
taken down soon after scam servers.
Comparing the distribution of scam lifetimes to the others, we see
that scams benefit from using multiple hosts. The 50% of scams whose
lifetimes exceed a week indicate that the lifetimes of the individual
scam hosts do not entirely overlap each other. Indeed, individual
hosts for some scams appeared throughout the week of our measurement
study, and the overall scam lifetime approached the two weeks.
A substantial amount of community and commercial effort goes into
identifying malicious sites, such as phishing scams, and placing those
sites on URL or DNS/IP blacklists. Thus, we would
expect that the hosting infrastructure for clearly malicious scams
would be more transient than for other scams. To test this
hypothesis, we used the categorization of scams to create a group of
malicious scams that include the ``Illegal or Questionable'' and
``Phishing'' categories labeled by the Web content filter (32 scams).
For comparison, we also broke out another group of more innocuous
shopping scams that include the ``Shopping'', ``Information
Technology'', and ``Auction'' categories (701 scams).
We examined the lifetimes and prevalence on blacklists of these
scams. Figure 10 shows the lifetime distributions
of the malicious and shopping groups of scams, and includes the
distribution of all scams from Figure 9 for
reference. The malicious scams have a noticeably shorter lifetime
than the entire population, and the shopping scams have a slightly
longer lifetime. Over 40% of the malicious scams persist for less
than 120 hours, whereas the lifetime for the same percentage of
shopping scams was 180 hours and the median for all scams was 155
hours. These results are consistent with malicious scam sites being
identified and taken down faster than other scam sites, although we
cannot verify the causality.
As further evidence, we also examined the prevalence of malicious
scams on the DNS blacklists we use in Section 5.3.1, and
compare it to the blacklisting prevalence of all scams and the
shopping scams. Over 28% of the malicious scams were blacklisted,
roughly twice as often as the shopping scams (12% blacklisted) and
all scams (15%). Again, these results are consistent with the
lifetimes of malicious scams -- being blacklisted twice as frequently
could directly result in shorter scam lifetimes.
Figure 11:
The duration of a spam campaign.
5.4.2 Spam campaign lifetime
A related aspect to scam lifetime are the ``spam campaigns'' used to
advertise scams and attract clients. We captured 319,700 spam emails
with links in our trace, resulting in 2,334 scams; on average, then,
each scam was advertised by 137 spam emails. We use these repeated
spam emails to determine the lifetime of spam campaigns for a scam by
measuring the time between the first and last spam email messages
advertising that scam. Figure 11 shows the
distribution of the spam campaign lifetimes. Compared to the lifetime
of scam sites, most spam campaigns are relatively short. Over 50% of
the campaigns last less than 12 hours, over 90% last less than 48
hours, and 99% last less than three days. Roughly speaking, the
lifecycle of a typical scam starts with a short spam campaign lasting
half of a day while the scam site remains up for at least a
The relative lifetimes of spam campaigns and scam hosts again reflect
the different needs of the two services. Compared with
scam hosts, spam relays need to be active for much shorter periods of
time to accomplish their goals. Spammers need only a window of time
to distribute spam globally; once sent, spam relays are no longer
needed for that particular scam. Scam hosts, in contrast, need to be
responsive and available for longer periods of time to net potential
clients. Put another way, spam is blanket advertising that requires
no interaction with users to deliver, whereas scam hosting is a
service that fundamentally depends upon user interaction to be
successful. In contrast, scam hosts benefit more from stable
infrastructure that remains useful and available for much longer
periods of time.
5.5 Stability
A profitable scam requires stable infrastructure to serve potential
customers at any time, and for as long as the scam is active. To
gauge the stability of scam hosting infrastructure, we probed each
scam host periodically for a week to measure its availability. When
downloading pages from the hosts, we also used p0f to fingerprint host
operating systems and link connectivity.
We computed scam availability as the number of successful Web page
downloads divided by the total number of download attempts within the
overall lifetime of the scam; if a scam lasted for only three days, we
computed availability only during those days. Scams had excellent
availability: over 90% of scams had an availability of 99% or
higher. Of the remaining, most had availabilities of 98% or higher.
As fingerprinted by p0f, more scams ran on Unix or server appliances
(43%) than Windows systems (30%), and all of them had reported good
link connectivity. These results indicate that scam hosting is quite
reliable within the lifetime of a scam.
5.6 Scam location
We next examine both the network and geographic locations of scam
hosts. For comparison, we also examine the locations of the spam
relays that sent the spam in our trace. Comparing them highlights the
extent to which the different requirements of the two services reflect
where around the world and in the network they are found.
Figure 12:
IP addresses, binned by /24 prefix, for spam sending relays and scam host servers.
The network locations of spam relays and scam hosts are more
consistent. Figure 12 shows the cumulative
distribution of IP addresses for spam relays and scam hosts in our
trace. Consistent with a similar analysis of spam relays
in [27], the distributions are highly
non-uniform. The IP addresses of most spam relays and scam hosts fall
into the two same ranges, 58.* to 91.* and 200.* to 222.*. However,
within those two address ranges hosts for the two services have
different concentrations. The majority of spam relays (over 60%) fall
into the first address range and are distributed somewhat evenly
except for a gap between 70.* and 80.*. Roughly half of the scam
hosts also fall into the first address range, but most of those fall
into the 64.* to 72.* subrange and relatively few in the second half
of the range. Similarly, scams are more uniformly distributed
within the second address range as well.
5.6.2 Geographic location
How do these variations in network address concentrations map into
geographic locations? The effectiveness of scams could relate to (at
least perceived) geographic location. As one example, online
pharmaceutical vendors utilized hosting servers inside the United
States to imply to their customers that they were providing a lawful
service [24].
Using Digital Element's NetAcuity tool [10], we mapped
the IP addresses of scam hosts to latitude and longitude coordinates.
Using these coordinates, we then identified the country in which the
host was geographically located. Table 4 shows the
top ten countries containing scam hosts in our trace. Interestingly,
the NetAcuity service reported that nearly 60% of the scam hosts are
located in the United States. Overall, 14% were located in Western
Europe and 13% in Asia. For comparison, Table 5
shows the top ten countries containing spam relays. The geographic
distributions for spam relays are quite different than scam hosts.
Only 14% of spam relays are located in the United States, whereas
28% are located in Western Europe and 16% in Asia. We also found
the top ASes for scam hosts and senders, but found no
discernible pattern and omit the results for brevity.
The strong bias of locating scam hosts in the United States suggests
that geographic location is more important to scammers than spammers.
There are a number of possible reasons for this bias. One is the
issue of perceived enhanced credibility by scammers mentioned above.
Another relates to the difference in requirements for the two types of
services. As discussed in Section 5.4.2, spam relays can
take advantage of hosts with much shorter lifetimes than scam hosts.
As a result, spam relays are perhaps more naturally suited to being
hosted on compromised machines such as botnets; the compromised
machine need only be under control of the spammer long enough to
launch the spam campaign. Scam hosts benefit more from stability, and
hosts and networks within the United States can provide this
Scam host country |
% of all servers |
United States |
57.40% |
China |
7.23% |
Canada |
3.70% |
Great Britain |
3.07% |
France |
3.06% |
Germany |
2.52% |
Russia |
1.80% |
South Korea |
1.77% |
Japan |
1.60% |
Taiwan |
1.53% |
Other |
16.32% |
Table 4:
Countries of scam hosts.
Spam relay country |
% of all relays |
United States |
14.50% |
France |
7.06% |
Spain |
6.75% |
China |
6.65% |
Poland |
5.68% |
India |
5.42% |
Germany |
5.00% |
South Korea |
4.67% |
Italy |
4.44% |
Brazil |
3.86% |
Other |
30.97% |
Table 5:
Countries of spam relays.
6 Conclusion
This paper does not study spam itself, nor the infrastructure used to
deliver spam, but rather focuses on the scam infrastructure that is
nourished by spam. We demonstrate the spamscatter technique for
identifying scam infrastructure and how to use approximate image
comparison to cluster servers according to individual scams --
side-stepping the extensive content and networking camouflaging used
by spammers.
From a week-long trace of a large real-time spam feed (roughly 150,000
per day), we used the spamscatter technique to identify and analyze
over 2,000 distinct scams hosted across more than 7,000 distinct
servers. We found that, although large numbers of hosts are used to
advertise Internet scams using spam campaigns, individual scams
themselves are typically hosted on only one machine. Further,
individual machines are commonly used to host multiple scams, and
occasionally serve as spam relays as well. This practice provides a potentially convenient single point for network-based interdiction either via IP blacklisting or network filtering.
The lifecycle of a typical
scam starts with a short spam campaign lasting half of a day while the
scam site remains up for at least a week. The relative lifetimes of
spam campaigns and scam hosts reflect the different requirements of
the two underground services. Spam is blanket advertising that
requires no interaction with users to deliver, whereas scam hosting is
a service that fundamentally depends upon user interaction to be
successful. Finally, mapping the geographic locations of scam hosts,
we found that they have a strong bias to being located in the United
States. The strong bias suggests that geographic location is more
important to scammers than spammers, perhaps due to the stability of
hosts and networks within the U.S.
We would like to thank a number of people who made contributions to
this project.
We are particularly grateful to Weidong Cui and
Christian Kreibich, who maintained the spam feed we used for our
analyses, the anonymous party who gave us access to the spam feed
itself, and Vern Paxson for discussions and feedback. Kirill
Levchenko suggested image-based comparison of Web pages as an
equivalence test, and Colleen Shannon assisted us with Digital
Element's NetAcuity tool. Finally, we would like to also thank the
the anonymous reviewers for their comments, the CCIED group for useful
feedback on the project, and Chris X. Edwards for system support.
Support for this work was provided in part by NSF under CyberTrust
Grant No.\ CNS-0433668 and AFOSR MURI Contract F49620-02-1-0233.
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