USENIX 2001 Paper
[USENIX '01 Tech Program Index]
An Embedded Error Recovery and Debugging Mechanism for Scripting Language Extensions
David M. Beazley
Python symbol | Error return value |
call_builtin | NULL |
PyObject_Print | -1 |
PyObject_CallFunction | NULL |
PyObject_CallMethod | NULL |
PyObject_CallObject | NULL |
PyObject_Cmp | -1 |
PyObject_DelAttrString | -1 |
PyObject_DelItem | -1 |
PyObject_GetAttrString | NULL |
Table 1. A partial list of symbolic return locations in the Python interpreter
The primary problem with aborting execution and returning to the interpreter in this manner is that most compilers use a register management technique known as callee-save [23]. In this case, it is the responsibility of the called function to save the state of the registers and to restore them before returning to the caller. By making a non-local jump, registers may be left in an inconsistent state due to the fact that they are not restored to their original values. The longjmp function in the C library avoids this problem by relying upon setjmp to save the registers. Unfortunately, WAD does not have this luxury. As a result, a return from the signal handler may produce a corrupted set of registers at the point of return in the interpreter.
The severity of this problem depends greatly on the architecture and compiler. For example, on the SPARC, register windows effectively solve the callee-save problem [24]. In this case, each stack frame has its own register window and the windows are flushed to the stack whenever a signal occurs. Therefore, the recovery mechanism can simply examine the stack and arrange to restore the registers to their proper values when control is returned. Furthermore, certain conventions of the SPARC ABI resolve several related issues. For example, floating point registers are caller-saved and the contents of the SPARC global registers are not guaranteed to be preserved across procedure calls (in fact, they are not even saved by setjmp).
On other platforms, the problem of register management becomes more interesting. In this case, a heuristic approach that examines the machine code for each function on the call stack can be used to determine where the registers might have been saved. This approach is used by gdb and other debuggers when they allow users to inspect register values within arbitrary stack frames [17]. Even though this sounds complicated to implement, the algorithm is greatly simplified by the fact that compilers typically generate code to store the callee-save registers immediately upon the entry to each function. In addition, this code is highly regular and easy to examine. For instance, on i386-Linux, the callee-save registers can be restored by simply examining the first few bytes of the machine code for each function on the call stack to figure out where values have been saved. The following code shows a typical sequence of machine instructions used to store callee-save registers on i386-Linux:
foo: 55 pushl %ebp 89 e5 mov %esp, %ebp 83 a0 subl $0xa0,%esp 56 pushl %esi 57 pushl %edi ...
As a fall-back, WAD could be configured to return control to a location previously specified with setjmp. Unfortunately, this either requires modifications to the interpreter or its extension modules. Although this kind of instrumentation could be facilitated by automatic wrapper code generators, it is not a preferred solution and is not discussed further.
% ld -shared $(OBJS) -lwadpy
In this latter case, WAD initializes itself whenever the extension module is loaded. The same shared library is used for both situations by making sure two types of initialization techniques are used. First, an empty initialization function is written to make WAD appear like a proper scripting language extension module (although it adds no functions to the interpreter). Second, the real initialization of the system is placed into the initialization section of the WAD shared library object file (the ``init'' section of ELF files). This code always executes when a library is loaded by the dynamic loader is commonly used to properly initialize C++ objects. Therefore, a fairly portable way to force code into the initialization section is to encapsulate the initialization in a C++ statically constructed object like this:
class InitWad { public: InitWad() { wad_init(); } }; /* This forces InitWad() to execute on loading. */ static InitWad init;
The nice part about this technique is that it allows WAD to be enabled simply by linking or loading; no special initialization code needs to be added to an extension module to make it work. In addition, due to the way in which the loader resolves and initializes libraries, the initialization of WAD is guaranteed to execute before any of the code in the extension module to which it has been linked. The primary downside to this approach is that the WAD shared object file can not be linked directly to an interpreter. This is because WAD sometimes needs to call the interpreter to properly initialize its exception handling mechanism (for instance, in Python, four new types of exceptions are added to the interpreter). Clearly this type of initialization is impossible if WAD is linked directly to an interpreter as its initialization process would execute before before the main program of the interpreter started. However, if you wanted to permanently add WAD to an interpreter, the problem is easily corrected by first removing the C++ initializer from WAD and then replacing it with an explicit initialization call someplace within the interpreter's startup function.
Minimally, the exception data is used to print a stack trace as shown in Figure 1. However, if the interpreter is successfully able to regain control, the contents of the exception object can be freely examined after an error has occurred. For example, a Python script could catch a segmentation fault and print debugging information like this:
try: # Some buggy code ... except SegFault,e: print 'Whoa!' # Get WAD exception object t = e.args[0] # Print location info print t.__FILE__ print t.__LINE__ print t.__NAME__ print t.__SOURCE__ ...
Inspection of the exception object also makes it possible to write post mortem script debuggers that merge the call stacks of the two languages and provide cross language diagnostics. Figure 4 shows an example of a simple mixed language debugging session using the WAD post-mortem debugger (wpm) after an extension error has occurred in a Python program. In the figure, the user is first presented with a multi-language stack trace. The information in this trace is obtained both from the WAD exception object and from the Python traceback generated when the exception was raised. Next, we see the user walking up the call stack using the 'u' command of the debugger. As this proceeds, there is a seamless transition from C to Python where the trace crosses between the two languages. An optional feature of the debugger (not shown) allows the debugger to walk up the entire C call-stack (in this case, the trace shows information about the implementation of the Python interpreter). More advanced features of the debugger allow the user to query values of function parameters, local variables, and stack frames (although some of this information may not be obtainable due to compiler optimizations and the difficulties of accurately recovering register values).
[ Error occurred ] >>> from wpm import * *** WAD Debugger *** #5 [ Python ] in self.widget._report_exception() in ... #4 [ Python ] in Button(self,text="Die", command=lambda x=self: ... #3 [ Python ] in death_by_segmentation() in death.py, line 22 #2 [ Python ] in debug.seg_crash() in death.py, line 5 #1 0xfeee2780 in _wrap_seg_crash(self=0x0,args=0x18f114) in 'pydebug.c', line 512 #0 0xfeee1320 in seg_crash() in 'debug.c', line 20 int *a = 0; => *a = 3; return 1; >>> u #1 0xfeee2780 in _wrap_seg_crash(self=0x0,args=0x18f114) in 'pydebug.c', line 512 if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,":seg_crash")) return NULL; => result = (int )seg_crash(); resultobj = PyInt_FromLong((long)result); >>> u #2 [ Python ] in debug.seg_crash() in death.py, line 5 def death_by_segmentation(): => debug.seg_crash() >>> u #3 [ Python ] in death_by_segmentation() in death.py, line 22 if ty == 1: => death_by_segmentation() elif ty == 2: >>>
Although there are libraries such as the GNU Binary File Descriptor (BFD) library that can assist with the manipulation of object files, these are not used in the implementation [25]. These libraries tend to be quite large and are oriented more towards stand-alone tools such as debuggers, linkers, and loaders. In addition, the behavior of these libraries with respect to memory management would need to be carefully studied before they could be safely used in an embedded environment. Finally, given the small size of the prototype implementation, it didn't seem necessary to rely upon such a heavyweight solution.
A surprising feature of the implementation is that a significant amount of the code is language independent. This is achieved by placing all of the process introspection, data collection, and platform specific code within a centralized core. To provide a specific scripting language interface, a developer only needs to supply two things; a table containing symbolic function names where control can be returned (Table 1), and a handler function in the form of a callback. As input, this handler receives an exception object as described in an earlier section. From this, the handler can raise a scripting language exception in whatever manner is most appropriate.
Significant portions of the core are also relatively straightforward to port between different Unix systems. For instance, code to read ELF object files and stabs debugging data is essentially identical for Linux and Solaris. In addition, the high-level control logic is unchanged between platforms. Platform specific differences primarily arise in the obvious places such as the examination of CPU registers, manipulation of the process context in the signal handler, reading virtual memory maps from /proc, and so forth. Additional changes would also need to be made on systems with different object file formats such as COFF and DWARF2. To extent that it is possible, these differences could be hidden by abstraction mechanisms (although the initial implementation of WAD is weak in this regard and would benefit from techniques used in more advanced debuggers such as gdb). Despite these porting issues, the primary requirement for WAD is a fully functional implementation of SVR4 signal handling that allows for modifications of the process context.
Due to the heavy dependence on Unix signal handling, process introspection, and object file formats, it is unlikely that WAD could be easily ported to non-Unix systems such as Windows. However, it may be possible to provide a similar capability using advanced features of Windows structured exception handling [26]. For instance, structured exception handlers can be used to catch hardware faults, they can receive process context information, and they can arrange to take corrective action much like the signal implementation described here.
Although it may be possible to make these changes, there are several drawbacks to this approach. First, the number of required modifications may be quite large. For instance, there are well over 50 entry points to extension code within the implementation of Python. Second, an extension module may perform callbacks and evaluation of script code. This means that the call stack would cross back and forth between languages and that these modifications would have to be made in a way that allows arbitrary nesting of extension calls. Finally, instrumenting the code in this manner may introduce a performance impact--a clearly undesirable side effect considering the infrequent occurrence of fatal extension errors.
First, like the C longjmp function, the error recovery mechanism does not cleanly unwind the call stack. For C++, this means that objects allocated on stack will not be finalized (destructors will not be invoked) and that memory allocated on the heap may be leaked. Similarly, this could result in open files, sockets, and other system resources. In a multi-threaded environment, deadlock may occur if a procedure holds a lock when an error occurs.
In certain cases, the use of signals in WAD may interact adversely with scripting language signal handling. Since scripting languages ordinarily do not catch signals such as SIGSEGV, SIGBUS, and SIGABRT, the use of WAD is unlikely to conflict with any existing signal handling. However, most scripting languages would not prevent a user from disabling the WAD error recovery mechanism by simply specifying a new handler for one or more of these signals. In addition, the use of certain extensions such as the Perl sigtrap module would completely disable WAD [2].
A more difficult signal handling problem arises when thread libraries are used. These libraries tend to override default signal handling behavior in a way that defines how signals are delivered to each thread [27]. In general, asynchronous signals can be delivered to any thread within a process. However, this does not appear to be a problem for WAD since hardware exceptions are delivered to a signal handler that runs within the same thread in which the error occurred. Unfortunately, even in this case, personal experience has shown that certain implementations of user thread libraries (particularly on older versions of Linux) do not reliably pass signal context information nor do they universally support advanced signal operations such as sigaltstack. Because of this, WAD may be incompatible with a crippled implementation of user threads on these platforms.
A even more subtle problem with threads is that the recovery process itself is not thread-safe (i.e., it is not possible to concurrently handle fatal errors occurring in different threads). For most scripting language extensions, this limitation does not apply due to strict run-time restrictions that interpreters currently place on thread support. For instance, even though Python supports threaded programs, it places a global mutex-lock around the interpreter that makes it impossible for more than one thread to concurrently execute within the interpreter at once. A consequence of this restriction is that extension functions are not interruptible by thread-switching unless they explicitly release the interpreter lock. Currently, the behavior of WAD is undefined if extension code releases the lock and proceeds to generate a fault. In this case, the recovery process may either cause an exception to be raised in an entirely different thread or cause execution to violate the interpreter's mutual exclusion constraint on the interpreter.
In certain cases, errors may result in an unrecoverable crash. For example, if an application overwrites the heap, it may destroy critical data structures within the interpreter. Similarly, destruction of the call stack (via buffer overflow) makes it impossible for the recovery mechanism to create a stack-trace and return to the interpreter. More subtle memory management problems such as double-freeing of heap allocated memory can also cause a system to fail in a manner that bears little resemblance to actual source of the problem. Given that WAD lives in the same process as the faulting application and that such errors may occur, a common question to ask is to what extent does WAD complicate debugging when it doesn't work.
To handle potential problems in the implementation of WAD itself, great care is taken to avoid the use of library functions and functions that rely on heap allocation (malloc, free, etc.). For instance, to provide dynamic memory allocation, WAD implements its own memory allocator using mmap. In addition, signals are disabled immediately upon entry to the WAD signal handler. Should a fatal error occur inside WAD, the application will dump core and exit. Since the resulting core file contains the stack trace of both WAD and the faulting application, a traditional C debugger can be used to identify the problem as before. The only difference is that a few additional stack frames will appear on the traceback.
An application may also fail after the WAD signal handler has completed execution if memory or stack frames within the interpreter have been corrupted in a way that prevents proper exception handling. In this case, the application may fail in a manner that does not represent the original programming error. It might also cause the WAD signal handler to be immediately reinvoked with a different process state--causing it to report information about a different type of failure. To address these kinds of problems, WAD creates a tracefile wadtrace in the current working directory that contains information about each error that it has handled. If no recovery was possible, a programmer can look at this file to obtain all of the stack traces that were generated.
If an application is experiencing a very serious problem, WAD does not prevent a standard debugger from being attached to the process. This is because the debugger overrides the current signal handling so that it can catch fatal errors. As a result, even if WAD is loaded, fatal signals are simply redirected to the attached debugger. Such an approach also allows for more complex debugging tasks such as single-step execution, breakpoints, and watchpoints--none of which are easily added to WAD itself.
Finally, there are a number of issues that pertain to the interaction of the recovery mechanism with the interpreter. For instance, the recovery scheme is unable to return to procedures that might invoke wrapper functions with conflicting return codes. This problem manifests itself when the interpreter's virtual machine is built around a large switch statement from which different types of wrapper functions are called. For example, in Python, certain internal procedures call a mix of functions where both NULL and -1 are returned to indicate errors (depending on the function). In this case, there is no way to specify a proper error return value because there will be conflicting entries in the WAD return table (although you could compromise and return the error value for the most common case). The recovery process is also extremely inefficient due to its heavy reliance on mmap, file I/O, and linear search algorithms for finding symbols and debugging information. Therefore, WAD would unsuitable as a more general purpose extension related exception handler.
Despite these limitations, embedded error recovery is still a useful capability that can be applied to a wide variety of extension related errors. This is because errors such as failed assertions, bus errors, and floating point exceptions rarely result in a situation where the recovery process would be unable to run or the interpreter would crash. Furthermore, more serious errors such as segmentation faults are more likely to caused by an uninitialized pointer than a blatant destruction of the heap or stack.
Perhaps the most directly relevant work is that of advanced programming environments for Common Lisp [31]. Not only does CL have a foreign function interface, debuggers such as gdb have previously been modified to walk the Lisp stack [33,34]. Furthermore, certain Lisp development environments have previously provided a high degree of integration between compiled code and the Lisp interpreter [32].
In certain cases, a scripting language module has been used to provide partial information for fatal signals. For example, the Perl sigtrap module can be used to produce a Perl stack trace when a problem occurs [2]. Unfortunately, this module does not provide any information from the C stack. Similarly, advanced software development environments such as Microsoft's Visual Studio can automatically launch a C/C++ debugger when an error occurs. Unfortunately, this doesn't provide any information about the script that was running.
In the area of programming languages, a number of efforts have been made to map signals to exceptions in the form of asynchronous exception handling [35,36,37]. Unfortunately, this work tends to concentrate on the problem of handling asynchronous signals related to I/O as opposed to synchronously generated signals caused by software faults.
With respect to debugging, little work appears to have been done in the area of mixed compiled-interpreted debugging. Although modern debuggers certainly try to provide advanced capabilities for debugging within a single language, they tend to ignore the boundary between languages. As previously mentioned, debuggers have occasionally been modified to support other languages such as Common Lisp [34]. However, little work appears to have been done in the context of modern scripting languages. One system of possible interest in the context of mixed compiled-interpreted debugging is the Rn system developed at Rice University in the mid-1980's [38]. This system, primarily developed for scientific computing, allowed control to transparently pass between compiled code and an interpreter. Furthermore, the system allowed dynamic patching of an executable in which compiled procedures could be replaced by an interpreted replacement. Although this system does not directly pertain to the problem of debugging of scripting language extensions, it is one of the few examples of a system in which compiled and interpreted code have been tightly integrated within a debugger.
More recently, a couple of efforts have emerged to that seem to address certain issues related to mixed-mode debugging of interpreted and compiled code. PyDebug is a recently developed system that focuses on problems related to the management of breakpoints in Python extension code [39]. It may also be possible to perform mixed-mode debugging of Java and native methods using features of the Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) [40]. Mixed-mode debugging support for Java may also be supported in advanced debugging systems such as ICAT [41]. However, none of these systems appear to have taken the approach of converting hardware faults into Java errors or exceptions.
A more interesting extension of this work would be to see how the exception handling approach of WAD could be incorporated with the integrated development environments and script-level debugging systems that have already been developed. For instance, it would be interesting to see if a graphical debugging front-end such as DDD could be modified to handle mixed-language stack traces within the context of a script-level debugger [42].
It may also be possible to extend the approach taken by WAD to other types of extensible systems. For instance, if one were developing a new server module for the Apache web-server, it might be possible to redirect fatal module errors back to the server in a way that produces a webpage with a stack trace [43]. The exception handling approach may also have applicability to situations where compiled code is used to build software components that are used as part of a large distributed system.
The prototype implementation of this system is available at :
Currently, WAD supports Python and Tcl on SPARC Solaris and i386-Linux systems. Work to support additional scripting languages and platforms is ongoing.
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[43] Apache HTTP Server Project, http://httpd.apache.org/
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 2001 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, June
25Ð30, 2001, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Last changed: 3 Jan. 2002 ml |