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Lead or attend a BoF! Meet with your peers! Present new work! Don't miss these special activities designed to maximize the value of your time at the conference. The always popular evening Birds-of-a-Feather sessions are very informal gatherings of persons interested in a particular topic.
Vendor BoFs
Want to demonstrate a new product or discuss your company's latest technologies with Annual Tech attendees? Host a Vendor BoF! These sponsored one-hour sessions give companies a chance to talk about products and proprietary technology—and they include promotional benefits. Email if you're interested in sponsoring a Vendor BoF. Click here for more information about sponsorship opportunities.
Scheduling a BoF
To schedule a BoF, simply write the BoF title as well as your name and affiliation on one of the BoF Boards located in the registration area. If you have a description of our BoF you'd like posted on this Web page, please schedule your BoF on the BoF board, then send its title, the organizer's name and affiliation, and the date, time, and location of the BoF to with "USENIX '06 BoF" in the subject line.
BoF Schedule (as of June 2, 2006)
For the most current schedule, please see the BoF Boards in the registration area.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006 |
# of Seats |
7:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. |
8:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. |
9:00 p.m.– 10:00 p.m. |
10:00 p.m.– 11:00 p.m. |
Salon B |
50 |
Salon J |
40 |
Salon K |
30 |
Regis |
40 |
Harvard |
35 |
Simmons |
70 |
Suffolk |
70 |

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 |
# of Seats |
8:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. |
9:00 p.m.– 10:00 p.m. |
10:00 p.m.– 11:00 p.m. |
Salon A/B |
75 |
Linux Educators Randy Appleton, Professor at Northern Michigan University
Using Emacs and Common-lisp for System Administration Kevin Griffin
Salon C/D |
75 |
Salon J/K |
75 |
SAGE Community Meeting
Arlington |
80 |
Red Hat Enterprise
Linux Users Joshua Jensen, Cisco Systems Inc.
Harvard |
35 |
CONSERVER Users Kent C. Brodie, Medical College of Wisconsin
AFS OpenAFS, Arla Tracy Di Marco White
NetBSD Tracy Di Marco White
Simmons |
75 |
Suffolk |
70 |
Wellesley |
70 |

Friday, June 2, 2006 |
# of Seats |
10:30 p.m.–11:30 p.m. |
Salon A/B |
75 |
Harvard |
35 |
Arlington |
80 |
Simmons |
75 |
Suffolk |
70 |
Wellesley |
70 |
Netflow Victims Michael Lucas
BoF Descriptions
Linux Educators
Organizer: Randy Appleton, Professor at Northern Michigan University
Wednesday, May 31, 8:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m., Salon A/B

Come share tips, tricks and war stories about Linux in an
educational setting. Come offer a tip that makes teaching easier with
Linux, hear a trick that others use to make the educational experience
better, or come share a sysadmin war story. All are welcome.
Organizer: Kent C. Brodie, Medical College of Wisconsin
Wednesday, May 31, 8:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m., Harvard

"I have a ton of servers and a need to manage all those stupid serial consoles. What can I use that won't cost me as much as it does to full up my SUV with unleaded?" Come to the CONSERVER BoF to learn about CONSERVER—a free serial console management environment that's elegantly simple, yet extremely effective and powerful. If you're not remotely managing your serial consoles, you're missing out on a powerful tool. We'll discuss the product, swap tips and tricks, and help you if you've never used it before!
Using Emacs and Common-lisp for System Administration
Organizer: Kevin Griffin
Wednesday, May 31, 9:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m., Salon A/B

Topics may include:
- Using TRAMP for remote file editing.
- Cfengine mode
- Dired for system cleanup
- Attaching to running lisp processes (slime, attachtty)
- questions about approach: "mix and match tools" vs. world building
- useful lisp libraries for sysadmining.
SNIA File System Trace Repository
Organizer: Geoff Kuenning, Harvey Mudd College
Thursday, June 1, 7:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m., Simmons

There has long been a need for a standardized, well maintained
collection of traces for use in file system research. The Storage
Networking Industry Association (SNIA) has donated hardware and begun
developing a Web site to provide such a collection. Come to this BoF
to learn about the status of the effort, share ideas, and find out how
to contribute your own traces to the repository.
VMware BoF: Virtualization and Virtual Machine Technology
Thursday, June 1, 8:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m., Arlington

What is this virtualization stuff? What can you do with it? How
does it work? Join engineers from VMware in a discussion of virtual
machines, and the infrastructure needed to make them work. We'll talk
about the internal architecture of the VMware technologies, different
approaches to virtualization, upcoming features in VMware ESX and
Virtual Center, how virtualization changes the operating system and
system management landscape, and the effect of new hardware
Akibia: Implementing Secure Data Centers
Meet with the Data Center and Security Experts; Enter to Win an XBox 360
Thursday, June 1, 7:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m., Suffolk

Akibia helps IT organizations maximize the value of their existing infrastructure, while mitigating risk and reducing complexity. Meet with Akibia's team of experts and learn implementation strategies to build a more secure data center at Akibia's Birds of a Feather session.
An Update on Standards
Organizers: Nick Stoughton, USENIX Standards Liaison
Thursday, June 1, 9:30 p.m.–10:30 p.m., Suffolk

The POSIX standard is being revised again; what is changing and why?
The Linux Standard Base is now an ISO standard, surely they are done?
The ISO-C committee has no grasp of reality, do they?
Aren't standards just a nuisance that stifle innovation?
Just what does go on in these ISO meetings?

These and other standards related questions will be answered. The LSB
Workgroup is meeting here this week, and you will have the opportunity
to discuss Linux related standards directly with the team that is
the work.
One Laptop Per Child BoF
Organizers: Ronald Minnich
Thursday, June 1, 9:30 p.m.–10:30 p.m., Wellesley

We will be discussing the One Laptop Per Child system (, from the LinuxBIOS level on up. Several
of the OLPC participants will be there, including Jim Gettys,
Vice President, Software Engineering. We won't have any demo
hardware, so don't come looking or eye candy, sorry!