WIESS '02 Call for papers
Second Workshop on Industrial Experiences with Systems Software (WIESS '02)
December 8, 2002
Boston Park Plaza
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Submissions due (no extensions): July 15, 2002
Notification to authors: August 19, 2002
Camera-ready final papers due: September 20, 2002
Program Chair
Jeff Mogul,
HP Western Research Lab
Edouard Bugnion, VMware, Inc.
Clement T. Cole, Paceline Systems Corporation
Mark Stuart Day, Cisco Systems
Chris Demetriou, Broadcom Corp.
Rob Gingell, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Monika Henzinger, Google Inc
John T. Kohl, Rational Software
Noah Mendelsohn, IBM Corp.
Craig Partridge, BBN Technologies
Doug Terry, Microsoft Research
Steering Committee
Valerie Issarny, INRIA, ACM SIGOPS Vice Chair
Mike B. Jones, USENIX Board of Directors
Ethan L. Miller, UC Santa Cruz, IEEE-CS TCOS Chair
Dejan S. Milojicic, HP Labs, previous WIESS PC Chair
The goal of the Second Workshop on Industrial Experiences with Systems Software
(WIESS '02) is to help bridge the gulf between industrial experience with
systems software (such as operating systems, compilers, large applications,
embedded systems, etc.) and the research community. We're looking for
submissions from people from industry, reporting on their experiences,
successes, failures, and needs. We're also looking for submissions from
researchers, reporting on their own experiences in relevant areas such as
technology transfer, collaborations between research and industry, etc.
Sumbissions could be presented as short papers or posters, and the workshop will
favor spending time in group discussions over lecture-style presentations.
WIESS is meant to provide a venue for material that would not normally be
accepted at a conference such as SOSP or OSDI. This does not mean that we will
be a forum for second-rate research papers, or even for first-rate research
papers. Rather, we will look for interesting submissions that are primarily
concerned not with research results, but with exploiting, inspiring, or
directing research.
WIESS will focus on papers that draw important conclusions from practical
experience in developing and using system software solutions. War stories,
controversial conclusions, and negative results are expecially welcome.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Operating Systems
- Distributed Systems
- Programming Environments and Tools
- Fault Tolerance and High Availability
- Real Time and Quality of Service
- Security and Privacy
- Networking and Internet
- Web-Based Technologies and Deployment
- Middleware
- Appliances and Personal Digital Assistants
- Embedded Systems
- System Administration and Configuration
Submissions will be accepted primarily based on the relevance and novelty of the
work, its value in provoking discussion, and especially on factual information
drawn from experience. While we value clear and concise presentations, we will
provide a shepherd (for all accepted papers) who will assist the authors in
improving the final versions. We will not reject otherwise interesting
submissions simply because they are unpolished.
A good submission should demonstrate that the authors have:
- attacked a significant problem;
- come up with an appropriate and usable solution;
- demonstrated the benefits and use of their solution;
- drawn some relevant experience (positive or negative)
Not every good submission needs to meet all of these criteria. We have collected
some suggestions and guidelines for authors
at https://www.usenix.org/events/wiess02/guidelines/. Please also
see the Examples of WIESS-like papers.
The best papers will appear at full length in the workshop proceedings; others
may appear as short abstracts.
Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreement forms are not acceptable and will
be returned to the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a matter of
policy and in accord with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.
Paper Submissions
Submissions should be received by Monday, July 15, 2002. Due to our short
review period, absolutely no extensions beyond that date will be given.
Papers should be submitted electronically using this Web form.
Submissions should be no
more than 5000 words (not counting figures, tables, or references), printed
double-spaced, single-column on 8.5x11" paper, with page numbers. Only printable Postscript
and PDF will be accepted.
Submissions must not have been previously published (or be under consideration
for publication elsewhere) in part or in full. Submissions that violate this
rule will be rejected. Authors unsure of whether a submission violates this
rule must alert the Program Chair at the time of submission.
for Accepted Papers
Authors should be aware that the Program Committee intends to
assign a "shepherd" to some or all of the accepted papers. Many
conferences now employ shepherds, who are responsible for
ensuring that the final version of an accepted paper addresses
any significant concerns raised during the review process.
As an experiment, WIESS '02 will also try to assign a "student
helper" to accepted papers, subject to the consent of authors and
to the availability of students. Our intention is to provide
assistance to WIESS authors who have limited experience in
preparing scientific papers for publication, while exposing
graduate students to the concerns of industrial software
practice. More details about this process are available at
We will solicit student volunteers in early 2002. Of course, authors are
always encouraged to find student co-authors.
Complete program and registration information will be available in
September 2002 here on the Workshop Web site. The
information will be available in both HTML and a printable PDF file.
For More Information
You may email the program chair at wiess02chair@usenix.org.