Thanks to those of you who joined us in Washington, D.C., for LISA '06. The online proceedings, including audio files of the presentations, are now available to USENIX and SAGE members. The winners of Best Paper and Honorable Mention, as well as the slides and audio files for most invited talk presentations are available and free to everyone. Also, check out the video clips of DJ Byrne's talk on "Open Source Software and Its Role in Space Exploration."

Check out the latest media coverage of LISA '06.
SAGE Awards at LISA '06
2006 Outstanding Achievement Award:
Tobias Oetiker & Dave Rand for MRTG and RRDTool
Before the creation of these tools, the only people who could reap the benefits of long-term, historical statistics–gathering were people with multi-million-dollar budgets. MRTG and RRDTool democratized and therefore popularized historical data collection. As a result, network utilization planning has grown from guesswork into a fine art. These tools are also used to track a wide array of resources, from disk I/O stats, to CPU and memory usage, to license server data. Thanks to Tobias, Dave, and their team, system and network administrators are no longer limited to fire-fighting when resources are overloaded. We can now easily examine network and system data, presented in an intuitive form, to predict and plan for upgrades months in advance of dire necessity.
Chuck Yerkes Award
The 2006 Chuck Yerkes Award went to Doug Hughes for mentoring, participation, and professionalism.
Save the Date!
LISA '07
November 11–16, 2007
Dallas, TX
See you next year!
Program Chair
William LeFebvre, Independent Consultant
Program Committee
Narayan Desai, Argonne National Laboratory
Peter Galvin, Corporate Technologies, Inc.
Trey Harris,
John "Rowan" Littell, California College of the Arts
Adam Moskowitz, Menlo Computing
Mario Obejas, Raytheon
Tom Perrine, Sony Computer Entertainment America
W. Curtis Preston, GlassHouse Technologies
Amy Rich, Tufts University
Marc Staveley, SOMA Networks, Inc.
Rudi Van Drunen, Competa IT
Alexios Zavras, IT Consultant
Invited Talks Committee
David N. Blank-Edelman, Northeastern University CCIS
Doug Hughes, Global Crossing
Guru Is In Coordinator
Philip Kizer, Estacado Systems
Workshops Coordinator
Luke Kanies, Reductive Labs
Work-in-Progress Session Coordinator
Esther Filderman, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center