The Elements of Cache Programming
Pp. 283–298 of the Proceedings |  |
The Elements of Cache Programming
Chris B. Sears
Google Inc.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat
it - George Santayana
Cache memories work on the carrot and stick principle. The
carrot is the Principle of Locality and the stick is Amdahl's Law.
The Principle of Locality says that programs tend to cluster their
memory references. A memory location referenced once is likely to be
referenced again: temporal locality. A memory location nearby a
referenced location is likely to be referenced soon: spatial
locality. And Amdahl's Law says that the performance improvement to
be gained from using some faster component is limited by the fraction
of time the faster component is used. In this case, CPU and cache are
fast components and memory is slow.
If your program adheres to the Principle of Locality, it benefits
from fast cache memory and runs at processor speed. If it doesn't, it
is held accountable to Amdahl's Law and runs at memory speed. Hit
rates have to be very high, say 98%, before incremental increases in
processor speed are even noticeable.
Amdahl's Law has a special circumstances penalty for multiprocessors
[Schimmel94]. Thrashing on a multiprocessor can slow down all of the
processors. They each wait for each other waiting for memory and the
leverage a multiprocessor offers works in reverse. Adherence to the
Principle of Locality for multiprocessors, but not to the point of
False Sharing, isn't just a nicety, it is a necessity.
The object of cache programming style is to increase this locality.
It is important to understand the structure and behavior of caches,
but it is more important to know the basic properties to take
advantage of and the worst cases to avoid. This article goes into
details and the summary provides guidelines.
An Example
As a running example, I am going to look at Linux [Maxwell99]
and at the scheduler in particular. The idea is to modify data
structures and code just slightly, trying to use the cache more
effectively. Hopefully I will achieve two goals: a practical tutorial
on caches and some performance improvements for Linux.
Instead of talking about cache memory systems in general, I will
mostly use my circa 1998 350 MHz Deschutes Pentium II system as a
specific example. It has these characteristics:
Storage Size
Latency Notes
register 32 bytes 3
ns register renaming file
L1 32
K 6
ns on-chip, half Pentium-II clock
L2 256
K 57 ns
off-chip, on-package [Intel99a]
memory 64 MB
162 ns 100 MHz SDRAM, single bank
disk 10
GB 9
network whatever whenever
Figure 1. Storage hierarchy sizes and latencies
These numbers are subject to change. CPU performance improves at
about 55%/year and memory improves at about 7%/year. Memory is big,
cheap and slow while cache is small, fast and expensive. Double Data
Rate SDRAM and Rambus, when available, will improve memory bandwidth
but not latency. These improvements will help more predictable
applications like multimedia but not less predictable programs such
as Linux.
Cache Basics
First, a few words about caches in general. Cache memory fits
into the storage hierarchy in terms of both size and speed. Cache
line misses, page faults and HTTP requests are the same thing at
different levels of this hierarchy. When a Squid proxy doesn't have
an object in its cache, it forwards the HTTP request to the origin
server. When a CPU requests an address which isn't in memory, a page
fault occurs and the page is read from disk. When a CPU requests an
address which isn't in cache, the containing cache line is read from
memory. LRU, working set, associative, coherency, hashing,
prefetching are all techniques and terminology which are used in each
level of the storage hierarchy.
In each case, one smaller faster level in the hierarchy is backed by
another bigger slower level. If performance is limited by excessive
use of the slower level, then according to Amdahl's Law, little
improvement can be made by just making the faster level faster.
With respect to cache memory [Handy98], the most important thing to
understand is the cache line. Typically a cache line is 32 bytes long
and it is aligned to a 32 byte offset. First a block of memory, a
memory line, is loaded into a cache line. This cost is a cache miss,
the latency of memory. Then, after loading, bytes within a cache line
can be referenced without penalty as long as it remains in the cache.
If the cache line isn't used it will be dropped eventually when
another memory line needs to be loaded. If the cache line is
modified, it will need to be written before it is dropped.
This is the simplest and most important view of a cache memory. Its
lesson is two-fold: pack as much into a cache line as possible and
use as few cache lines as possible. Future memory bandwidth increases
(DDR and Rambus) will reward this practice. The more complex
characteristics of cache, the structure and behavior, are important
for understanding and avoiding worst case cache behavior:
Competing for and sharing of cache lines is a good thing, up to a
point, when it becomes a bad thing. Ideally a fast cache will have a
high cache hit rate and the performance will not be bound to the
speed of the memory. But a really bad thing, thrashing, happens when
there is too much competition for too few cache lines. This happens
in worst case scenarios for data structures. Unfortunately the
current profiling tools look at the instructions rather than data.
This means that a programmer must be aware of worst case scenarios
for data structures and avoid them. A useful tool for finding a hot
spot is cacheprof [Seward].
The Pentium II L1 and L2 Caches
The Pentium II [Shanley97] 32K L1 cache consists of 1024 32 byte
cache lines partitioned into instruction and data banks of 512 lines
each. It uses the color bits 5-11 to index into an array of sets of
cache lines. In parallel, it compares the tag bits 12-31 (12-35 with
Pentium III Physical Address Extension) for each of the cache lines
in the indexed set. L1 uses a 4-way set associative mapping which
divides the 512 lines into 128 sets of 4 cache lines.
Each of these sets is really a least recently used (LRU) list. If
there is a match, the matching cache line is used and it is moved to
the front of the list. If there isn't a match, the data is fetched
from L2, the cache line at the end of the list is replaced and the
new entry is put at the front of the list.
Two memory lines of the same color compete for the same set of 4 L1
cache lines. They are off the same color if their color bits (5-11)
are the same. Alternatively they are of the same color if their
addresses differ by a multiple of 4096: 2 ^ (7 color bits + 5 offset
bits). For example, address 64 and 12352 differ by 12288 which is
3*4096. So, 64 and 12352 compete for a total of 4 L1 cache lines. But
64 and 12384 differ by 12320, not a multiple of 4096, so they don't
compete for the same L1 cache lines.
Instructions are also cached. The Pentium II L1 cache is a Harvard,
or split instruction/data cache. This means that instructions and
data never compete for the same L1 cache lines. L2 is a unified
cache. Unified means that there is a single cache bank and that
instructions and data compete for cache lines.
L2 is similar to L1 except larger and much slower. The on-package
256K L2 cache on my Pentium II has 8192 cache lines. It is also 4-way
set associative but is unified. There are Pentium II's with 512K of
L2 which increase the set size to 8. Also, there are PIII's with up
to 2 MB of L2. If there is a cache line miss for L2, the cache line
is fetched from memory. Two memory lines compete for the same L2
cache lines if they differ by a multiple of 64K: 2 ^ (11 cache color
bits + 5 offset bits).
The important things to remember about my Pentium II are:
- cache
lines are 32 bytes in size and are aligned to 32 byte offsets
- memory
locations which are offset by multiples of 4K bytes compete for 4 L1
cache lines
- memory
locations which are offset by multiples of 64K bytes compete for 4 L2
cache lines.
- L1 has
separate cache lines for instructions and data - Harvard
- L2
shares cache lines between instructions and data - unified
Variable Alignment
We will start with the simple stuff. It is better to align just
about everything to a long word boundary. Linux is written in the gcc
programming language and a careful study of the gcc standards
document, "Using and Porting GNU CC" [Stallman00], is
therefore necessary: no one embraces and extends quite like Richard
Stallman. gcc is particularly helpful with structure field alignment
which are intelligently and automatically aligned. ANSI C Standard
allows for packing or padding according to the implementation.
struct dirent {
long d_ino;
__kernel_off_t d_off;
unsigned short d_reclen;
char d_name[256];
Figure 2. <linux/dirent.h>
gcc automatically aligns d_reclen to a long boundary. This works
well for unsigned short, but for short on the x86 the compiler must
insert sign extension instructions. If you are using a short to save
space, consider using an unsigned short. For example, in
<linux/mm.h> changing the field vm_avl_height into an unsigned
short saves 32 bytes of instructions for a typical build. It could
just as well be an int.
struct vm_area_struct {
vm_avl_height; // unsigned short
or int
Figure 3. struct vm_area_struct
Strings should be aligned as well. For example, strncmp() can
compare two long words at a time, cheap SIMD, if both source and
destination are long word aligned. The x86 code generator for egcs
2.95.2 has a nice little bug that doesn't align short strings at all
and aligns long strings to the cache line:
char* short_string = "a_short_string";
char* long_string = "a_long_long_long_long_long_long_long_string";
"a_short_string" // an unaligned string
.align 32
.LC1: // aligned to cache
Figure 4. GCC x86 string disassembly
What is necessary here is to align both strings to long words
with .align 4. This uses less space and has better alignment. On a
typical Linux build, this saves about 8K.
Cache Alignment of Structures
Arrays and lists of structures offer an opportunity to cache
align large amounts of data. If the frequently accessed fields are
collected into a single cache line, they can be loaded with a single
memory access. This can reduce latency and cache footprint. However,
it can also increase cache footprint if large amounts of data are
being accessed. In this case, packing efficiency and also cache
pollution are more important.
So for arrays, the base of an array should be cache aligned. The size
of a structure must be either an integer multiple or an integer
divisor of the cache line size. If these conditions hold, then by
induction, each element of the array the cache line will be aligned
or packed. Linked structures are analogous for alignment but don't
have the size constraint.
An array of structures of type mem_map_t is used by the page
allocator as a software page table:
* Try to keep the most commonly accessed fields in single cache
* here (16 bytes or greater). This ordering should be
* beneficial on 32-bit processors. ...
typedef struct page
{ //
from linux-2.4.0-test2
list; // 2,4
struct address_space*
mapping; // 1,2
index; // 1,2
page* next_hash; // 1,2
count; // 1,1+1
flags; // 1,2
lru; // 2,4
wait; // 5,10
pprev_hash; // 1,2
struct buffer_head*
buffers; // 1,2
virtual; // 1,2
struct zone_struct*
zone; // 1,2
mem_map_t; // 18
* 4 == 72 x86
// 36 * 4 == 144 Alpha
Figure 5. mem_map_t from <linux/mm.h>
On a 32-bit Pentium, the size of mem_map_t is 72 bytes. It was
40 bytes in 2.2.16. Since the array allocation code uses
sizeof(mem_map_t) to align the array, the base is aligned incorrectly
as well. In any case MAP_ALIGN() can be replaced with
L1_CACHE_ALIGN() which uses simpler code:
#define MAP_ALIGN(x) ((((x) % sizeof(mem_map_t)) ==
0) \
? (x) : ((x) + sizeof(mem_map_t) - ((x) %
lmem_map = (struct page *)(PAGE_OFFSET +
MAP_ALIGN((unsigned long)lmem_map - PAGE_OFFSET));
#define L1_CACHE_ALIGN(x)
(((x)+(L1_CACHE_BYTES-1)) \
lmem_map = (struct page*) L1_CACHE_ALIGN((unsigned long)
Figure 6. lmem_map alignment
On a 64-bit Alpha, a long is 8 bytes with an 8 byte alignment
and sizeof(mem_map_t) is 144 bytes. The flags field doesn't need to
be a long, it should be an int. Since atomic_t is also an int and the
two fields are adjacent, they would pack into a single long word. The
page wait queue head used to be a pointer. Changing it back would
save enough to allow cache aligning both 32-bit and 64-bit
Cache Line Alignment for Different
It is possible to target and conditionally compile for a
particular processor. Linux has an include file,
<asm-i386/cache.h>, defining the L1 cache line size,
L1_CACHE_BYTES, for the x86 architecture family. The slab allocator
[Bonwick94], which allocates small objects from memory pages, uses
L1_CACHE_BYTES when a client requests a cache aligned object with the
* include/asm-i386/cache.h
#ifndef __ARCH_I386_CACHE_H
#define __ARCH_I386_CACHE_H
/* bytes per L1 cache line */
#if CPU==586 || CPU==686
Figure 7. <asm-i386/cache.h>
If someone got a Red Hat kernel conservatively compiled
targeting the 486, then it assumed 16 byte cache lines. It was also
wrong for the Athlon. This has been fixed in 2.4 by defining and
using the kernel configuration macro CONFIG_X86_L1_CACHE_BYTES in
If you must assume one cache line size when laying out the fields
inside of structs intended for portable software, use 32 byte cache
lines. For example, mem_map_t could use this. Notice that 32 byte
aligned cache lines are also 16 byte aligned. The PowerPC 601
nominally has a 64 byte cache line but it really has two connected 32
byte cache lines. The Sparc64 has a 32 byte L1 and a 64 byte L2 cache
line. It is much easier to think of all systems as having 32 byte
cache lines and enumerate the exceptions, if any. Alpha and Sparc64
have 32 byte cache lines but the Athlon and Itanium, the exceptions
that proves the rule, have 64 byte cache lines. And the IBM S/390 G6
has a 256K L1 cache with 128 byte cache lines.
On the vast majority of processors, 32 byte cache lines is the right
thing to do. And most importantly, if you have addressed and avoided
the footprint and worst case thrashing scenarios in the 32 byte case,
you will have avoided them for the other cases.
Caching and the Linux Scheduler
Linux represents each process with a task_struct which is
allocated two 4K pages. The task list is a list of the task_struct's
of all existing processes. The runqueue is a list of the
task_struct's of all runnable processes. Each time the scheduler
needs to find another process to run, it searches the entire runqueue
for the most deserving process.
Some folks at IBM [Bryant00] noticed that if there were a couple of
thousand threads that scheduling took a significant percentage of the
available CPU time. On a uniprocessor machine with a couple of
thousand native Java threads, just the scheduler alone was taking up
more than 25% of the available CPU. This gets worse on a shared
memory SMP machine because memory bus contention goes up. This
doesn't scale.
It turned out that the goodness() routine in the scheduler referenced
several different cache lines in the task_struct. After reorganizing
task_struct, goodness() now references only a single cache line and
the CPU cycle count was reduced from 179 cycles to 115 cycles. This
is still a lot.
Here is the important cache line, the Linux scheduling loop and the
goodness() routine. The scheduler loop iterates through the entire
runqueue, evaluates each process with goodness() and finds the best
process to run next.
struct task_struct {
// critical 2cd cache line
long priority;
unsigned long policy;
struct mm_struct *mm, *active_mm;
int has_cpu;
int processor;
struct list_head
run_list; //
only first long word
tmp =;
while (tmp != &runqueue_head) {
p = list_entry(tmp, struct task_struct,
if (can_schedule(p))
{ // running on another CPU
int weight = goodness(p,
this_cpu, prev->active_mm);
if (weight > c)
= weight, next = p;
tmp = tmp->next;
15 // processor affinity
static inline int goodness(struct task_struct *p,
int this_cpu, struct mm_struct *this_mm)
int weight;
if (p->policy != SCHED_OTHER) {
weight = 1000 +
p->rt_priority; // realtime processes
goto out;
weight = p->counter;
if (!weight)
out; // no quanta left
#ifdef __SMP__
if (p->processor == this_cpu)
weight +=
PROC_CHANGE_PENALTY; // processor affinity
if (p->mm ==
this_mm) // same thread class
weight +=
1; // as
weight += p->priority;
return weight;
Figure 8. task_struct and scheduler loop
A long runqueue is certainly not the common case even for
heavily loaded servers. This is because event driven programs
essentially self schedule with poll(). The contrasting style,
threading, is preferred by Java, Apache and TUX. It is ironic that
poll() also had scalability problems, and on other Unix systems as
well [Honeyman99]. Also, the Linux 2.4 x86 kernels increase the
maximum number of threads past 4000.
On SMP machines, processes have a scheduling affinity with the last
CPU they ran on. The idea is that some of the working set is still in
the local cache. But the scheduler has a subtle SMP bug. When a CPU
has no processes on the runqueue, the scheduler will assign it a
runnable process with an affinity to another CPU. It would be wiser
to first dole out more quanta to processes on the runqueue, perhaps
only those with an affinity to that CPU. Even then it may be better
to idle, particularly with a short runqueue.
Cache Line Prefetching
Modern CPUs aggressively prefetch instructions but what about
data? CPUs don't prefetch data cache lines, but vectorizing compilers
do and programs can. Depending on the amount of CPU processing per
cache line, you may need to prefetch more than one cache line ahead.
If the prefetch is scheduled sufficiently far in advance, it won't
matter if the cache line is in memory rather than L2 [Intel99a].
Typically prefetching is used in multimedia kernels and matrix
operations where the prefetched address can be easily calculated.
Algorithms operating on data structures can use prefetch as well. The
same methods apply except that the prefetched address will follow a
link rather than an address calculation. Prefetching for data
structures is important since memory bandwidth is increasing faster
than latency is decreasing. Traversing a data structure is more
likely to suffer from a latency problem. Often only a few fields in a
structure are used whereas with multimedia usually every bit is
Prefetching From Memory
If a prefetch instruction can be scheduled 20-25 or so
instructions before the cache line will be used, the fetch can
completely overlap instruction execution. The exact prefetch
scheduling distance is a characteristic of the processor and memory.
Superscalar processors execute more than one instruction at a
Prefetching From L2
If an algorithm is traversing a data structure likely to be in
L2, and it can schedule a prefetch 6-10 instructions before the cache
line will be used, the fetch can completely overlap instruction
The Linux scheduler loop is a good candidate for cache line
prefetching from L2 because goodness() is short and after the IBM
patch, it only touches a single cache line.
Here is a prefetching version of the scheduler. It overlaps the
prefetch of the next cache line from L2 during the execution of
tmp =;
while (tmp != &runqueue_head) {
p = list_entry(tmp, struct task_struct,
tmp = tmp->next;
CacheLine_Prefetch(tmp->next); //
movl xx(%ebx),%eax
if (can_schedule(p)) {
int weight = goodness(p,
this_cpu, prev->active_mm);
if (weight > c)
= weight, next = p;
Figure 9. Prefetching scheduler loop
By the way, moving the tmp pointer chase before the goodness()
call ends up using fewer instructions than the original. And with a
little effort, the loop could omit tmp as well.
inline void CacheLine_Prefetch(unsigned long addr)
asm volatile("" : : "r"
Figure 10. CacheLine_Prefetch()
This little bit of gcc magic is actually
architecture-independent assembly code. It basically means load from
addr into some temporary register of the compiler's choosing. So
technically, I lied. It isn't a prefetch, it's really a preload. A
prefetch offers more cache control but has some restrictions.
CacheLine_Prefetch() should be specialized on different architectures
to take advantage of the various prefetch instructions. In fact,
CacheLine_Prefetch() should be wrapped in conditional compilation
logic because it may be inappropriate on certain Early Bronze Age
machines. Also, AMD uses a slightly different set of prefetch
instructions not strictly based on the MMX. On the Pentium II, this
could be:
inline void CacheLine_Prefetch(unsigned long addr)
asm volatile("prefetcht0 (%0)" ::
"r" (addr));
Figure 11. Pentium II CacheLine_Prefetch()
Caches and Iterating Through
When repeatedly iterating through an array or a list of
structures, be careful of cache considerations. As the number of
elements increases and approaches the number of cache lines
available, thrashing will gradually increase. The gradually
increasing thrashing is why this performance problem is hard to
The Linux scheduler iterates through the runqueue to find the next
process to run. Linux also uses for_each_task() to iterate through
each task_struct on the task list and perform some work. Iterating
through lists represents potentially large amounts of memory traffic
and cache footprint. Here is the for_each_task() iterator macro:
for_each_task(p) \
for (p = &init_task ; (p = p->next_task) !=
&init_task ; )
Figure 12. for_each_task() iterator
for_each_task() can be combined with CacheLine_Prefetch().
Notice that for_each_task() uses next_task which isn't in the
preferred cache line. This doubles the memory traffic and cache
for_each_task(p) \
for (p = &init_task ; p =
p->next_task, \
CacheLine_Prefetch(p->next_task), \
p != &init_task ;
Figure 13. prefetching for_each_task() iterator
As an example, when all of the processes on the runqueue have
used up their scheduling quanta, Linux uses for_each_task() to dole
out more:
struct task_struct *p;
p->counter =
(p->counter >> 1) + p->priority;
goto repeat_schedule;
Figure 14. Scheduler recalculate loop
As an observation, recalculate should iterate through the
runqueue instead of the task queue. It is shorter and there is no
reason to dole out more quanta to sleeping processes. counter for
sleeping processes will grow without bound. When the sleeping process
wakes up, it may have a large amount of quanta stored up, disturbing
the responsiveness of the other processes. FreeBSD [McKusick96]
recomputes the scheduling priority if an awoken process was sleeping
for more than a second.
Linux also uses for_each_task() occasionally when allocating a
process id in get_pid():
for_each_task(p) {
if(p->pid == last_pid ||
p->pgrp == last_pid
p->session == last_pid)
Figure 15. pid allocation loop
Examining the uses of for_each_task() it is possible to change
the critical task_struct cache line. Some fields are moved out, some
need to be added and some need to be made smaller. active_mm is an
unnecessary field for purposes of the scheduler loop. The kernel type
pid_t is currently a 4 byte int. However, the maximum value for a
process id is PID_MAX which is 0x8000. So pid_t can be changed to an
unsigned short. (NB, PID_MAX will probably increase in 2.5). priority
is limited to the range 0..40 and counter is derived from it. policy
is restricted to six values. processor is currently an int and
NR_CPUS is 32 so changing it to an unsigned short is reasonable.
After these changes, several of the uses of for_each_task() as well
as the process id hash, find_task_by_pid, restrict their references
to a single cache line.
struct task_struct {
unsigned char
counter; // beginning
unsigned char priority;
unsigned char policy_has_cpu;
/* one char to spare
*/ // one
unsigned short processor;
unsigned short
pid; // two
unsigned short pgrp;
unsigned short
session; // three
struct mm_struct
*mm; // four
struct task_struct
*next_task; // five
struct task_struct *pidhash_next; //
struct task_struct
*run_next; // seven
/* one long word to spare
*/ // eight
Figure 16. Packed task_struct for scheduler
If possible, squeeze everything the processing loop uses into as
few cache lines as possible, preferably just one. In your data
structures, if you have to use short instead of int, use short. If it
will make it fit, use nibbles and bits. If you can't say it in 32
bytes, perhaps you need to rephrase yourself.
OK, you might want to close your eyes about now because it's
going to start getting really gory. Now we look at the worst case
scenarios of thrashing. It also gets more complex.
The task_struct is allocated as two pages which are 4K aligned. The
L1 cache divides the 32-bit address space among the 128 groups each
with a set of 4 cache lines. If two addresses are separated by a
multiple of 4K bytes, then they map to the same cache line set. So
for the 4-way set associative L1 cache on a Pentium II there are 4
cache lines available for the scheduling related cache line for all
of the task_structs.
Really that isn't so bad. Asking a task_struct cache line to remain
in L1 for a schedule quantum is, I admit, a bit much. But the
situation doesn't really improve for L2. A 256K L2 cache will provide
only 64 suitable cache lines. The way this works is that a
task_struct is 4K page aligned. So in the L2 cache set index, bits
5-11 will be fixed. So there are 4 bits of possibly unique cache set
index, or 16 sets of 4 cache lines or 64 available cache lines.
Furthermore, L2 is managed LRU. If you are iterating through a
runqueue longer than the effective L2 set depth of 64, when you
exceed the set size of L2, the cache thrashes and you may as well
have no cache. Then, every reschedule the scheduler is scanning the
entire runqueue from memory. Prefetching is rendered useless. Also,
the set is not a list of 64 cache lines but really 16 associative
subsets of 4 cache lines. Thrashing begins gradually before reaching
the set size of 64.
But it gets worse. I forgot to tell you about the TLB. Logical
addresses are mapped to physical addresses via a two level page table
in memory and an on- chip memory management unit.
virtual address
page group - bits 22-31
page address - bits 12-21
page offset - bits 0-11
physical page lookup
table_level_2 = table_level_1[(vaddr & mask1)
>> shift1];
page =
table_level_2[(vaddr & mask2) >> shift2];
Figure 17. Pentium II VM address structure and
These mappings are expensive to compute. The masks and shifts
are free but the loads and adds are serial. The Alpha and Itanium use
a 3 level page table structure. Some page tables can be so large they
must be demand paged. But since the mappings rarely change, they are
computed on demand and the results are cached in the TLB. The Pentium
II Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) uses a Harvard 4-way set
associative cache with 64 data entries and 32 instruction entries.
The TLB replacement policy is LRU within the set. If the TLB doesn't
find a match, a TLB miss takes place. The cost of a TLB miss ranges
from a reported 5 cycles on a Xeon, to 60 or more cycles. On the
PowerPC it is handled in software. The PowerPC TLB miss handler is 29
Virtual memory pages are 4K. A given task_struct page will compete
for 4 TLB slots. Iterating through a long linked list (64) of 4K
aligned pages is really the worst case scenario for the TLB. The
iteration will flush the TLB, slowly, suffering TLB misses along the
way. But for the purposes of the runqueue, the TLB could just as well
have no entries at all. Linux invalidates the TLB at each process
context switch. Then, every entry on the runqueue will be a TLB miss
regardless of the size of the runqueue. The only case where this
doesn't happen is if a process context switches to itself. Even in
this case, a long runqueue can thrash and flush the TLB cache. Also,
the TLB miss is synchronous with the cache line miss and a TLB miss
will cause the prefetch to be ignored.
Avoid iterating through collections of 4K pages. It is a worst case
cache and TLB scenario. Actually it is a member of a dysfunctional
family of worst case scenarios. If addresses differ by a power of the
cache line size, 64, 128, 256, ..., they compete for cache lines.
Each increase in the exponent halves the number of cache lines
available, down to the minimum of the cache set size. If addresses
differ by a power of the page size, 8192, 16384, ..., they compete
for diminishing TLB slots. And while it is possible to add more L2 on
some systems, this isn't possible for TLB slots.
An application can use prefetching to overlap execution with
memory fetch. But once referenced, some memory is used only once and
shouldn't evict more important cache lines and shouldn't take up
space in the cache. If prefetch determines what cache lines will be
needed, the cache control instructions determine what cache lines
will be retained. With respect to performance, avoiding cache
pollution is as important as prefetch.
As an example, there is a problem with the cache line oriented
task_struct. The for_each_task() macro iterates through every task,
polluting the L2 cache, flushing good data and loading junk. The junk
data will mean further cache misses later.
On the Pentium II there is the non-temporal prefetchnta instruction.
This loads a cache line into L1. If it is already in L2, it is loaded
from L2. But if it isn't in L2, it isn't loaded into L2. The PowerPC
doesn't have this sort of instruction. On that processor, prefetch
first and then cache flush a junk cache line after using it. A junk
cache line in this case would be a process not on the runqueue. This
reduces L2 cache pollution but doesn't avoid it altogether as in the
Pentium II prefetchnta example.
inline void CacheLine_Flush(unsigned long addr)
{ /* no cache line flush on the x86 */ }
inline void CacheLine_NT_Prefetch(unsigned long addr)
asm volatile("prefetchnta (%0)" ::
"r" (addr));
for_each_task(p) \
for (p = &init_task; p->next ? 1 :
CacheLine_Flush(p), \
p = p->next_task,
CacheLine_NT_Prefetch(p->next_task), \
p !=
Figure 18. Pollution avoiding prefetching
Interrupt handlers and basic functions such as copying i/o
buffer cache pages to and from user space with memcpy() would benefit
from non-temporal prefetch, cache flush and streaming store
instructions to avoid polluting L2. The Linux 2.4 x86 _mmx_memcpy()
prefetches source cache lines. For a Pentium II, it should use
prefetchnta for both the source and destination in order to avoid
flushing and polluting L2.
On the Pentium II, an initial preload is necessary to prime the TLB
for any following prefetch instructions. Otherwise the prefetch will
be ignored. This is another argument against iterating through lists
or arrays of 4K structures: a preload is necessary to prime the TLB
but the preload will pollute the cache and there is no cache line
flush instruction on the Pentium II.
As an example, this is a Pentium II user mode cache line block copy
for up to a 4K page. This function assumes that the source and
destination will not be immediately reused. The prefetchnta
instructions marks the source and destination cache lines as non
temporal. A Pentium III version [Intel99b] can use movntq and the
streaming instructions. However, the streaming instructions require
additional OS support for saving the 8 128-bit Katmai registers at
context switch. Patches are available for 2.2.14+ [Ingo00].
void PII_BlockCopy(char* src, char* dst, int count)
char *limit;
asm volatile("" :: "r"
(*src)); // prime the TLB for prefetch
asm volatile("" :: "r"
asm volatile("" :: "r" (*(src
+ 4095))); // src may span page
asm volatile("" :: "r" (*(dst
+ 4095)));
for (limit = src + count; src < limit; src +=
32, dst += 32) {
volatile("prefetchnta (%0)" :: "r"
volatile("prefetchnta (%0)" :: "r"
asm volatile("movq
00(%0),%%mm0" :: "r" (src));
asm volatile("movq
08(%0),%%mm1" :: "r" (src));
asm volatile("movq
16(%0),%%mm2" :: "r" (src));
asm volatile("movq
24(%0),%%mm3" :: "r" (src));
asm volatile("movq
%%mm0,00(%0)" :: "r" (dst));
asm volatile("movq
%%mm1,08(%0)" :: "r" (dst));
asm volatile("movq
%%mm2,16(%0)" :: "r" (dst));
asm volatile("movq
%%mm3,24(%0)" :: "r" (dst));
volatile("emms"); // empty the MMX state
Figure 19. PII_BlockCopy()
Another candidate is memset(). Idle task page clearing with
memset() has been tried but it isn't done because of cache pollution.
Memory stores fill up cache lines just as memory loads do. But cache
pollution can be avoided by prefetchnta of the destination cache line
followed by the store. prefetchnta a priori tags the destination
cache line as non cacheable. Another alternative on the PowerPC is
marking the page to be cleared as non-cacheable but this is
privileged [Dougan99].
False Sharing
A variation on the theme of thrashing is False Sharing
[HennPatt96]. Two variables contained in a single cache line are
updated by two different CPUs on a multiprocessor. When the first CPU
stores into its variable in its cache line copy, it invalidates the
cache line copy in the second CPU. When the second CPU stores into
its variable, reloads the cache line, stores into it and invalidates
the cache line copy in the first CPU. This is thrashing. Allocating
each variable its own cache line solves this problem.
An example from the scheduler, showing the problem and solution, is
the current task array variable:
struct task_struct *current_set[NR_CPUS]; // Linux
static union
{ //
Linux 2.2.14
struct schedule_data {
struct task_struct *
cycles_t last_schedule;
} schedule_data;
char __pad [SMP_CACHE_BYTES];
} aligned_data [NR_CPUS] __cacheline_aligned = {
Figure 20. SMP schduler global data array
Page Coloring
Two memory lines separated by modulo 64K compete for just 4 L2
cache lines. Within this 64K span, memory lines do not compete.
Breaking this 64K up into 16 4K memory pages, each has a unique page
color. Physical memory pages of different color don't compete for
Ideally if two virtual memory pages will be used at the same time,
they should be mapped to physical pages of different color [Lynch93].
In particular, simple direct mapped caches only have a single
suitable cache line. Pages 0,1,2,3 are in contiguous order and of
different page color. Pages 16,1,18,35 also each have different
color. Page coloring also improves performance repeatability.
Higher levels of L2 associativity argue against the expense of
supporting page coloring in the OS. Linux does not currently support
page colored allocation because it would be too expensive. FreeBSD
attempts to allocate pages in color order and there has been
discussion of this for Linux if an inexpensive page allocation
approach can be found.
However, page coloring is supported in one special case:
__get_dma_pages(). This kernel function allocates up to 32 physically
contiguous pages. Therefore pages in color order. A hint flag for the
mmap() system call could request this.
Memory lines within aligned structures, perhaps aligned within
pages, are constrained. The greater the alignment constraint, the
fewer eligible cache lines. Constraints cause conflict cache
For example, in the task_struct case the important cache line is
competing for 64 entries. This is known as a hot cache line: it has a
constraint problem. It would be better for scheduling purposes to
prune off the scheduling information and set up a slab allocated
cache. The task_struct already has several data structures hanging
off of it to support sharing data structures among related threads.
This would be one more.
A slab is a page from which objects are allocated and freed. If a
slab is full, another is constructed and the object is allocated from
it. Iterating through dynamic structures allocated from slabs suffers
fewer TLB misses because the structures are packed into pages.
For larger structures, frequently accessed fields are often clumped
together, usually at the beginning of the structure, causing a
constraint problem. Since slabs are page aligned, the slab allocator
balances the cache load transparent to its clients. An offset which
is a multiple of the cache line size is added as a bias.
Back To The Future
One solution for the scheduler is fairly simple: for an aligned
array of structures, if the size of the structure is an odd multiple
of the cache line size, it won't have a constraint problem.
Here is a single cache line version (one is an odd number) of the
critical scheduling fields:
struct proc {
char priority;
char policy_has_cpu;
unsigned short
processor; // one
unsigned short
unsigned short
pgrp; // two
unsigned short
session; //
three - spare short
struct mm_struct*
mm; // four
next_task; // five
pidhash_next; // six
run_next; // seven
struct task_struct*
task_struct; // eight
Figure 21. Single cache line task_struct
Or it can be made into a two cache line structure and a few
other task_struct fields can be added. If you are familiar with old
Unix implementations, the cache line oriented task_struct is the
reinvention of the proc structure. Quoting the 1977 Unix Version 6
<unix/proc.h> header file:
* One structure allocated per active
* process. It contains all data needed
* about the process while the
* process may be swapped out.
* Other per process data (user.h)
* is swapped with the process.
Figure 22. <unix/proc.h> from 1977 Unix Version
The Linux scheduler searches the entire runqueue each
reschedule. The FreeBSD runqueue is simpler [McKusick96]. It was
derived from the 1978 VAX/VMS rescheduling interrupt handler which
was all of 28 instructions. From the FreeBSD
<kern/kern_switch.h> source file:
* We have NQS (32) run queues per scheduling class. For the
* normal class, there are 128 priorities scaled onto these
* 32 queues. New processes are added to the last entry in
* queue, and processes are selected for running by taking them
* from the head and maintaining a simple FIFO arrangement.
* Realtime and Idle priority processes have and explicit 0-31
* priority which maps directly onto their class queue index.
* When a queue has something in it, the corresponding bit is
* set in the queuebits variable, allowing a single read to
* determine the state of all 32 queues and then a ffs() to find
* the first busy queue.
Figure 23. From FreeBSD <kern/kern_switch.h>
A uniprocessor reschedule is simplicity:
static struct rq queues[32];
static u_int32_t queuebits;
int qi;
qi = (current->priority >> 2);
SetBit(&queuebits, qi);
InsertQueue(&queues[current->priority], current);
qi = FindFirstSet(queuebits);
if (RemoveQueue(&queues[qi], ¤t) == Q_EMPTY)
ClearBit(&queuebits, qi);
Figure 24. Queueing scheduler context switch
A best of breed Linux scheduler would use the FreeBSD runqueue
and support the Linux scheduler policies of the goodness() function:
soft realtime scheduling, SMP CPU affinity and thread batching.
In Summary, You Are Doomed
Cache programming is a collection of arcana and techniques. What
follows is an attempt to organize them and the final chart is an
attempt to distill them.
Alignment and Packing
When laying out structures for portable software, assume a 32
byte cache line.
For arrays, the base of an array should be cache aligned. The size of
a structure must be either an integer multiple or an integer divisor
of the cache line size. If these conditions hold, then by induction
each element of the array the cache line will be aligned or packed.
Linked structures are analogous for alignment but don't have the size
To specify a cache line alignment for types or variables with gcc,
use the aligned attribute:
struct Box {
int element;
} __attribute__ ((aligned(SMP_CACHE_BYTES)));
Figure 25. Cache alignment of structure types
In an application, to allocate cache aligned memory, use
memalign(32, size) instead of malloc(size).
Data structures change. Write a program which validates packing,
alignments and worst case scenarios.
Cache Footprint
Reduce your cache footprint. Paraphrasing the Elements of Style
- Omit
needless words.
- Keep
related words together.
- Do not
break cache lines in two.
- Avoid a
succession of loose cache lines.
- Make
the cache line the unit of composition.
When repeatedly iterating through a large array or list of
structures, be careful of cache considerations. As the number of
elements increases and approaches the number of cache lines
available, cache misses will gradually increase to the point of
Ignoring page color issues for now, large memory scans approaching
the size of the cache, flush the cache. Large memory copies
approaching half of the cache, flush the cache. Both pollute the
cache with junk.
Avoid polluting the cache with junk data. If a cache line won't be
reused for some time, flush it. If streaming through a lot of data,
non-temporally prefetch source and destination to avoid polluting the
L2 cache. Otherwise you may pollute the cache with junk data
entailing further cache misses.
Interrupt handlers should avoid cache pollution by using non-temporal
prefetch, cache flush and streaming store instructions.
Shared libraries allow many processes to share the same instruction
memory. This creates more opportunities for cache sharing and less
cache competition.
If you are working on one cache line and then another, prefetch
the next cache line before doing the work on the first. This overlaps
the work and the prefetch. Prefetch hides memory latency.
The prefetch scheduling distance for memory is about 20-25
instructions. The prefetch scheduling distance for L2 is about 6-10
instructions. These are very rough guides.
Worst Case Scenarios
Avoid worst case scenarios: for associative cache memory, if
addresses differ by a power of the cache line size, 64, 128, 256,
..., they are constrained to use fewer cache lines. Each increase in
the exponent halves the number of cache lines available, down to the
minimum of the cache set size. Similarly, on an associative TLB, if
addresses differ by a power of the page size, 8192, 16384, ..., they
are constrained to use fewer TLB slots with each increase in
False Sharing - avoid updating a cache line shared between two or
more CPUs.
Constraints - bias the allocation of small objects by a multiple
cache line offset to avoid hot cache lines. The slab allocator does
this. For an array of structures, use odd multiples of the cache line
Coloring - if necessary, allocate physical memory pages in color
order. They won't compete for cache.
If you need uniquely colored pages in the kernel or in a module, use
__get_dma_pages(gfp_mask, order) to allocate up to 32 pages, usually
128K. They will be physically contiguous and therefore in color
Cache Policy Cache Miss
compulsory first
access align, pack
and prefetch
conflict access mismatched to cache
design avoid worst cases
replacement capacity
working set is larger than cache size avoid cache
combine single store or large streaming
store all of the above, combine writes,
use non temporal
Scott Maxwell, David Sifry and Dan Sears suffered through and
improved earlier drafts.
[Bonwick94] Jeff Bonwick, The Slab Allocator: An Object-Caching
Kernel Memory Allocator, Usenix Summer 1994 Technical Conference,
[Bryant00] Ray Bryant and Bill Hartner, Java technology, threads, and
scheduling in Linux: Patching the kernel scheduler for better Java
performance, IBM Developer Works, January 2000.
[Dougan99] Cort Dougan, Paul Mackerras and Victor Yodaiken,
Optimizing the Idle Task and Other MMU Tricks, Third Symposium on
Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 1999.
[Handy98] Jim Handy, The Cache Memory Book, 2nd edition, Academic
Press, 1998.
[HennPatt96] John Hennessy and David Patterson, Computer
Architecture, 2nd edition, Morgan Kauffman, 1996.
[Honeyman99] Peter Honeyman et al, The Linux Scalability Project,
University of Michigan CITI-99-4, 1999.
[Ingo00] Ingo Mulnar,
[Intel99a] Intel Architecture Optimization Reference Manual,, 1999.
[Intel99b] Block Copy Using Intel Pentium III Processor Streaming
SIMD Extensions,, 1999.
[Lynch93] William L. Lynch, The Interaction of Virtual Memory and
Cache Memory, Stanford CSL-TR-93-587, 1993.
[Maxwell99] Scott Maxwell, Linux Core Kernel Commentary, Coriolis,
[McKusick96] Kirk McKusick et al, The Design and Implementation of
the 4.4BSD Operating System, Addison Wesley, 1996.
[Schimmel94] Curt Schimmel, UNIX Systems for Modern Architectures:
Symmetric Multiprocesssing and Caching for Kernel Programmers,
Addison Wesley, 1994.
[Seward] Julian Seward, Cacheprof,
[Shanley97] Tom Shanley, Pentium Pro and Pentium II System
Architecture: 2nd edition, Mindshare, 1997.
[Stallman00] Richard Stallman, Using and Porting GNU CC: for version
2.95, Free Software Foundation, 2000.
[Strunk99] Strunk and White, The Elements of Style, 4th edition,
Allyn and Bacon, 1999.
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Linux Showcase and Conference, Atlanta,
October 10-14, 2000, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Last changed: 8 Sept. 2000 bleu