ALS 2000 Abstract
Dynamic Buffer Cache Management Scheme based on
Simple and Aggressive Prefetching
H. Seok Jeon and Sam H. Noh, Hong-Ik University
Many replacement and prefetching policies have re
cently been proposed for buffer cache management.
However, many real operating systems, including
GNU/Linux, generally use the simple Least Recently
Used (LRU) replacement policy with prefetching be
ing employed in special situations such as when sequen
tiality is detected. In this paper, we propose the SA
R scheme that integrates buer management and
prefetching, where prefetching is done constantly in ag
gressive fashion. The scheme is simple to implement
making it a feasible solution in real systems. In its ba
sic form, for buffer replacement, it uses the LRU policy.
However, its modular design allows for any replacement
policy to be incorporated into the scheme. For prefetch
ing, it uses the LRU-One Block Lookahead (LRU-OBL)
approach, eliminating any extra burden that is gener
ally necessary in other prefetching approaches. Imple
mentation studies based on the GNU/Linux kernel ver
sion 2.2.14 show that the SA-W2R performs better than
the current version of GNU/Linux with a maximum in
creases of 23 % for the workloads considered.