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USENIX Summer 1993 Technical Conference Proceedings

June 21-25, 1993
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Wednesday (9:00 - 10:20)

Keynote Speaker: Bruce Tognazzini, SunSoft, Inc

Wednesday (11:00 - 12:30)

Session Chair: M. Kirk McKusick, University of California, Berkeley

Call Path Profiling of Monotonic Program Resources in UNIX
Robert J. Hall, Aaron J. Goldberg, AT&T Bell Laboratories

Computer System Performance Problem Detection Using Time Series Models
Peter Hoogenboom, Jay Lepreau, Center for Software Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Utah

Design and Implementation of a Simulation Library Using Lightweight Processes
Janche Sang, Ke-hsiung Chung, Vernon Rego, Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University

Wednesday (2:00 - 3:30)

Session Chair: Matt Blaze, AT&T Bell Laboratories

The Restore-o-Mounter: The File Motel Revisited
Joe Moran, Bob Lyon, Legato Systems Incorporated

The Autofs Automounter
Brent Callaghan, Satinder Singh, SunSoft, Inc.

Discovery and Hot Replacement of Replicated Read-Only File Systems, with Application to Mobile Computing
Erez Zadok, Dan Duchamp, Computer Science Department, Columbia University

Wednesday (4:00 - 6:00)

Session Chair: Pat Parseghian, AT&T Bell Laboratories

X Through the Firewall, and Other Application Relays
G. Winfield Treese, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Digital Equipment Corporation and Alec Wolman, University of Washington and Digital Equipment Corporation

The Ferret Document Browser
Howard P. Katseff, Thomas B. London, AT&T Bell Laboratories

LADDIS: The Next Generation in NFS File Server Benchmarking
Bruce E. Keith, Digital Equipment Corporation and Mark Wittle, Data General Corporation

Design and Implementation of a Multimedia Protocol Suite in a BSD UNIX Kernel
Raj Yavatkar, K. Lakshman, Giri Kuthethoor, Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Kentucky

Thursday (11:00 - 12:30)

Session Chair: Steve Kleiman, SunSoft, Inc

The Spring Nucleus: A Microkernel for Objects
Graham Hamilton, Panos Kougiouris, Sun Microsystems Laboratories Inc.

"Stacking" Vnodes: A Progress Report
Glenn C. Skinner, Thomas K. Wong, SunSoft, Inc.

Anonymous RPC: Low-Latency Protection in a 64-Bit Address Space
Curtis Yarvin, Richard Bukowski, Thomas Anderson, Division of Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley

Thursday (2:00 - 3:30)

Session Chair: Nathaniel Borenstein, Bellcore

Integrating Handwriting Recognition into UNIX
James Kempf, Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation

Optimizing UNIX Resource Scheduling for User Interaction
Steve Evans, Bart Smaalders, Dave Singleton, and Jeff Bonwick, SunSoft, Inc.

AudioFile: A Network-Transparent Audio Server
James Gettys, Thomas M. Levergood, Andrew C. Payne, Lawrence C. Stewart, Digital Equipment Corporation and G. Winfield Treese, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Digital Equipment Corporation

Friday (9:00 - 10:20)

Session Chair: J. R. Oldroyd, Instruction Set

Fast and Flexible Shared Libraries
Douglas B. Orr, Jay Lepreau, John Bonn, Center for Software Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Utah

High Performance Dynamic Linking Through Caching
Michael N. Nelson, Graham Hamilton, Sun Microsystems Laboratories, Inc.

The Shell as a Service
Glenn S. Fowler, AT&T Bell Laboratories

Friday (11:00 - 12:30)

Session Chair: Jeffrey Mogul, Digital Equipment Corporation

A User-Level Replicated File System
Glenn S. Fowler, Yennun Huang, David Korn, Herman Rao, AT&T Bell Laboratories

sfs: A Parallel File System for the CM-5
Sue J. LoVerso, Marshall Isman, Andy Nanopoulos, William Nesheim, Eric L. Rowe, Richard Wheeler, Thinking Machines Corporation

Adaptive Block Rearrangement Under UNIX
Sedat Akyürek, Kenneth Salem, University of Maryland, Dept of Computer Science

Friday (2:00 - 3:30)

Panel on Privacy


Matt Blaze,
Nathaniel Borenstein,
Bob Gray,
Steve Kleiman		srk,
John T. Kohl,
Kirk McKusick,
Jeff Mogul,
JR Oldroyd,
Pat Parseghian,
Dennis Ritchie,