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Mobile agent[4, 14, 18, 42] as a new design paradigm for distributed computing potentially permit network applications to operate across heterogeneous systems and dynamic network connectivities, to reduce their bandwidth needs, and to avoid overheads caused by large communication latencies. In addition, mobile agent systems[11, 20, 24, 38] are designed to facilitate the construction of distributed programs that have the flexibility to adapt their operation in response to the heterogeneous nature of or dynamic changes in underlying distributed computing platforms.

Agent computing, however, is subject to several inefficiencies. Some of these inefficiencies are caused by the complexities of the environments in which mobile agents are deployed. Such environmental complexities include heterogeneity in architectures, communication networks (both at the hardware and protocol levels), operating systems, and agent management systems. This diversity requires agent-based programs to rely on underlying agent systems, most of which are based on interpreted languages like Java and Tcl/Tk[10, 26], to mask some of these complexities, by using system-wide, uniform representations of agent code and states to store, transport and execute agent programs. Additional inefficiencies in agent computing are caused by the dynamic nature of agent-based programs, where different components of these programs exhibit volatile `spatial' relationships. Such `spatial' volatility results from agents' mobility and from the runtime service/agent discovery schemes being used. The underlying agent systems `hide' this volatility by ensuring that remote agent invocations are directed to current agent execution sites.

There has been considerable work on dealing with inefficiencies in agent computing, including the development of Just In Time (JIT) compilers for agent code[23], of methods for creating efficient Java programs[37], and of performance tuning techniques and tools for distributed agent applications[15]. These efforts are particularly relevant to performance-constrained distributed applications, such as data mining, where large amount of states may have to be moved upon discovery, and interactive simulations, where application must offer real-time performance to end users [12, 21].

Our research is exploring two approaches for improving the performance of distributed, agent-based programs: (1) runtime adaptation and (2) agent specialization. The general aim of this work is to enable programmers to employ these techniques to improve program performance without sacrificing the fundamental advantages promised by mobile agent programming. This paper explores the effects of using two specialization approaches: agent morphing on a single mobile agent and agent fusion on multiple cooperating agents.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents two applications that can benefit from the use of agent technologies while also requiring levels of performance not easily attained with current agent systems. interactive continuously Section 2 also describes the performance implications of using agent- vs. compiled object-based representations of the software components involved in interactive data viewing. Based on these evaluations, Section 3 next describes two agent specialization techniques - morphing and fusion - that address some of the runtime performance problems of applications like these. Significant performance gains are demonstrated from applying these techniques to the aforementioned applications for a variety of typical scenarios of use. Based on the improvements demonstrated in this section, Section 4 then describes next steps in our research, including the design of runtime support in which various adaptation techniques are easily applied. The paper concludes with a discussion of related research (see Section 5), conclusions, and future work (Section 6).

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Dong Zhou
Wed Mar 24 00:41:22 EST 1999