Developing and Deploying Corporate Cryptographic Systems
Diane E. Coe and Judith A. Furlong
The MITRE Corporation
Bedford, Massachusetts
The MITRE Corporation has developed a number of cryptographic systems
that provide security-related capabilities for its growing electronic
information environment. These cryptographic systems were developed
using commercial off-the-shelf products and widely accepted standards.
Standards were adhered to in order to assure interoperability with
emerging products such as those used to conduct electronic commerce on
the Internet. However, there are many shortcomings within the
marketplace and the Internet community that are limiting the extent to
which interoperability can be achieved. Products are not as "open" as
we need them to be, infrastructures are not in place, and standards
are still evolving. This paper presents many of the issues with which
we are faced and, in some cases, provides solutions. MITRE's needs
are not unique. They are the needs of any enterprise wishing to
provide an integrated security solution for the access and exchange of
valuable electronic information.
This paper first introduces The MITRE Corporation and describes its
corporate cryptographic systems and information infrastructure. The
paper then discusses issues associated with integrating MITRE's
cryptographic systems with emerging electronic commerce products both
for use within the corporation and for conducting electronic commerce
externally. The paper concludes with recommendations and lends some
insight into where The MITRE Corporation is headed in terms of its
corporate cryptographic systems and electronic commerce.
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