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First USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce

July 11-12, 1995
New York, New York

Call for Papers
Workshop Organizing Committee
Digest of Electronic Commerce Workshop

Tuesday, July 11, 1995

Keynote Address: Electronic Banking and Electronic Commerce on the SuperInformation Highway
Daniel Schultzer, Citibank


Session Chair: Peter Stalker
Token and Notational Money in Electronic Commerce
L. Jean Camp, Marvin Sirbu and J.D. Tygar, Carnegie Mellon University

Economic Mechanism Design for Computerized Agents
Hal R. Varian, University of Michigan

Can the Conventional Models Apply? The Microeconomics of the Information Revolution
Bruce Don and David Frelinger, RAND


Session Chair: Steve Dusse
Internet Information Commerce: The First VirtualĀ® Approach
Darren New, First Virtual Holdings, Inc.

Payment Switches for Open Networks
David K. Gifford, Lawrence C. Stewart, Andrew C. Payne and G. Winfield Treese, Open Market, Inc.


Session Chair: Clifford Neuman
NetBill Security and Transaction Protocol
Benjamin Cox, J.D. Tygar and Marvin Sirbu, Carnegie Mellon University

iKP - A Family of Secure Electronic Payment Protocols
Mihir Bellare, Juan A. Garay, Ralf Hauser, Amir Herzberg, Hugo Krawczyk, Michael Steiner, Gene Tsudik, and Michael Waidner, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and IBM Zurich Research Laboratory

A Set of Protocols for Micropayments in Distributed Systems
Lei Tang, Carnegie Mellon University

The Millicent Protocols for Electronic Commerce
Mark S. Manasse, DEC Systems Research Center

Wednesday, July 12, 1995


Session Chair: Peter Honeyman
Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs
Arthur M. Keller, Stanford University

A Safe Tcl Toolkit for Electronic Meeting Places
Jacob Y. Levy and John K. Ousterhout, Sun Microsystems Laboratories

Developing and Deploying Corporate Cryptographic Systems
Diane E. Coe and Judith A. Furlong, The MITRE Corporation


Session Chair: Marc Donner
Generic Extensions of WWW Browsers
Ralf Hauser and Michael Steiner, IBM Research Division, Zurich Research Laboratory

Secure Coprocessors in Electronic Commerce Applications
Bennett Yee, Microsoft Corporation; J.D. Tygar, Carnegie Mellon University

The DigiBox: A Self-Protecting Container for Information Commerce
Olin Sibert, David Bernstein, and David Van Wie, Electronic Publishing Resources, Inc.

Kerberos Plus RSA for World Wide Web Security
Don Davis, Consultant

Alliance Ecology: A Key to Multimedia Strategic Success
Bernard F. Mathaisel and Timothy S. Simcoe, Ernst & Young