First USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce
July 11-12, 1995
New York, New York
Call for Papers
Workshop Organizing Committee
Digest of Electronic Commerce Workshop
Tuesday, July 11, 1995
- Keynote Address: Electronic Banking and
Electronic Commerce on the SuperInformation Highway
- Daniel Schultzer, Citibank
Session Chair: Peter Stalker
- Token and Notational Money in Electronic
- L. Jean Camp, Marvin Sirbu and J.D. Tygar, Carnegie Mellon University
- Economic Mechanism Design for Computerized
- Hal R. Varian, University of Michigan
- Can the Conventional Models Apply?
The Microeconomics of the Information Revolution
- Bruce Don and David Frelinger, RAND
Session Chair: Steve Dusse
- Internet Information Commerce: The First
VirtualĀ® Approach
- Darren New, First Virtual Holdings, Inc.
- Payment Switches for Open Networks
- David K. Gifford, Lawrence C. Stewart, Andrew C. Payne and
G. Winfield Treese, Open Market, Inc.
Session Chair: Clifford Neuman
- NetBill Security and Transaction Protocol
- Benjamin Cox, J.D. Tygar and Marvin Sirbu, Carnegie Mellon University
- iKP - A Family of Secure Electronic
Payment Protocols
- Mihir Bellare, Juan A. Garay, Ralf Hauser, Amir Herzberg,
Hugo Krawczyk, Michael Steiner, Gene Tsudik, and Michael Waidner,
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
- A Set of Protocols for Micropayments in
Distributed Systems
- Lei Tang, Carnegie Mellon University
- The Millicent Protocols for Electronic
- Mark S. Manasse, DEC Systems Research Center
Wednesday, July 12, 1995
Session Chair: Peter Honeyman
- Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs
- Arthur M. Keller, Stanford University
- A Safe Tcl Toolkit for Electronic Meeting
- Jacob Y. Levy and John K. Ousterhout, Sun Microsystems Laboratories
- Developing and Deploying Corporate
Cryptographic Systems
- Diane E. Coe and Judith A. Furlong, The MITRE Corporation
Session Chair: Marc Donner
- Generic Extensions of WWW Browsers
- Ralf Hauser and Michael Steiner, IBM Research Division,
Zurich Research Laboratory
- Secure Coprocessors in Electronic Commerce
- Bennett Yee, Microsoft Corporation; J.D. Tygar,
Carnegie Mellon University
- The DigiBox: A Self-Protecting Container
for Information Commerce
- Olin Sibert, David Bernstein, and David Van Wie,
Electronic Publishing Resources, Inc.
- Kerberos Plus RSA for World Wide Web
- Don Davis, Consultant
- Alliance Ecology: A Key to Multimedia Strategic Success
- Bernard F. Mathaisel and Timothy S. Simcoe, Ernst & Young