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Java™ Virtual Machine Research and Technology Symposium
April 23–24, 2001
Monterey, California, USA
Monday, April 23, 2001
Code Generators
Session Chair: Urs Hoelzle, University of California, Santa Barbara
The Java HotSpot™ Server Compiler
Michael Paleczny, Christopher Vick, and Cliff Click Sun Microsystems
Can a Shape Analysis Work at Run-time?
Jeff Bogda and Ambuj Singh, University of California, Santa Barbara
Best Student Paper Winner! Anyone may access the full version of this paper.
SableVM: A Research Framework for the Efficient Execution of Java
Etienne M. Gagnon and Laurie J. Hendren, McGill University
JVM Integrity
Session Chair: Matt Welsh, University of California, Berkeley
Dynamic Type Checking in Jalapeño
Bowen Alpern, Anthony Cocchi, and David Grove, IBM T.J. Watson Research
Proof Linking: Distributed Verification of Java Classfiles in the Presence of
Multiple Classloaders
Philip W. L. Fong and Robert D. Cameron, Simon Fraser University
JVM Susceptibility to Memory Errors
Deqing Chen, University of Rochester; Alan Messer, Philippe Bernadat, and Guangrui Fu, HP Labs; Zoran Dimitrijevic,
University of California, Santa Barbara; David Jeun Fung Lie, Stanford University; Durga Mannaru, Georgia Institute of Technology; Alma Riska, William and Mary College; and Dejan Milojicic, HP Labs
Work-in-Progress Reports (Abstracts only)
Session Chair: Matt Welsh, University of California, Berkeley
Implementing JNI in Java for Jalapeno (PDF)
Ton Ngo and Steve Smith IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA
JaRec: Record/Replay for Multi-threaded Java Programs (PDF)
Mark Christiaens Ghent University, Gent, Belgium
Kaffemik - a distributed JVM featuring a single address space (PDF)
Johan Andersson Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
A Java Compiler for Many Memory Models (PDF)
Sam Midkiff IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA
State Capture and Resource Control for Java: The Design and
Implementation of the Aroma Virtual Machine (PDF)
Niranjan Suri University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL, USA
OpenJIT 2: The Design and Implementation of Application Framework for
JIT Compilers (PDF)
Fuyuhiko Maruyama Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Tuesday, March 27, 2001
Session Chair: Tony Cocchi, IBM
Implementing Fast Java™ Monitors with Relaxed-Locks
David Dice, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
An Executable Formal Java Virtual Machine Thread Model
J Strother Moore and George M. Porter, University of Texas at Austin
TRaDe: A Topological Approach to On-the-Fly Race Detection in Java
Mark Christiaens and Koen De Bosschere, Ghent University
JVM Potpourri
Session Chair: Saul Wold, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
The HotSpot™ Serviceability Agent: An Out-of-Process High-Level Debugger for a Java™ Virtual Machine
Kenneth Russell and Lars Bak, Sun Microsystems
More Efficient Network Class Loading Through Bundling
David Hovemeyer and William Pugh, University of Maryland
Deterministic Execution of Java's Primitive Bytecode Operations
Fridtjof Siebert, University of Karlsruhe, and Andy Walter, Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI)
Garbage Collection
Session Chair: Juergen Kreileder, Blackdown
Mostly Accurate Stack Scanning
Katherine Barabash, Niv Buchbinder, Tamar Domani, Elliot K. Kolodner, Yoav Ossia, and Shlomit S. Pinter, IBM Haifa Research Laboratory; Janice Shepherd,
IBM T.J. Watson Research Laboratory; Ron Sivan, IBM Haifa Research Laboratory; and Victor Umansky, Sangate Israel
Hot-Swapping Between a Mark&Sweep and a Mark&Compact Garbage
Collector in a Generational Environment
Tony Printezis, University of Glasgow
Parallel Garbage Collection for Shared Memory Multiprocessors
Christine H. Flood and David Detlefs, Sun Microsystems Laboratories; Nir
Shavit, Tel-Aviv University; and Xiolan Zhang, Harvard University
Small Devices
Session Chair: Tim Lindholm, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Automatic Persistent Memory Management for the Spotless Java™ Virtual Machine
on the Palm Connected Organizer
Daniel Schneider, Bernd Mathiske, Matthias
Ernst, and Matthew Seidl, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Energy Behavior of Java Applications from the Memory Perspective
N. Vijaykrishnan, M. Kandemir, S. Kim, S. Tomar, A. Sivasubramaniam, and M. J.
Irwin, The Pennsylvania State University
On the Software Virtual Machine for the Real Hardware Stack Machine
Takashi Aoki, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., and Takeshi Eto, Fujitsu Ltd.