Local Area Mobile Computing on Stock Hardware and Mostly
Stock Software
Terri Watson and Brian N. Bershad
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
In the Fall of 1992, the graduate Operating Systems class at Carnegie
Mellon University implemented the necessary components to provide
applications with a programmable interface to a mobile palmtop
computer. The goal of the project was to expose project members to
the area of mobile computing through ``shock immersion.'' Over the
course of two months, students designed and implemented the
infrastructure for a simple mobile computing environment for low-end
palmtop machines. This programming environment was used to develop a
suite of mobile applications such as a mailer, graphical locator map,
the game tetris, and a scheme interpreter that allowed functions to be
remotely executed on the palmtop. In this paper, we describe the
results of the course project and the lessons learned.
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