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This research was supported in part by IBM Graduate Fellowship, IBM Faculty Development Award, Intel, the National Science Foundation (Research Initiation Award CCR-9409666), NASA, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), and Sun Microsystems Inc.
Intuitively, a CPU allocation is fair if, in every time interval, all runnable threads receive the same fraction of CPU bandwidth. This notion of uniform fairness generalizes to weighted fairness when threads have different weights and each thread receives CPU bandwidth in proportion to its weight. We will formalize this notion in Section 3.
Threads are assumed to be the scheduling entities in the system.
Several other definitions of fairness have been introduced in the networking and operating systems literature. A comparative evaluation of their relative merits, however, is beyond the scope of this paper.
If tex2html_wrap_inline1035 is the length of quantum tex2html_wrap_inline1033 in terms of instructions, then its time duration is tex2html_wrap_inline1045 where C is the rate of execution of the CPU.
The maximum quantum length may be known a-priori or may be enforced by a scheduler by preempting threads.

Xingang Guo
Tue Sep 17 02:09:38 CDT 1996