USENIX Technical Program - Abstract - Security Symposium 99
Synthesizing Fast Intrusion Prevention/Detection Systems from High-Level Specifications
R. Sekar and P. Uppuluri, State University of New York at Stony Brook
To build survivable information systems (i.e., systems that
continue to provide their services in spite of coordinated attacks),
it is necessary to detect and isolate intrusions before they
impact system performance or functionality. Previous research in this
area has focussed primarily on detecting intrusions after the fact,
rather than preventing them in the first place. We have developed a
new approach based on specifying intended program behaviors using
patterns over sequences of system calls. The patterns can also capture
conditions on the values of system-call arguments. At runtime, we
intercept the system calls made by processes, compare them against
specifications, and disallow (or otherwise modify) those calls that
deviate from specifications. Since our approach is capable of
modifying a system call before it is delivered to the operating system
kernel, it is capable of reacting before any damage-causing system
call is executed by a process under attack. We present our
specification language and illustrate its use by developing a
specification for the ftp server. Observe that in our approach, every
system call is intercepted and subject to potentially expensive
operations for matching against many patterns that specify
normal/abnormal behavior. Thus, minimizing the overheads incurred for
pattern-matching is critical for the viability of our approach. We
solve this problem by developing a new, low-overhead algorithm for
matching runtime behaviors against specifications. A salient feature
of our algorithm is that its runtime is almost independent of the
number of patterns. In most cases, it uses a constant amount of time
per system call intercepted, and uses a constant amount of storage,
both independent of either the size or number of patterns. These
benefits make our algorithm useful for many other intrusion detection
methods that employ pattern-matching. We describe our algorithm, and
evaluate its performance through experiments.