USENIX Experiences with Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems
September 22 - 23, 1993
San Diego, California
Wednesday, September 22
Opening Remarks: Peter Reiher, UCLA,
and David Cohn, Notre Dame
Keynote Address: Is There Life After Microkernels?
Prof. Larry Peterson, University of Arizona
Load Distribution and Placement
- On the Importance of Parallel Application
Placement in NUMA Multiprocessors
- Tim Brecht, University of Toronto, Canada
- Experiences with Load Distribution on
Top of the Mach Microkernel
- Dejan S. Milojicic, Peter Giese and Wolfgang Zint,
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Performance Issues
- Measuring Lock Performance in Multiprocessor Operating
System Kernels
- Joseph P. CaraDonna, Noemi Paciorek and Craig E. Wills,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- False Sharing and its Effect on Shared
Memory Performance
- William J. Bolosky and Michael L. Scott, University of Rochester
- Parallel Distributed Application Performance and Message
Passing: A Case Study
- Nayeem Islam, Robert E. McGrath and Roy H. Campbell,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Implementation Issues in Distributed Shared Memory
- Mether-NFS: A Modified NFS Which Supports
Virtual Shared Memory
- Ronald G. Minnich, Supercomputing Research Center
- An Implementation of the Shared Data Formats
Standard for Distributed Shared Memories
- Maya B. Gokhale and Ronald G. Minnich, Supercomputing Research Center
Thursday, September 23
Impact of Object Technology
- Experience Building a File System on a
Highly Modular Operating System
- Michael N. Nelson, Yousef A. Khalidi and Peter W. Madany,
Sun Microsystems Labs., Inc.
- Electra - Making Distributed Programs
- Silvano Maffeis, University of Zurich
- Experience with Shared Object Support
in the Guide System
- P.Y. Chevalier, A. Freyssinet, D. Hagimont, S. Krakowiak,
S. Lacourte, and X. Rousset de Pina, Bull-IMAG/Systemes, France
Tools for Distributed Computing
- Debugging Objects and Threads in a
Shared Memory System
- L. Gunaseelan and Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr., Georgia Institute of
- Performance of Concurrent Servers Generated
Automatically from Sequential Servers
- David L. Sims, Debra A. Hensgen and Lantz Moore,
University of Cincinnati
Language and Run-Time Support
- Panda: A Portable Platform to Support
Parallel Programming Languages
- Raoul Bhoedjang, Tim Ruhl, Rutger Hofman, Koen Langendoen,
Henri Bal and Frans Kaashoek, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and MIT
- Distributed Shared Abstractions (DSA)
on Large-Scale Multiprocessors
- Christian Clemencon, Bodhisattwa Mukherjee, and Karsten
Schwan, Georgia Institute of Technology
- NUMACROS: Data Parallel Programming on NUMA
- Hui Li and Kenneth C. Sevcik, University of Toronto, Canada
- The Future of Experimental Distributed Systems
- Members of the Program Committee
- The Prospects for Parallel Programs on Distributed
- Michael L. Scott, University of Rochester
- The Role of Distributed Shared Memory in Future Experimental
Distributed Systems
- Brent D. Fleisch, University of California, Riverside
- Whatever Happened to Large Packets or Are Tiny
Messages Good?
- Roy H. Campbell, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Convergence: A Triple Threat or How ATM will Change
the World
- John Nichol, David. V. Pitts, and C. Thomas Wilkes
- Coping with Concurrency in Real Time Groupware
- Colin Allison and Mike Livesey, University of St. Andrews, Scotland