USENIX 2001 Paper   
[USENIX '01 Tech Program Index]
Pp. 217230 of the Proceedings |  |
Pragmatic nonblocking synchronization for real-time systems
Michael Hohmuth - Hermann Härtig
Dresden University of Technology
Department of
Computer Science,
We present a pragmatic methodology for designing nonblocking
real-time systems. Our methodology uses a combination of lock-free
and wait-free synchronization techniques and clearly states which
technique should be applied in which situation.
paper reports novel results in various respects:
We restrict the usage of
lock-free mechanisms to cases where the widely available atomic
single-word compare-and-swap operation suffices. We show how Brinch
Hansen's monitors (alias Java's synchronized methods) can be
implemented on top of our mechanisms, thereby demonstrating their
versatility. We describe in detail how we used the mechanisms for a
full reimplementation of a popular microkernel interface (L4). Our
kernel--in contrast to the original implementation--bounds
execution time of all operations. We report on a previous
implementation of our mechanisms in which we used Massalin's and
Pu's single-server approach, and on the resulting performance, which
lead us to abandon this well-known scheme.
Our microkernel implementation is in daily use with a user-level
Linux server running a large variety of applications. Hence, our
system can be considered as more than just an academic prototype.
Still, and despite its implementation in C++, it compares favorably
with the original, highly optimized, non-real-time,
assembly-language implementation.
1 Introduction
In recent years, nonblocking data structures have caught the
attention not only of the real-time systems community but of
theoretical and some practical operating-systems groups. Many
researchers have devised new methods for efficiently synchronizing
interesting data structures in a nonblocking fashion.
Others have conceived general methodologies for transforming any
algorithm into a nonblocking one; however, these results have a more
theoretical nature as the methodologies often lead to very inefficient
implementations. The next section briefly discusses a number of these works.
In contrast to this boom, we know of only a few system implementations that
successfully exploit nonblocking synchronization. The only two
operating systems we are aware of that use exclusively
nonblocking synchronization are
SYNTHESIS [16] and the CACHE kernel
One of the problems with the approach is that it
appears difficult to apply to many modern CPU architectures: Many
of the most efficient algorithms available for lock-free data
structures require a primitive for atomically updating two independent
memory words (two-word compare-and-swap, CAS2), and many processors
like the popular x86 CPUs do not provide such an instruction.
Significantly, SYNTHESIS and the CACHE kernel originate from
the Motorola 68K architecture, which does have a CAS2 primitive.
In this paper, we present a pragmatic approach for building
nonblocking real-time systems. Our methodology works well even on CAS2-less
architectures. It does not rely solely on lock-free synchronization
for implementing nonblocking data structures--which would be both
inconvenient and slow on the architectures we considered. Instead,
our methodology does allow
for locks, but ensures that the system is wait-free nonetheless. In addition, our
technique is easy to apply because from a developer's perspective,
it looks much like programming with mutual exclusion using monitors.
We describe the application of our approach to build a real
system: Using our methodology, we developed the Fiasco
microkernel, a kernel for the DROPS real-time operating
system [8] that runs on x86 CPUs. This kernel is
an implementation of the L4 microkernel interface [15], and it
is sufficiently mature to support all the software developed for L4,
including DROPS servers and L4Linux
[9].1 We evaluate the effectiveness of our methodology
for nonblocking design by examining the Fiasco microkernel's
real-time properties and synchronization overheads.
Fiasco currently runs only on uniprocessors. Consequently, we
concentrate on single-processor implementation details. However, our
methodology lends itself to multiprocessor-system implementations as
well, and we point out routes for multiprocessor extensions.
We also discuss a number of nonblocking synchronization mechanisms.
In their SYNTHESIS work, Massalin and Pu [16]
introduced the concept of a ``single-server'' thread (a variant of the
``serializer'' pattern first described by Hauser and associates
[10]), which serializes
complex object updates that cannot be implemented in a nonblocking
fashion. In this paper, we present a simple modification to the
single-server scheme that makes it truly nonblocking and useful for
use in real-time systems. Furthermore, we show that the single-server
mechanism is semantically equivalent to a locking scheme. In
particular, the real-time version can be replaced by a locking scheme
with priority inheritance that is easier to implement and has better
We see our contribution as leading the recent interest in
nonblocking synchronization to a practicable interim result, which the
scientific community can verify. The source code to the
Fiasco microkernel is freely available, allowing researchers
to further study our techniques and experiment with them.
This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we
consider related work on nonblocking synchronization. In Section
3, we develop our methodology for designing wait-free
real-time systems. Section 4 shows how we applied this
methodology to the development of the Fiasco microkernel. In
Section 5, we present performance values for the
Fiasco microkernel, and we evaluate the kernel's real-time
properties. In Section 6, we derive conditions for
the applicability of our methodology for the development of
multithreaded user-mode real-time programs. We conclude the paper in
Section 7 with a summary and suggestions for future
2 Nonblocking synchronization and related work
2.1 Lock-free and wait-free synchronization
Nonblocking synchronization strategies have two important properties:
First, they provide full preemptability and allow for multi-CPU
concurrency. Second, priority inversion is avoided; lower-priority
threads cannot block higher-priority threads because there is no
blocking at all. These characteristics make nonblocking
synchronization very interesting for real-time systems.
The concepts discussed in this section are not new in any way, and
many systems implement variants of them such as optimistic concurrency
control [1] and priority inheritance
[20]. We describe them here for
Nonblocking synchronization comes in two flavors: wait-free and
lock-free synchronization.
Wait-free synchronization can be thought of as locking,
with helping replacing blocking. When a higher-priority
thread A's critical section detects an interference with a
lower-priority thread B, A helps B to finish its critical
section first. During helping, A lends B its priority to
ensure that no other, lower-prioritized activities can interfere.
When B has finished, A executes its own critical section.
Wait-free object implementations satisfy a stronger form of
block-freedom than lock-free synchronization (discussed in the next
paragraph) as they guarantee freedom from starvation. Therefore,
many authors point out that wait-free synchronization is a special
case of lock-free synchronization. However, wait-free synchronization
can also be implemented using locks, albeit with a nonblocking helping
scheme. For example, a locking scheme with priority inheritance can
be considered a wait-free synchronization scheme as long as critical
sections never block.
Lock-free synchronization works completely without locks.
Critical code sections are designed such that they prepare their
results out of line and then try to commit them to the pool of shared
data using an atomic memory update instruction like compare-and-swap
(CAS). The compare part of CAS is used to detect conflicts between
two threads that simultaneously try to update the data; if it fails,
the whole operation is restarted. If needed, retries can be delayed
with an exponential backoff to avoid retry
This synchronization mechanism has some nice properties: Because there
are no locks, it avoids deadlocks; it provides better insulation from
crashed threads, resulting in higher robustness and fault tolerance,
because operations do not hold locks on critical data; moreover, it is
automatically multiprocessing-safe.
Preconditions for using lock-free synchronization are that primitives
for atomic memory modifications are available, and data is stored in
type-stable memory management.
We do not digress into type-stable memory management in this paper (see
[7] for a discussion of
operating-systems-related issues); the
rest of this subsection discusses atomic memory modification.
The x86 CPUs have two kinds of atomic memory-modification operations:
a test-and-set instruction (TAS) and a CAS instruction. Newer models
(Intel Pentium and newer) also have a double-size-word (8 bytes)
compare-and-swap instruction (CASW). However, these CPUs do not
support atomically updating two independent memory words (two-word
compare-and-swap, CAS2).
A number of data structures can be implemented without locks directly
on top of CAS and CASW (i.e., without the overhead of a
software-implemented multi-word CAS): counters and bitfields with
widths up to 8 bytes, stacks, and FIFO queues. [21,18]
Valois introduced a lock-free single-linked list design supporting
insertions and deletions anywhere in a list, as well as several
other data structures [23,22]. These
designs also work with just CAS. However, Greenwald
[6] has criticized them for being quite complex,
difficult to get right, and computationally expensive.
Most of the algorithms for lock-free data-structure synchronization
that have been developed recently assume availability of a stronger
atomic primitive like CAS2. These data structures include general
single-linked and double-linked lists. [6]
A number of techniques exist for implementing lock-free and wait-free
general multi-word compare-and-swap (MWCAS) on top of CAS and CAS2,
enabling nonblocking synchronization for arbitrarily complex data
structures [11,19,2,6]. These techniques have
considerable overhead in both space and runtime complexity, especially
when compared to common lock-based operations, making them less
interesting for kernel design.
The most common technique to implement atomic multi-word updates on
uniprocessors is to prevent preemption during the update. This is
usually done by disabling interrupt delivery in the CPU. The
disadvantage of this method is (of course) that it does not work on
Bershad [4] has proposed to implement CAS in
software using an implementation and lock known to the operating
system. When preempting a thread, the operating system consults the
lock, and if it is set, it rolls back the thread and releases the
lock. Greenwald and Cheriton [7] discuss a
generalization of this technique to implement CAS2 or MWCAS. This
method has the disadvantage of incurring overhead for maintaining the
lock. Also, on multiprocessors, the lock must be set even when
reading from shared data structures because otherwise readers can see
intermediate states.
Another technique to facilitate complex object updates is the
``serializer'' or ``single-server'' approach [10].
It uses a single server thread to serialize
operations. Other threads enqueue messages
into the server thread's work queue to request execution of operations
on their behalf. If the server thread runs at a high priority, it
does not block the requesting thread any more than if it had executed
the operation directly.
2.2 Nonblocking synchronization in operating systems
We know of two other operating system projects that have explored
nonblocking synchronization in the kernel: the CACHE kernel
[7] and SYNTHESIS [16].
Both systems run on architectures with a CAS2 primitive (the Motorola
68K CPU), and their authors found CAS2 to be sufficient to synchronize
accesses to all of their kernel data structures. The authors report that
lock-free implementation is a viable alternative for operating-system
Massalin and Pu [16] originally also implemented a
single-server mechanism for use in their lock-free SYNTHESIS
kernel, but later they found no need to use it; the same was true for Greenwald
and Cheriton [7] in their CACHE kernel.
We will revisit the single-server approach in
Section 4.4.
Greenwald and Cheriton [7] report that they
found a powerful synergy between nonblocking synchronization and good
structuring techniques for operating systems. They assert that
nonblocking synchronization can reduce the complexity and improves
the performance, reliability, and modularity of software especially
when there is a lot of communication in the system.
However, they also warn that their results may not be applicable if
the CPU does not support a CAS2 primitive. In this paper, we will
investigate how nonblocking systems can be implemented in such an
2.3 Nonblocking synchronization vs. real-time systems
Nonblocking object implementations are of interest for real-time
systems because they provide preemptability and avoid priority
inversion. However, while it is well-known that wait-free method
implementations are bounded in time (there is only a fixed number of
threads we have to help; no retry loop), it is not immediately
apparent that this also applies to lock-free synchronization. On the
surface, lock-free methods (like the ones in Figure 3 in
Section 4.3) look dangerous because of their
potentially unlimited number of retries.
Fortunately, Anderson and colleagues [3]
recently determined upper bounds for the number of retries that occur
in priority-based systems. They derived scheduling conditions for
hard-real-time, periodic tasks that share lock-free objects, and
reported that lock-free shared objects often incur less overhead than
object implementations based on wait-free or lock-based
synchronization schemes.
3 A design methodology for real-time systems
3.1 Design goals
Our main design goal was to allow for good real-time properties of our
systems. More specifically, we wanted higher-priority threads to be
able to preempt the system (including the kernel) at virtually any
time, as soon as they are ready to run--thus allowing for good
schedulability of event handlers [12]. This should be
true for sets of threads that depend on common resources, but even
more so for independent thread sets.
Secondary goals to the first one are that short critical sections
working on global state should induce essentially no overhead for
synchronization; also, the synchronization scheme should work for both
single-processor and multi-processor architectures.3
Finally, the design should be applicable to x86-compatible
that is, it must be implementable without CAS2.
3.2 Design guidelines
The first design goal rules out any synchronization scheme that
suffers from priority inversion. Therefore, we have been looking into
nonblocking synchronization schemes: lock-free and wait-free
The secondary goals strongly favor lock-free synchronization schemes:
Locks induce overhead, and in the multi-CPU case, the CPUs would
compete for the locks. We therefore generally disallow lock-based
schemes for frequently-used global state except where we have no other
way out.
In particular, our design methodology comprises the following guidelines:
We classify a system's objects as follows: Local state
consists of objects used only by related threads, that is, threads
that cooperate on a given job or assignment. Global state
consists of the objects shared by unrelated threads.
Frequently-accessed global state should be implemented
using data structures that can easily be accessed with lock-free
In Section 2.1, we mentioned a number of data
structures that can be synchronized in this fashion on x86 CPUs using
only CAS: Counters, bitfields, stacks, and FIFO queues.
With the x86 CPU lacking anything better than single-word CAS, we
suggest that other global data (like double-linked lists) are also
implemented in a lock-free fashion, based on a software implementation
In a kernel, the atomic update can be protected by disabling
interrupts as discussed in Section 2.1. Of
course, disabling interrupts does not help on multiprocessors; there,
we suggest using spin locks to protect very short critical sections.
We discuss software-MWCAS for user-mode programs in Section
Global state not relevant for real-time computing, and local
data can be accessed using wait-free synchronization. We propose a
wait-free priority-inheritance locking mechanism that can be
characterized as ``locking with helping,'' explained in more detail in
Section 3.3. This kind of synchronization has some
overhead. Therefore, it should be avoided for objects that otherwise
independent threads must access.
In our synchronization scheme, waiting for events inside critical
sections is not allowed. This restriction ensures wait-freedom. We
will show in Section 3.3 that this restriction does not
limit the synchronization mechanism's power.
Once a designer has decided which object should be synchronized with
which scheme, our methodology becomes very straightforward to use. It
approximates the ease of use of programming with mutual exclusion
using monitors while still providing the desired real-time properties.
3.3 Wait-free locking with helping
We suggest a wait-free locking-with-helping scheme.
Each object to be
synchronized in this fashion is protected by a lock with a ``wait''
stack, or more correctly, with a helper stack.
A lock knows which thread holds it upon entering its critical section.
When a thread A wants to acquire a lock that is in use by a
different thread B, it puts itself on top of the lock's helper stack. Then,
instead of blocking and waiting for B to finish, it helps B by
passing the CPU to B, thereby effectively lending its priority to
B and pushing B out of its critical section. Every time A is
reactivated (because the previous time slice has been consumed, or
because of some other reason), it checks whether it now owns the lock;
if it does not, it continues to help B until it does. When B
finishes its critical section, it will find a helping
on top of the lock's stack--in this case, thread
A--and passes the lock (and the CPU) to that thread.
Using a stack instead of a FIFO wait queue has an important advantage:
Given that threads are scheduled according to hard priorities, it
follows that the thread with the highest priority lands on top of the
helper stack. There is no way for a lower-priority thread to get in
front of a higher-priority thread: As the high-priority thread does
not go to sleep after enqueuing in the helper stack, it cannot be
preempted by a lower-priority thread and remains on top of the
stack.4This property ensures
that the highest-priority threads get their critical sections through
first. It makes our locking mechanism an implementation of priority
Of course, execution of critical sections may be preempted by
higher-priority threads that become ready to run in the meantime.
However, to ensure wait-freedom, threads executing a critical section
must not sleep or wait.
Instead, threads first must leave critical sections they have entered
before they go to sleep. This requirement raises the question of how
to deal with producer-consumer-like situations without race
conditions. There are a number of textbook solutions for this
problem. We describe our solution in Section
As long as critical sections do not nest, it is easy to see that our
construction can be used to implement wait-and-notify monitors5[14]
(or their recent descendant,
Java synchronized methods). Whenever a monitor-protected object's
method is called, we acquire the object's lock. The wait operation
would then be implemented as an unlock-sleep-lock sequence.
Figure 2 shows a possible monitor implementation that
uses a simple lock-free semaphore, shown in Figure
Figure 1:
Pseudocode for a simple lock-free binary semaphore (for
single-CPU machines). It makes use of a lock-free list of threads
(Thread_list) with a given queuing discipline, for
example a FIFO queue or a priority queue, and sleep and
wakeup primitives like those in Figure 3.
class Binary_semaphore
Thread_list d_q; // Lock-free thread list
int d_count;
void down ()
d_q.enqueue (current());
int old;
old = d_count;
while (! CAS (&d_count, old, old - 1));
if (old > 0)
// Own the semaphore,
// can safely dequeue myself
d_q.dequeue (current());
} else {
sleep (Thread_sem_wakeup);
// Have been dequeued in up ()
void up ()
int old;
old = d_count;
while (! CAS (&d_count, old, old + 1));
if (old < 0)
Thread* t = d_q.dequeue_first ();
wakeup (t, Thread_sem_wakeup);
}; // Binary_semaphore
Figure 2:
Pseudocode for a wait-and-notify monitor based on a helping
lock. This is a simple textbook implementation--except that it
uses only nonblocking synchronization primitives. Semaphores used
as condition variables need to be initialized with 0.
The signal operation wakes up a waiter according to the
semaphore's queueing discipline. When one or more waiters have
been restarted, and more threads are trying to enter the monitor,
the Helping_lock's helper stack guarantees that the
thread with the highest priority can enter the monitor first.
class Monitor
Helping_lock d_lock;
void enter ()
d_lock.lock (); // Locking w/ helping
void leave ()
d_lock.unlock ();
void wait (Binary_semaphore* condition)
d_lock.unlock ();
condition->down ();
d_lock.lock (); // Locking w/ helping
void signal (Binary_semaphore* condition)
condition->up ();
}; // Monitor
Synchronization is more difficult when more than one object can be
locked at a time. We will discuss two scenarios: nested monitor
calls (i.e., nested critical sections), and atomic acquisition of
multiple locks.
As long as monitor methods never wait for events, locking with helping
works for nested monitor calls in the same way as for non-nested
monitors. However, if a nested method wants to wait for an event,
freeing the nested monitor does not help because the outer monitor
would still be locked during the sleep--which is illegal under our
scheme. That is why nested monitor calls must not sleep.
There are two ways to deal with this restriction: Either construct the
system such that second-level monitors or even all monitors never
sleep, or make the locking more coarse-grained so that all objects
that would have to be locked before going to sleep are in fact
protected by a single monitor.
In the Fiasco microkernel, we have chosen the first option; in
fact, we constructed the kernel so that critical sections never need
to sleep. We discuss synchronization in the Fiasco microkernel in
more detail in Section 4.3.
A different situation arises if the locks a critical section needs are
known before the critical section starts, and during its execution.
In this case, the wait operation can release all locks before
sleeping, and reacquire them afterwards.
4 Synchronization in the Fiasco microkernel
We developed the Fiasco microkernel
as the basis of the DROPS operating-system project--a
research project exploring various aspects of hard and soft real-time
systems and multimedia applications on standard PC hardware
[8]. The microkernel runs on uniprocessor x86 PCs,
and it is an implementation of the L4/x86 binary interface
[15]. It is able to run L4Linux [9], a Linux
server running as a user-level program that is binary compatible with
standard Linux, and it is freely available from
The kernel closely follows the design outlined in Section
3. In this section, we report how various data
structures are synchronized in this kernel, and we detail the design
of our wait-free locking-with-helping mechanism.
4.1 Kernel objects
Let us begin by briefly describing the objects the Fiasco
microkernel implements. (For a philosophical discussion on what a
microkernel should and should not implement, we refer to Liedtke
- Threads.
- The thread descriptors contain the complete context
for thread execution: a kernel stack, areas for saving CPU
registers, a reference to an address space, thread attributes, IPC
state, and infrastructure for locking (more on the latter in Section
- Address spaces.
- There exists one address space per task.
Address spaces implement the x86 CPU's two-level page tables. They
also contain the task number, and the number of the task that has
the right to delete this address space.
- Hardware-interrupt descriptors.
- Each hardware interrupt can be
attached to a user-level handler thread. The kernel sends this
thread a message every time the interrupt occurs.
- Mapping trees.
- Like L4, the Fiasco microkernel allows
transferring persistent virtual-to-physical page mappings via IPC
between tasks. The mapping in the receiving task is dependent on
the sender such that when the mapping is flushed in the sender's
address space, mappings depending on it are recursively flushed
as well [15]. Mapping trees are objects to keep track of
these dependencies. There is one mapping tree per physical page
- Present list and ready list.
- These double-linked ring lists
contain all threads that are currently known to the system, or
ready-to-run, respectively. On both lists, the ``idle'' thread
serves as start and end of the list.
- Array of address space references.
- This array is indexed by an
address space number. It contains a reference for each existing
address space; for nonexisting address spaces, the array contains an
address space index referring to the task that has a right to create
the address space. The Fiasco microkernel uses this array
for create-rights management, and to keep track of and look up
created tasks.
- Array of interrupt-descriptor references.
- In this
array, the Fiasco microkernel stores assignments between
user-level handler threads and hardware interrupts.
- Page allocator.
- This allocator manages the kernel's private
pool of page frames.
- Mapping-tree allocator.
- This allocator manages mapping trees.
Whenever a mapping is flushed or transferred using IPC, the
corresponding mapping tree grows or shrinks. Once certain
thresholds are exceeded, a new (larger or smaller) mapping tree
needs to be allocated; this behavior is an artifact of the
Fiasco microkernel's implementation of mapping trees.
4.2 Synchronization of kernel objects
Following our design methodology from Section 3.2, the global
state should be synchronized using lock-free synchronization while for
local state the overhead of wait-free locking is acceptable.
Primarily, we closely adhered to these guidelines. But we also made the
requirements somewhat stronger where performance is critical, and we
allowed a small relaxation where it did not affect real-time
Threads are the most interesting objects that must be synchronized.
We accomplish synchronization using wait-free locks (described in
Section 4.3). However, for IPC-performance
reasons we do not lock all of a thread's state. Instead, we defined
some parts of thread data to be not under the protection of the lock,
and use lock-free synchronization for accessing these parts. In
particular, the following data members of thread descriptors are
implemented lock-free: the thread's state word, which also contains
the ready-to-run flag and all condition flags for waiting for events
(as explained in Section 3.3); and the sender queue, a
double-linked list of other threads that want to send the thread a
message. The state word can be synchronized using CAS. For the
double-linked sender list we use a simulated MWCAS that disables
interrupts during memory modification.6
The Fiasco microkernel protects mapping trees, like the bulk
of the thread data, using wait-free locks.
Address spaces require very little synchronization. The kernel has to
synchronize only when it enters a reference to a new second-level page
table into the first-level page table. Deletion does not have to be
synchronized because only one thread can carry out this operation:
Thread 0 of the corresponding task deletes it when it is itself deleted.
Otherwise, we do not synchronize accesses to address spaces: Only a
task's threads can access the task's address space, and the result of
concurrent updates of a mapping at a virtual address is not defined.
As mappings are managed in (concurrency-protected) mapping trees and
not in the page tables, mappings cannot get lost, and all possible
states after such a concurrent update are consistent.
We did not have to synchronize hardware-interrupt descriptors at all
because once they have been assigned using their reference array
(global state), only one thread ever accesses them.
The reference arrays for address spaces and hardware-interrupt
descriptors can easily be synchronized using simple CAS.
For the double-linked present and ready lists, we had to resort to
simulate MWCAS by disabling interrupts for a short time. These lists
and the sender list mentioned previously were the only objects for
which we had to revert to this ``ugly'' but inevitable synchronization
We believe that is it unnecessary to implement the kernel allocators
for pages and mapping trees with lock-free synchronization; here we
used wait-free locking, as for the local state. We allowed this
relaxation of our guidelines in these instances for the following
reason: Threads with real-time requirements never allocate memory (for
page tables) or shrink or grow mapping trees once they have
initialized. Instead, they make sure that they allocate all memory
resources they might need at initialization time. Therefore,
real-time threads do not compete for access to these shared resources,
and the overhead for accessing them is irrelevant. Should our
assertion become untrue in the future, we will revisit this design
4.3 Wait-free locking in the Fiasco microkernel
The implementation of wait-free locking with helping in the
Fiasco microkernel is very similar to the mechanism presented
in Section 3.3.
The Fiasco microkernel extends the basic wait-free locking
mechanism in two respects.
First, thread locks in the Fiasco microkernel are furnished
with a switch hint. This hint overrides the system's standard policy
of scheduling the threads, locking thread or locked thread, once the
locker frees the lock. Usually, the runnable thread with the highest
priority wins, but the Fiasco microkernel's IPC system call
semantics dictate that the receiver gets the CPU first. The hint is a
flag that can take one of three values: When the lock is freed, switch
to (1) the previously-locked thread, (2) the locker, or (3) to whoever
has the higher priority. To achieve IPC semantics, the sender locks
the receiver, wakes it up, and sets the hint to Value 1 before
releasing the lock.
Second, when locking other objects (including threads), threads need
to maintain a count of objects they have locked. This count is
checked in the thread-delete operation to avoid deleting threads that
still hold locks.
If one thread is locked by another, it usually cannot be
scheduled. If the scheduler or some other thread activates a locked
thread, its locker is activated instead. The only exception is an
explicit context switch from a thread's locker. The thread-delete
operation uses this characteristic to push to-be-deleted threads out
of their critical sections.
The time-slice donation scheme introduced in Section
3.3 requires that nested critical sections do not
sleep. During the implementation of the Fiasco microkernel,
we did not find this limitation to be very restricting. We completely
avoided nesting critical sections that might want to sleep: We found
that even for complex IPC operations, there was no need to lock both of two
interacting threads.
Instead, a thread A that needs to manipulate another thread B
usually locks B, but not itself (A). Kernel code running in A's
context needs to ensure that locked operations on A itself (by a
third thread, C) cannot change state that is needed during A's
locked operation on B. In practice, this is very easy to achieve:
All locked operations first check whether a change to the locked
thread is allowed. If the locked thread is not in the correct state,
the locked operation is aborted. All threads explicitly allow a set
of locked operations on them by adjusting their state accordingly.
Figure 3:
Pseudocode for the sleep and wakeup operations.
As the condition flag is stored in the same memory word as the
scheduler's ready-to-run flag, the sleep implementation does not
risk a race condition with the wakeup code.
void sleep (unsigned condition)
Thread* thread = current ();
for (;;)
unsigned old_state = thread->state;
if (old_state & condition)
/* condition occurred */
if (CAS (& thread->state,
old_state & ~Thread_running))
/* ready flag deleted, sleep */
schedule ();
/* try again */
thread->state &= ~condition;
void wakeup (Thread* thread,
unsigned condition)
for (;;)
unsigned old_state = thread->state;
if (CAS (& thread->state,
old_state | Thread_running
| condition))
/* CAS succeeded */
if (thread->prio > current()->prio)
switch_to (thread);
Figure 3 shows pseudocode for our sleep and wakeup
operations. As a means to avoid race conditions between sleep and
wakeup, we use binary condition flags for synchronization. All
condition flags are located in the same memory word that also
contains the scheduler's ready-to-run flag. Using CAS, a thread that
wants to sleep can make sure that the condition flag is still unset
when it removes the ready-to-run flag.
This solution is only applicable inside a kernel, and it restricts the
number of condition flags to the number of bits per memory word. For
our microkernel, this was not a severe restriction (the
Fiasco microkernel needs less than 10 condition flags), but it
may become a problem for more complex systems. For such systems, a
more general solution (e.g., protecting sleep and wakeup using a
simple lock) can be used.
4.4 Single-server synchronization revisited
Before we implemented the wait-free locking scheme described in
Section 4.3, we experimented with Massalin's and
Pu's single-server synchronization scheme discussed in Section
2.1. In this section, we discuss how the
single-server mechanism can be changed for real-time systems, and why
we changed it into the simpler locking-with-helping scheme.
In Massalin's and Pu's scheme, threads that want to change an object
put a change-request message into the request queue of the server
thread that owns the object. In similar spirit to our helping-lock
design from Section 3.3, we can minimize the worst-case
wait time for high-priority threads by replacing the request queue
with a stack (so that messages from high-priority senders get
processed first), and by letting requesters actively donate CPU time
to the server thread until it has handled their request.
When we first designed and implemented our wait-free synchronization
mechanism, we drew inspiration from Massalin's and Pu's work.
In particular, our design looked as follows:
Our kernel ensured serialization of critical sections by allowing only
one thread, an object's owner, to execute operations on that
object. In other words, all locked operations ran in the thread
context of the owner of an object.
Threads were their own owners. Consequently, threads carried out
themselves all locked operations on them, including those initiated by
other threads.
The kernel assigned ownership for other objects (not threads) on the
fly using lock-free synchronization. This design can also be viewed
as follows: The only object type that can be locked at all is the
thread. All other objects are ``locked'' by locking a thread and
assigning ownership of the object to that thread. Then, all
operations on that object are carried out by the owner.
Helping an owner was as simple as repeatedly switching to the owner
until either the owner had completed the request, or a thread that
deleted the owner had aborted the request. The context-switching
code took care of executing all requests before returning to the
context of the thread.
We consider this design to be not inelegant, but unfortunately, it
required a context switch for every locked operation. Only later we
realized that this mechanism in fact shares many properties with the
wait-free locking scheme with priority inheritance we derived in
Section 3.3. Our new locking mechanism is less complex
and performs much better than our original single-server scheme.
5 Performance evaluation
To evaluate the real-time properties of the Fiasco microkernel
and the overhead of its synchronization mechanisms, we conducted two
series of measurements. First, to verify that the kernel matches our
requirements with regards to preemptability and scheduling, we
measured the lateness of a user-level interrupt handler. Second, we
measured the overhead of our synchronization primitives in a number of
5.1 Real-time characteristics
For this test, we set up a timer device to trigger a hardware interrupt
every 250 µs. We created a user-level task containing a high-priority
handler thread connected to the interrupt, and we measured the time
between interrupt occurrences. From the results, we computed the
maximum lateness. During measurements, a cache-flooding application
and a Linux system running various multi-user benchmarks ran
concurrently with the handler thread, inducing a high load on the
We conducted this test on three operating systems: on the
Fiasco microkernel with L4Linux, on Liedtke's
high-performance L4/x86 kernel with L4Linux, and, for comparison, on
RTLinux [24] (with the handler running in kernel
mode). Table 1 shows the maximum
latenesses for the three systems. (The average lateness was very
small--smaller than 1 µs on all systems.)
Table 1:
Maximum lateness of a periodic 250-µs interrupt handler.
On the Fiasco µ-kernel and on L4/x86, the handler ran in a
user task of its own; in RTLinux, the handler was a real-time
task running in kernel mode.
We carried out these measurements on a 200 MHz
Pentium Pro machine.
The CPU's built-in local APIC served as the interrupt source.
System |
Max. lateness |
Fiasco µ-kernel / L4Linux |
65 µs |
L4/x86 / L4Linux |
541 µs |
RTLinux |
58 µs |
It turns out that maximum lateness in the Fiasco microkernel
is an order of magnitude smaller than that for L4/x86. That is
because L4/x86 uses interrupt disabling liberally throughout the
kernel to synchronize accesses to kernel data structures. Moreover,
the Fiasco microkernel is close to RTLinux even though the
interrupt handler under RTLinux runs in kernel mode and in the
kernel's address space while Fiasco handlers run in their own task.
5.2 Microbenchmarks
We carried out a small series of measurements to evaluate the overhead
of our synchronization mechanisms, and to get clues for future
Table 2:
Synchronization overhead (under no contention)
in the Fiasco microkernel on two
different machines.
For comparison, we show IPC times (one-way) for the Fiasco
microkernel and for L4/x86.
We measured the numbers in the P5 column
on a 133-MHz Pentium box, and the number in the P-II column on a
400-MHz Pentium-II box. We used normal C or C++ programs (not
hand-optimized assembly) to conduct the measurements.
System |
Cycles |
Cycles |
[ P5 ] |
[ P-II ] |
counter, unsynchronized |
2 |
2 |
counter, CAS |
13 |
12 |
counter, Fiasco thread lock |
245 |
245 |
counter, old Massalin-Pu-style thread lock
(includes one context switch) |
627 |
607 |
653 |
810 |
IPC, L4/x86 |
398 |
438 |
IPC, L4/x86, small addr. space9 |
184 |
300 |
We implemented a simple one-word counter and protected its increment
operation using the following synchronization schemes: CAS; a
wait-free helping lock (Fiasco microkernel's new
synchronization); and wait-free object lock with the operation running
in a different thread (Fiasco microkernel's old Massalin-Pu
single-server-style synchronization). For comparison, we measured an
unprotected counter, and a complete address-space-crossing short-IPC
operation in the Fiasco microkernel (needs no lock), and we
put all results into relation with the performance of Liedtke's
L4/x86's IPC performance. Table 2 shows the
We are quite satisfied with the performance overhead of our new
helping-lock implementation. Even though we are yet to optimize our
code, we have already experienced a more-than-twofold improvement
in comparison to the
implementation of Massalin's and Pu's single-server scheme.
6 Nonblocking synchronization in user-mode programs
In this section we discuss how our design methodology can be applied
to multithreaded user-level programs.
Let us recall three preconditions for the effectiveness of our methodology
for nonblocking design: First, MWCAS can only be simulated if
concurrent access to the shared data can be disabled. Second, to
ensure wait-freedom, critical sections protected by
priority-inversion-safe locks must not block. Third, helping only
works if the threading system provides priority inheritance. Meeting
these conditions for user-level programs is most definitely possible,
but can be difficult. We discuss the conditions in turn.
The interrupt-disabling method to prevent preemptions does not work on
user level. Therefore, disabling concurrent access implies some kind
of locking. As critical sections accessing data that is updated using
simulated MWCAS are typically very short, priority inversion is best
prevented by employing preemption-safe locks (i.e., locks that
prevent descheduling a lock-holding thread in favor of a thread that
shares the lock-protected data structure). In general, the locking
mechanism depends on the underlying operating system. For example,
spin locks can be used on multiprocessor systems that always
gang-schedule all of the program's threads; uniprocessors can use the
operating-system-assisted MWCAS implementation we discussed in
Section 2.1, or an operating-system-assisted
preemption-safe lock.
To avoid blocking inside critical sections, user programs must take
extra care typically unnecessary in the kernel: They need
to ensure that critical sections do not trigger page faults leading
to paging. For that, user programs need operating-system support.
Optimally, the operating system should support priority inheritance in
the kernel.
In summary, multi-threaded user programs can use our design technique
if the operating system provides some support that real-time systems
provide frequently, or can easily implement: MWCAS support,
preemption-safe locking, memory pinning, and priority inheritance.
7 Summary and conclusion
We introduced a pragmatic methodology for designing nonblocking
real-time systems that is not dependent on an atomic
memory-modification primitive like CAS2; just CAS is sufficient.
Our methodology consists of four basic guidelines: (1) partition the
system into global and local objects; (2) implement the global objects
using lock-free synchronization as far as possible; (3) protect the
other objects using locks with priority inheritance; (4) never wait
for events inside critical sections. We argued that following these
rules ensures wait-freedom.
We derived three conditions for an operating system on which our
methodology becomes applicable for wait-free user-mode programs: (1)
the operating system must provide help for a user-mode implementation
of MWCAS, either directly or by supporting preemption-safe locks; (2)
it must provide a service for memory pinning; (3) it must support
priority inheritance.
We proposed a wait-free locking-with-helping mechanism with priority
inheritance, and we showed that it is similar in effect to, but better
performing than, the single-server synchronization mechanism
introduced by Massalin and Pu [16]. We devised a monitor
implementation that works on top of our locking mechanism.
The application of our methodology can lead to systems with excellent
real-time properties: We have built the Fiasco microkernel
using the methodology. Together with L4Linux, the Fiasco
microkernel reaches a level of preemptability that is close to that of
Currently our work has two significant limitations. First, our
performance results are preliminary in many ways. Our next steps will
be to analyze in more detail what is causing worst-case interrupt
latencies of more than 50 µs, and to look at processor dependencies.
From this evaluation, we intend to develop a model for predicting
worst-case interrupt latencies for our methodology. Second, we have
not compared the performance of our synchronization primitives to the
performance of primitives found in other commercial and research
operating systems. Both limitations are being addressed as part of
the first author's thesis work.
In the near future, we plan to add multiprocessor support to the
Fiasco microkernel in order to verify our methodology for
multiprocessors. Following which, we plan to optimize the Fiasco
microkernel's locking-with-helping mechanism and thread switching.
Also, we plan to research the applicability of the techniques for
user-level programs in more depth, that is, with real software and
The Fiasco microkernel is freely available; researchers are
invited to study the implementation of our design methodology, and to
experiment with it.
Fiasco and L4Linux can be downloaded from
We would like to thank Frank Mehnert for providing his measurement
framework, and Michael Peter for improving Fiasco's synchronization
primitives. We are grateful to our shepherd, Sheila Harnett, and to
our anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions.
Special thanks go to Thomas Roche who helped debugging our prose.
This project has been partially funded by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft in the framework of the Sonderforschungsbereich
358, and supported by generous grants from IBM (University Partnership
and Shared University Research programs) and from Intel (MRL Lab
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- ...
- L4Linux is a port of the Linux kernel
(version 2.2.x) that
runs as a user program on top of L4 and is binary compatible with
original Linux.
- ...
- Backoff is never needed on single-CPU systems.
- ...
- We will point out incompatibilities of our
design methodology with multiprocessor architectures where they
- ...
- This is generally true only for uniprocessors. For
multiprocessors, the priority ordering of the helper list could be
ensured by using a different data structure--a priority queue--or
by first migrating the helper to the CPU of the lock owner to force
it into that CPU's priority-based execution order. There are subtle
arguments for both designs, which are beyond the scope of
this work.
- ... monitors5
- There is a large variety of monitors with differing
semantics, but most of them can be shown to have equivalent
expressive power [13,5].
Wait-and-notify monitors, also classified as ``no-priority
nonblocking monitors'' [5], have first been used
in Mesa [14].
- ... modification.6
- For the prospective
port of the kernel to SMP machines, we plan to protect this MWCAS
using a spin lock per receiver.
- ...
- For the SMP port, this does not present a problem:
The ready list is per-CPU, so interrupt-disabling can still be
used. Accesses to the present list are seldom and can be
synchronized using a spin lock.
- ...
- These measurements are equivalent to those Mehnert
[17] carried out in 1999. Mehnert's results
showed a much worse maximum lateness for the Fiasco
microkernel; these poor results were caused by a kernel bug that has
since been fixed.
- ... space9
- L4/x86 offers an
optimization called ``small address spaces,'' which significantly
reduces context-switch cost for small address spaces by
implementing it using a segment switch instead of a page-table
switch [9].
Michael Hohmuth, Hermann Härtig April 2001