USENIX 2001 Paper
[USENIX '01 Tech Program Index]
Reverse-Engineering Instruction Encodings AbstractBinary tools such as disassemblers, just-in-time compilers, and executable code rewriters need to have an explicit representation of how machine instructions are encoded. Unfortunately, writing encodings for an entire instruction set by hand is both tedious and error-prone. We describe DERIVE, a tool that extracts bit-level instruction encoding information from assemblers. The user provides DERIVE with assembly-level information about various instructions. DERIVE automatically reverse-engineers the encodings for those instructions from an assembler by feeding it permutations of instructions and analyzing the resulting machine code. DERIVE solves the entire MIPS, SPARC, Alpha, and PowerPC instruction sets, and almost all of the ARM and x86 instruction sets. Its output consists of C declarations that can be used by binary tools. To demonstrate the utility of DERIVE, we have built a code emitter generator that takes DERIVE’s output and produces C macros for code emission, which we have then used to rewrite a Java JIT backend. 1 IntroductionBinary tools such as assemblers, debuggers, disassemblers, dynamic code generation systems [3, 8, 10, 15, 18], just-in-time compilers [4, 7, 12], and executable code rewriters [14, 21, 24] need to contain a representation of how machine instructions are encoded. For example, a JIT needs to know that the x86 instruction addl %ecx, %ebx corresponds to the bits 0x01cb (formed by a bitwise OR of the addl opcode 0x01c0 with 0x8 for the %ecx argument and 0x3 for the %ebx argument). Unfortunately, specifying instruction encodings with current tools requires looking up and detailing the offsets, sizes, and values of many instruction fields. Unsurprisingly, this process is both error-prone and tedious, especially for CISC machines such as the x86. Currently, system builders must transcribe instruction encodings from an architecture reference manual. We have built a tool called DERIVE that eliminates the need to specify many of the bit-level details of instruction layout. The user supplies DERIVE with an assembly-level description of an instruction set: instruction names and operand types (registers, immediates, or labels). DERIVE outputs a description of how each instruction is encoded, which is given in the form of C structure declarations. The user does not specify binary-level details such as operand widths, operand offsets, opcode values, and register value encodings. As a result, the potential for misspecification by the user is less than that with other tools. DERIVE is based on a simple observation: virtually all architectures for which a programmer needs binary encodings will already have programs (assemblers) that contain this information. Therefore, we should be able to extract the information from the assembler, which is what DERIVE does. At a high level, DERIVE does so by feeding permutations of each instruction to the system’s assembler, and doing equation solving on the assembler’s output to determine how the instruction is encoded (its opcode and its operand encodings). The DERIVE implementation solves the entire MIPS, SPARC, Alpha, and PowerPC instruction sets. It handles most of the ARM and x86 instruction sets: it does not yet handle some instructions, such as those with non-continuous fields. DERIVE produces C data structure declarations that describe how an instruction set is encoded. It would not be difficult to produce declarations in other languages. These declarations can be used by tools that interpret or manipulate binaries. As an example, we have built a code emitter generator that takes the reverse-engineered declarations and generates C macros for fast code emission. To demonstrate the utility of these tools, we have rewritten Kaffe’s [25] JIT compiler to use these macros. Using our automatically generated code emitters reduced the size of the Kaffe backend description by 40%. On a side note, DERIVE can be viewed as an assembler tester. Because of how it reverse-engineers instructions, it can quickly find differences between what an architecture manual says, and what an assembler actually implements. In Section 2 we discuss related work: Collberg’s compiler-reverse-engineering system and the New Jersey Machine-Code Toolkit. Section 3 describes our assumptions about instruction set encodings, and explains how DERIVE works. Section 4 discusses the code emitter generator that we have built on top of DERIVE. Section 5 summarizes our conclusions and describes our future work. Appendix A gives a complete input specification of the MIPS instruction set for DERIVE. 2 Related WorkThe most important precedent to DERIVE is Collberg’s work on reverse-engineering compilers [1]. Collberg’s system does a “reverse interpretation” to infer what assembly instructions should be used to implement a high-level language. It runs pieces of mutated assembly code to see how the semantics of the instructions changes. His work is aimed at building automatically retargeting compilers, where the descriptions of the semantics of assembly instructions are used to automatically retarget the BEG back-end generator [5]. DERIVE is complementary to Collberg’s work. DERIVE computes information that can be used to bypass the assembler, which is important for building JITs and binary manipulation tools. DERIVE addresses a simpler problem domain than Collberg’s system, since it reverse-engineers a syntax transformation and not a semantic transformation. On the other hand, our problem domain is much more tractable: it takes on the order of minutes to hours for DERIVE to reverse-engineer an instruction set’s encoding, whereas Collberg’s system takes days to reverse-engineer an instruction set’s semantics. The work whose goals most closely match DERIVE is the New Jersey Machine-Code Toolkit (NJT) [20]. The NJT automatically generates routines to manipulate machine-code from user specifications written in a language called SLED. SLED specifications are exact descriptions of instruction layout, written at several levels of abstraction. At the lowest level of description, SLED “fields” are used to describe instruction bitfields. For example, the description of the SPARC instruction fields in SLED reads as follows [19]: inst 0:31 op 30:31 disp30 0:29 rd 25:29 op2 22:24 imm22 0:21 a 29:29 cond 25:28 disp22 0:21 op3 19:24 rs1 14:18 i 13:13 asi 5:12 rs2 0:4 simm13 0:12 opf 5:13 The authors of NJT use the assembler to do testing of specified encodings [9], by choosing random values from within the space of encodings. We turn the process around and use the assembler to derive encodings. Because a user of NJT specifies the various classes of encodings, the NJT specification tester does not need to search as much of the encoding space as DERIVE does. NJT supports several features that DERIVE does not, such as support for relocation. For targets such as JITs, which are our primary interest, relocation is not an issue. As another example, NJT can handle synthetic assembly instructions cleanly. The current implementation of DERIVE does not yet handle complex synthetic instructions well; however, we could easily layer a tool that described synthetic instructions on top of DERIVE. 3 ImplementationDERIVE takes a high-level description of an instruction set and an assembler, and generates C header files that describe the instruction set. Figure 1 illustrates the tool chain for DERIVE. idc is described in Section 3.1; the solver is described in Section 3.2; and the code emitter generator is described in Section 4.
DERIVE extracts the encoding of each instruction by sampling a small number of possible input sets. We assume each instruction takes a fixed number of fields as operands. We assume that fields have three types: registers, immediates, and labels/jump targets. Registers are a (usually small) set of textual names; immediates are integer values that can range over a large set of possibilities (e.g., on the x86, some instruction take several 32-bit immediates); and labels are symbolic instruction addresses. These assumptions are sufficient to describe the instruction sets for which we have written specifications (which cover a wide range of modern ISAs). We make the following assumptions about instruction encodings:
3.1 Specifying InstructionsThe front end to DERIVE, idc, translates assembly-level instruction set descriptions into the intermediate form that DERIVE uses. idc is about 900 lines of lex and yacc code. Users describe instructions with a yacc-like description that contains a list of instructions to generate and a format description that describes the assembly syntax and the operand types. Note that the formats are grouped by assembly syntax, not by encoding class; we believe that the former is far more readable, as it expresses logical relationships rather than encoding relationships. The description of SPARC ALU instructions reads as follows. Note that the field-level information necessary with NJT does not have to be specified by the user. iregs = ( %g0, %g1, %g2, %g3, %g4, %g5, %g6, %g7, %o0, %o1, %o2, %o3, %o4, %o5, %o6, %o7, %l0, %l1, %l2, %l3, %l4, %l5, %l6, %l7, %i0, %i1, %i2, %i3, %i4, %i5, %i6, %i7 ); and, andcc, andn, andncc, or, orcc, orn, orncc, xor, xorcc, xnor, xnorcc, sll, srl, sra, add, addcc, addx, addxcc, taddcc, taddcctv, sub, subcc, subx, subxcc, tsubcc, tsubcctv, mulscc, umul, smul, umulcc, smulcc, udiv, sdiv, udivcc, sdivcc, save, restore --> &op& r_1:iregs, r_2:iregs, r_dest:iregs | &op& r_1:iregs, imm, r_dest:iregs ; 3.2 The SolversDERIVE is composed of three solvers, each specialized to derive a specific operand type: the register solver solves for register fields/operands, the immediate solver solves for immediate fields, and the jump solver solves for jump target fields. Each solver uses the assembler to compute instruction encodings. DERIVE emits code into an assembler file, runs the assembler, and finds the code in the resulting executable. DERIVE tests for any difference in endianness between the target and the solving architectures, and appropriately swaps bytes in the object code before doing any solving.To demarcate the machine code in the executable, DERIVE explicitly emits fenceposts around the code using assembler data directives. Our fenceposts are a randomly chosen sequence of bytes. It is unlikely that DERIVE emits a sequence of instructions that match the fencepost, since it does not exhaustively search the set of instructions: we only search the entire space of values for register fields, and not for immediate and jump fields. Although we do not currently do so, a simple way to detect and avoid fencepost conflicts would be to solve each instruction twice with different fencepost values. DERIVE represents instruction encodings as an opcode mask and an arbitrary number of operand fields. The opcode mask contains the bitmask of 1’s that must be set in an instruction to specify a given opcode. Register fields are specified as a sequence of masks, one for each legal register value; immediates and label fields are represented as a size, an offset, and a simple transform.
The solvers all work in the same basic manner. Each one locates a field and determines its size by emitting one instruction for each legal operand value of that field (while holding all other fields’ values fixed) and finding all bits that change in the binary encoding. Figure 2 illustrates this process for the last operand of the SPARC and instruction. Those bits that change belong to the field. Its offset is given by the lowest changing bit; its size by the difference between its lowest and highest bit. A specific operand’s value exactly equals the value of these bits when it is used. All other bits belong to other fields, or to the opcode mask. As each solver is run, the opcode mask is refined. That is, each solver “claims” bits for various fields. After all fields have been solved for, the opcode mask is set to the remaining unclaimed bits (i.e., those that are set to 1 in every emitted instruction). We make one general assembler-dependent assumption, which is that the assembler will produce errors “when expected.” For example, we assume that assemblers will return an error when illegal registers are used in an instruction, or when constants are too large. DERIVE finds the sizes of immediate fields by testing larger and larger immediates, and it expects that the assembler will eventually return an error message. Unfortunately, assemblers do not always report errors when they should. Gas shows some unexpected behavior, in that it will accept some positive constants that are too large for signed fields (for example, for a 16-bit signed field it accepts constants between 32768 and 65535). In general, we try to remove such dependencies by checking the generated code: DERIVE gets around this particular bug by making sure that each constant value examined actually results in a different instruction. 3.2.1 Register SolverThe register solver is DERIVE’s most basic solver, and is called by the other solvers. It has two tasks. First, it computes an instruction’s opcode mask with respect to the register fields. The opcode mask consists of all of the bits that are not used by the register fields. Second, it finds both the location and size of each “register” operand field, along with the bitmask that must be set to specify a given operand value. A register operand is any operand for which the client enumerates the possible textual values. The register solver works in the following manner for a particular register field:
We have implemented two main extensions to this simple scheme. First, on some architectures, a specific register value can change the actual instruction encoding. For example, on the x86, different instruction forms are used when the %eax register is used as an operand. The solver detects such discontinuities by checking that all instances of an instruction are of the same length. That is, when it emits the sequence of instructions (as shown in Figure 2), it checks that the number of instruction bytes emitted equals the number of instructions multiplied by the size of one instruction. If it does not, it solves for the register values independently, and emits multiple instruction specifications: each specification identifies which specific register values it corresponds to. Second, the solver allows users to supply register operand lists that contain illegal values, which it automatically culls. This syntax is useful for situations where instructions only accept subsets of possible register values. For example, the SPARC architecture supports floating-point instructions that take different combinations of registers, depending on whether the inputs and outputs are single-, double-, or quad-precision. Specifying exactly which operands are legal would increase the size of the SPARC specification by about 40%, and would also increase the probability of error. Instead, clients can state that every floating-point instruction takes any floating-point register as an operand: fregs = ( %f0, %f1, %f2, %f3, %f4, %f5, %f6, %f7, %f8, %f9, %f10, %f11, %f12, %f13, %f14, %f15, %f16, %f17, %f18, %f19, %f20, %f21, %f22, %f23, %f24, %f25, %f26, %f27, %f28, %f29, %f30, %f31 ); fadds, fsubs, fmuls, fdivs, faddd, fsubd, fmuld, fdivd, faddq, fsubq, fmulq, fdivq, fsmuld, fdmulq --> &op& r_1:fregs, r_2:fregs, r_3:fregs; 3.2.2 Immediate SolverThe immediate solver computes the width and position of each immediate field, and also any transformation of the values in immediate fields. The immediate solver is called after the jump solver, if there are relative jump targets; it is used directly to solve for absolute jump targets (since those are just transformed immediate values). We explain it before the jump solver, because its behavior is closer to that of the register solver. The main difference between this solver and the register solver is that it is impractical to enumerate all legal values for an immediate operand: an n-bit immediate field would require 2n permutations. Register fields tend to be small (on the order of 5 bits for modern architectures), whereas immediate fields can be substantially larger. As a result, we solve for each bit size of the immediate field, rather than each possible value. The solver first finds an immediate field’s size by iterating upwards from 1 bit, 2 bits, etc., until the assembler refuses to assemble the instruction. It then iterates down from the maximum number of bits (call it n) and solves for each immediate size. The immediate solver works in the following manner for each bit size m:
Our actual solver is more general than this sketch, and handles instructions with an arbitrary number of immediate operands. For instructions with more than one immediate operand, any variable-length immediate fields are not independent of each other--the length of one will affect the position of any others. Therefore, DERIVE cannot solve for immediate fields separately. The current implementation has two limitations. First, it assumes that every immediate value that fits in a given field is legal: that is, there are no “holes” in the value space for an immediate field. This restriction is not a real problem. Second, it does not handle immediates that are encoded as multiple non-contiguous bit ranges. It should not be difficult to extend DERIVE to handle such immediates. 3.2.3 Jump SolverThe jump solver derives the encoding for relative jump target fields (labels). Jumps can be classified in two ways: (1) relative vs. absolute jumps and (2) jumps that take immediates vs. those that only take labels. The jump solver finds encodings for relative jumps that take labels as operands. Jumps that accept immediate operands are handled by invoking the immediate solver. Absolute jumps that only take labels do not seem to occur in practice. The difference between the jump solver and the immediate solver is that the jump solver must generates values (labels) differently. To set all bits in an n-bit immediate field, the immediate solver can emit the immediate directly; the jump solver may have to place a label about n instructions away. As a result, it would be impractical to solve for large offsets directly. We assume that backwards jumps are encoded using twos-complement, so that we can solve for the sizes of offsets. DERIVE computes whether a jump is absolute or relative by emitting two consecutive jumps to the same target and comparing the emitted code values. Absolute jumps will have identical bits, since both instructions encode the same target address. Relative jumps will differ, since they are different distances from the target and thus will have different offset values. Given an instruction that is a relative jump, the solver must find the jump target field’s width and offset in the instruction, starting point (how many bytes a jump of 0 bytes actually jumps from the jump instruction), and minimum jump size. The target address of the jump is target = start + encoded field × jump size.
Like the other solvers, the jump solver assumes that label fields are contiguous. It would be challenging to deal with non-contiguous label fields, because of the need to generate labels at large distances from jumps. 3.3 User Extensions
Some instruction sets (such as the ARM) do not satisfy all of the assumptions we have described. In addition, incorrect assemblers can provide bad information to DERIVE. We give the user mechanisms to address these problems: the user can inform DERIVE of complex immediate encodings, tell it when register field values may depend on each other, and provide explicit field widths when necessary. Table 1 lists the cases where we have needed to use these mechanisms. The following description fragment shows how a user can specify complex encodings. The user provides C code that translates between the value that is mapped into the immediate field and the input that the assembler expects. In this example, the x86 instruction encodes the logarithm of the scale factor that is given to the assembler. (This example could also be handled by making the scale factor a register type and enumerating the possible scale values.) %{ unsigned pow2(unsigned x) { return 1 << x; } %} ops_2_mem --> &op& r_1:regs, disp(base:regs, index:index_regs, scale:pow2); %{ bool update_disp(char *args[]) { char *rd = args[0], *ra = args[1]; if (!strcmp(ra, "r0") || !strcmp(ra, rd)) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } %} lbzu, lhzu, lhau, lwzu --> &op&:update_disp R_d:regs, disp(R_a:regs); tgu, tleu, tcc, tcs, tpos, tneg, tvc, tvs --> &op& r_c:cc, imm::7; 3.4 Using DERIVE
Table 2 summarizes the times it takes for DERIVE to run on several instruction sets, and also shows the length of DERIVE’s specifications. As the number of architectures in the table shows, DERIVE’s assumptions survive well under use. The assumptions in our model make DERIVE reasonably fast. ARM is slow because some of its instruction addressing modes violate the independence assumption. As a result, solving those instructions takes an inordinate amount of time, because DERIVE must check all combinations of register values. x86 is slow because of the large number of instructions and addressing modes, as well as the special encodings for certain registers. The subset of the x86 ISA necessary to retarget the Kaffe JVM’s [25] JIT was small enough to run quickly. While using DERIVE to reverse-engineer several instruction sets, we have come across several errors or inconsistencies in gas and various architectural manuals. The following list describes these errors and inconsistencies, and demonstrates that DERIVE’s reverse-engineering methodology can also be viewed as a useful testing methodology.
4 Using DERIVE’s OutputAn important motivation behind building DERIVE was our desire to avoid hand-specifying the x86 instruction set. This distaste was an important reason why we have not retargeted two of our JIT systems [7, 8] to the x86, despite repeated requests.
One use of DERIVE-generated specifications is to generate code emitters from them. We have written an emitter generator that processes instruction specifications and generates C procedures or macros that can emit instructions into a code buffer. Figure 3 shows the structure declaration for DERIVE’s output. Figure 4 shows a sample specification that DERIVE generates for the MIPS break instruction, which causes a breakpoint. Each instruction specification is transformed into a function or macro whose arguments are an index into the code buffer and the registers, immediates, or labels that are operands for that instruction. The choice of macros allows the compiler to propagate constants if parameters, such as register values, are known at compile-time. The following example shows the macro generated for the x86 addl instruction, and how it is used: #define E_addl_rr_1(_code, rf, rt) do {\ register unsigned short _0 = (0xc001\ | ((((rf)) << 11))\ | ((((rt)) << 8)));\ *(unsigned short*)((char *)_code) = _0;\ _code = (void *)((char *)_code + 2);\ } while(0) /* emit "addl %ecx, %ebx" in code_buffer */ E_addl_rr_1(code_buffer, REGecx, REGebx); Operands to an instruction are not always known when the instruction is generated. Dynamic code generators, for example, do not know the value of a forward-referenced label. Such a label must be patched later by a simple linker, once the actual value of the operand becomes known. DERIVE allows instruction operands to be marked so that they are not used in the emitter macro. Instead, the emitter generator generates an additional macro that can be called to fill in the operand. DERIVE clients can build their own linkers on top of this mechanism. Our emitter generator can emit extra debugging information. First, our emitter generator is able to generate emitters that check the validity of their arguments. This feature is useful to catch bugs as early as possible during dynamic code generation. In addition, the generator can also produce emitters that print a textual description of each instruction generated during dynamic code generation. The emitters are also useful as a means of testing DERIVE. For each instruction, we generate the emitter and a test program that invokes it with a given subset of parameters. The instruction encodings generated by the emitter function are then compared to the output generated by the target assembler. This procedure allows us to test DERIVE without actually running code on the target platform. DERIVE’s emitter generator can cross-compile between architectures whose endiannesses match. To demonstrate that our tools work, we have retargeted Kaffe’s [25] x86 JIT backend to use automatically generated emitters from just a subset of the x86 ISA. We reduced the number of lines in the backend description from 2,084 to 1,267. We also discovered that the original coders missed shorter instruction encodings in one case. Retargeting the JIT took approximately one day, which indicates that the emitter functions generated by DERIVE are usable in real applications. DERIVE-generated emitters can be used in several other ways to support dynamic code generation. For example, they can be used to support back end construction for general-purpose dynamic code generation systems such as vcode [8] and ccg [17]. These systems provide assembly-like interfaces to C for dynamic code generation, and need encoding information to actually generate code. DERIVE could also be used to compute templates for application-specific systems such as DPF [7]. Templates can be specified in terms of symbolic instruction sequences, fed to DERIVE to get the corresponding binary encoders, and then reincorporated into the system. 5 ConclusionsThe DERIVE system reverse-engineers instruction encodings from the system assembler. Users need only give assembly-level information about the instructions for which they want encodings, and not low-level information about bitfield layout. DERIVE successfully reverse-engineers instruction encodings on the SPARC, MIPS, Alpha, ARM, PowerPC, and x86. In the last case, it handles variable-sized instructions, large instructions (16 bytes), multiple instruction encodings determined by operand size, and other CISC features. As a proof of its utility, we have built a code emitter generator on top of DERIVE. We plan to extend DERIVE’s techniques to reverse-engineer object code file formats, including debugging and linkage information. Such information will enable us to build a set of reverse-engineered tools, including versions of ATOM [21], dynamic linking libraries [11], object-level sandboxers [23], executable optimizers, and linkers. Builders of such tools are plagued by the need to repeatedly reimplement functionality contained in existing software. For some systems, it is too expensive to call existing programs: dynamic code generation systems cannot afford the time to call an assembler. In other cases, the software has an inappropriate form and must be rewritten from scratch. For example, one common “trick” that commercial companies use to discourage third-party vendors is to have proprietary symbol table layouts, which change on every software release [16]. The cost of manually reverse-engineering these formats has forced some implementors to avoid object-level modifications, in spite of the strong advantages for such an approach. The source code for the current version of DERIVE is freely available at the following URL: http://www.cs.utah.edu/~wilson/derive.tar.gz. AcknowledgmentsWe thank John Carter, David Chen, Eddie Kohler, Max Poletto, Patrick Tullmann, various anonymous referees, and our shepherd Vern Paxson for their comments on earlier drafts of this paper. Wilson Hsieh was supported in part by an NSF CAREER award, CCR-9876117. Dawson Engler was supported in part by DARPA contract MDA904-98-C-A933 and by a Terman Fellowship. Godmar Back was supported by DARPA contract F30602-99-1-0503. References[1] C. Collberg. Reverse interpretation + mutation analysis = automatic retargeting. In Proc. of PLDI ’97, June 1997. [2] A. A. Committee. Alpha Architecture Reference Manual. Digital Press, third edition, 1998. [3] C. Consel and F. Noel. A general approach for run-time specialization and its application to C. In Proc. of 23rd POPL, St. Petersburg, FL, Jan. 1996. [4] P. Deutsch and A. Schiffman. 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regs = ( $0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31 );
fregs = ( $f0, $f1, $f2, $f3, $f4, $f5, $f6, $f7, $f8, $f9, $f10, $f11, $f12, $f13, $f14, $f15, $f16, $f17, $f18, $f19, $f20, $f21, $f22, $f24, $f25, $f26, $f27, $f28, $f29, $f30, $f31 );
fcond = ( $fcc0, $fcc1, $fcc2, $fcc3, $fcc4, $fcc5, $fcc6, $fcc7 );
nop, sync, tlbr, tlbwi, tlbwr, tlbp, eret --> &op&;
movf, movt --> &op& r_d:regs, r_s:regs, r_c:fcond;
jr, jalr, mfhi, mthi, mflo, mtlo --> &op& r_s:regs;
jalr, tge, tgeu, tlt, tltu, teq, tne, mfc0, dmfc0, cfc0, mtc0, dmtc0, ctc0, cfc1, mtc1, mfc2, cfc2, mtc2, ctc2, mult, multu, dmult, dmultu --> &op& r_d:regs, r_s:regs;
sll, sra, srl, dsll, dsrl, dsra, dsll32, dsrl32, dsra32 --> &op& r_d:regs, r_w:regs, imm;
sllv, srlv, srav, movz, movn, dsllv, dsrlv, dsrav, add, addu, sub, subu, and, or, xor, nor, slt, sltu, dadd, daddu, dsub, dsubu --> &op& r_d:regs, r_w:regs, r_s:regs;
// MIPS assemblers use "div" as a macro // this syntax is how the real hardware // instructions of the same names can be generated div, divu, ddiv, ddivu --> &op& " $0", r_w:regs, r_s:regs;
break, syscall --> &op& imm;
j, jal --> &op& &label&;
bltz, bgez, bltzl, bgezl, bltzal, bgezal, bltzall, bgezall, bnezl, blezl, bgtzl, blez, bgtz --> &op& r_s:regs, &ref& &label&;
tgei, tgeiu, tlti, tltiu, teqi, tnei --> &op& r_s:regs, imm;
beq, bne, beql, bnel --> &op& r_s:regs, r_t:regs, &label&;
addi, addiu, slti, sltiu, andi, ori, xori, lui --> &op& r_d:regs, &ref& imm;
daddi, daddiu --> &op& r_d:regs, r_w:regs, &ref& imm;
// we can define this form once and use it // in different places (denoted by a single arrow) branch -> &op& &label&;
branchc -> &op& r_s:fcond, &label&;
// these are coprocessor branches bc0f, bc0t, bc0fl, bc0tl, bc2f, bc2t, bc2fl, bc2tl: branch;
// these instructions come in two flavors bc1f, bc1t, bc1fl, bc1tl: branch, branchc;
add.s, add.d, sub.s, sub.d, mul.s, mul.d, div.s, div.d --> &op& r_d:fregs, r_w:fregs, r_s:fregs;
mfc1, dmfc1, dmtc1, ctc1 --> &op& r_t:regs, r_s:fregs;
sqrt.s, sqrt.d, abs.s, abs.d, mov.s, mov.d, neg.s, neg.d, round.l.s, round.l.d, trunc.l.s, trunc.l.d, ceil.l.s, ceil.l.d, floor.l.s, floor.l.d, round.w.s, round.w.d, trunc.w.s, trunc.w.d, ceil.w.s, ceil.w.d, floor.w.s, floor.w.d, recip.s, recip.d, rsqrt.s, rsqrt.d, cvt.s.d, cvt.s.w, cvt.s.l, cvt.d.s, cvt.d.w, cvt.d.l, cvt.w.s, cvt.w.d, cvt.l.s, cvt.l.d --> &op& r_d:fregs, r_s:fregs;
movf.s, movt.s, movf.d, movt.d --> &op& r_d:fregs, r_w:fregs, r_s:fcond;
movz.s, movz.d, movn.s, movn.d --> &op& r_d:fregs, r_w:fregs, r_s:regs;
c.f.s, c.f.d, c.un.s, c.un.d, c.eq.s, c.eq.d, c.ueq.s, c.ueq.d, c.olt.s, c.olt.d, c.ult.s, c.ult.d, c.ole.s, c.ole.d, c.ule.s, c.ule.d, c.sf.s, c.sf.d, c.seq.s, c.seq.d, c.ngl.s, c.ngl.d, c.lt.s, c.lt.d, c.nge.s, c.nge.d, c.le.s, c.le.d, c.ngt.s, c.ngt.d --> &op& r_d:fcond, r_w:fregs, r_s:fregs;
// the assembler expects parentheses lwxc1, ldxc1, swxc1, sdxc1 --> &op& r_d:fregs, r_w:regs ( r_s:regs );
// prefetch instructions with hints pref --> &op& r_h:hints, imm (r_w:regs); prefx --> &op& r_h:hints, r_w:regs ( r_s:regs ); hints = ( 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 );
madd.s, madd.d, msub.s, msub.d, nmadd.s, nmadd.d, nmsub.s, nmsub.d --> &op& r_d:fregs, r_r:fregs, r_s:fregs, r_t:fregs;
ldl, ldr, lb, lh, lwl, lw, lbu, lhu, lwr, lwu, sb, sh, swl, sw, sdl, sdr, swr, ll, lwc2, lld, ldc2, ld, sc, swc2, scd, sdc2, sd --> &op& r_d:regs, &ref& imm (r_w:regs);
l.s, l.d, s.s, swc1, s.d, sdc1 --> &op& r_d:fregs, imm (r_w:regs);
cache --> &op& r_d:cache_ops, imm (r_w:regs); cache_ops = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30, 31 ); |
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 2001 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, June
25Ð30, 2001, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Last changed: 3 Jan. 2002 ml |