USENIX Technical Program - Abstract - Internet Technologies & Systems 99
JPEG Compression Metric as a Quality Aware Image Transcoding
Surendar Chandra and Carla Schlatter Ellis, Duke University
Transcoding is becoming a preferred technique to
tailor multimedia objects for
delivery across variable network bandwidth and for
storage and display on the destination device.
This paper presents techniques
to quantify the quality-versus-size tradeoff characteristics
for transcoding JPEG images. We analyze the characteristics of images available
in typical Web sites and explore how we can perform informed transcoding using
the JPEG compression metric. We present the effects of this transcoding on the image
storage size and image information quality. We also present ways of predicting
the computational cost as well as potential space benefits achieved by the transcoding.
These results are useful in any system that uses transcoding to reduce access
latencies, increase effective storage space as well as reduce access costs.
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