USENIX Timeline

Industry Firsts | Internationalization | Community Service

USENIX has been instrumental in the growth of UNIX and other new technologies around the world, providing an organizational framework for UNIX users and system administrators in which to develop strong community ties and share information. USENIX has assisted in forming many international groups in and has co-sponsored their conferences.


1976 UNIX introduced in Japan; the Japan UNIX Society (JUS) formed by Jun Murai, Koichi Kishida, and Nobuo Saito
1976 The first Australian UNIX Systems User Group (AUUG) meeting held at the University of South Wales
March 4, 1977 Alistair Kilgour of the University of Glasgow suggests the formation of a UK UNIX Users Group (UKUUG) as a DECUS Special Interest Group
May 27, 1977 UNIX Colloquium in Glasgow attended by about 40 people
November 1978 UNIX User Group—The Netherlands (NLUUG) formed
1980 /usr/group founded as an association dedicated to the "promotion of the UNIX operating system"
January 1980 Software Tools User Group (STUG) formed at the USENIX Winter Technical Conference in Boulder, Colorado
April 1981 UNIX continues to spread across Europe; the European UNIX Systems User Group (EUUG, now called EurOpen) holds its first meeting
1983–1985 USENIX and /usr/group conferences are held jointly
1987–1992 USENIX and /usr/group conferences held in same areas but different locations with buses shuttling between
August 1989 /usr/group changes its name to UniForum
1998 EurOpen.SE in Sweden becomes the first USENIX Affiliate Member
November 1998 USENIX, NLUUG, and Stichting NLnet co-sponsor the first System Administration and Networking Conference (SANE), Maastricht
February 1999 USENIX and EurOpen.SE sponsor the first Nordic EurOpen/USENIX Conference, Stockholm
January 2002 NUUG joins USENIX as its second Affiliate Member