Are You Ready for Federated Conferences Week?

Federated Conferences Week is about a month away: June 12-15 in Boston, Massachusetts.

Are you registered? Is your room booked?

Discounts are available for government and non-profit employees, USENIX members who are retirees, and for organizations sending more than 5 employees. If you are a USENIX member who is unemployed or particularly cash-strapped right now, email us to discuss our Hardship Discount:

Students: Check out our reduced membership rates, student discounts to our technical sessions and tutorials, grants, and best student paper awards at

(Be sure to read How a USENIX Student Grant Can Lead to a Career in Technology to see how one USENIX conference attendee started her career in tech with the help of our student grant program.)

Here are a few highlights to expect at FCW'12:

ATC'12: The 2012 Annual Technical Conference includes more than 30 papers on a range of topics, including security, multicore, cloud, OS, and replication. Register by May 21 to save the most $$. Also, don't forget the upcoming Poster Session deadline is May 9, 2012, at 8:59pm PDT.

WebApps'12: Designed to bring together experts in developing and deploying Web applications, WebApps'12 will include refereed papers on topics such as distributed systems and browser extensions, Java and client extensions, and cool keynotes from Yahoo!'s Douglas Crockford and Yehunda Katz from Tilde, Inc. Don't miss the early bird discount deadline!

HotCloud'12: Meet with other researchers and practitioners working in the area of cloud computing. To get a feel for this event, check out these videos from last year:

WiAC '12: Don't miss our inaugural Women in Advanced Computing Summit on June 12. The format for this first event is:

  • Showcase the work of successful women in computing in the morning sessions.

  • Host a moderated panel to address "Strategies for a Successful Career in Computing." Panelists will be women who have attained a degree of success despite barriers and can share their strategies with the audience. The panel may touch upon mentoring/coaching, vocalizing to support your work, collaboration/teamwork, and other related topics.

  • Facilitate a workshop for attendees to discuss their own challenges and lessons from the day.

UCMS '12: The Configuration Management Summit will focus on the challenges of configuration management working with the cloud, the increased volume of machines and services being managed, and the need to manage both the virtualization environment and the machines being virtualized. The keynote — Scaling Configuration Management Across Data Center and Cloud (or How to Deploy 10,000 Machines and Still Be Home for Dinner) — will be delivered by Ted Zlatanov from CFEngine. Our UCMS'12 CFP closes on May 14, so be sure to send us your proposal soon.

NSDR'12: The program for our 6th USENIX/ACM Workshop on Networked Systems for Developing Regions is now available and includes these highlights:

  • NextDrop: Tracking Water Distribution Using Human Observations as Sensors

  • Buzzenger: Asynchronous (Time-Sliced) Missed Call Duration Messaging

  • Case Study of the Haiti Rural Broadband Initiative

  • An Evaluation of Web Acceleration Techniques for the Developing World

HotStorage'12: In this workshop we'll focus on cutting-edge storage research. Our program is now online, and you can watch videos from HotStorage'11, including recordings of:

TaPP'12: Register by May 21 for the greatest savings on the 4th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance. More info coming soon!

Hot Topics in Cyberlaw: More info coming soon!