Google Code-in Contest for Teens Kicks Off

Yesterday we got a heads up from Cat Allman that the Google Code-in Contest for Teens starts Monday, November 18. Many of you might remember Cat from her days as the USENIX Sales Director, and now she's over at Google working as the Program Manager - Outreach, Open Source Programs Office. Here's the scoop:

Please help us spread the word about Google Code-in, our global online contest to introduce 13-17 year old pre-university students to open source software development. The contest begins on Monday, November 18th 2013 and runs through January 5th, 2014. Prizes for participating online only! - in the contest include certificates, tee-shirts, and an all-expenses paid trip to Google headquarters in California, USA for 20 Grand Prize winners with a parent or legal guardian.  

You can learn more by watching a screencast and/or a short video describing the contest:

and by visiting the program site for complete details at:

The contest is similar to the Google Summer of Code program for older students in that it gives participants the opportunity to work with mentors from carefully chosen free and source software projects on real-world coding and related tasks like QA, documentation and more. Over the past 3 years more than 1,200 students from 71 countries have participated. We hope to expand the program this year and would appreciate your help and that of the members of your association to spread the word to students around the globe.
Let's help Cat spread the word about this cool contest for teens.