New at LISA: Training Program Live Streaming

LISA '12 is only a few days away, but not everyone who wants to attend in person can actually make it there. "We know traveling to conferences can be difficult, especially at the end of the year, so we wanted to provide an alternative means for getting at least some of the LISA experience," says our co-executive director, Anne Dickison.

This year we're offering Live streaming for LISA training classes. Sure, you'll miss out on the awesome hallway tracks, keynotes and workshops, poster session, vendor expo, BoFs, and other fun social activities (including our tuxedo-optional, Bond-inspired LISA '12 reception, on a boat, playing games and cruising the San Diego Harbor), but you can experience LISA training from the comfort of your home, or office, or coffee shop, or whereever you are while we're missing you in San Diego.

For pricing details and information about the tutorials we'll be streaming, see our LISA '12 Live Streaming page.