Texas Linux Fest CFP closes April 1 (no joke)
Submitted by rikki on March 13, 2013 - 11:23 am
excited to be attending Texas Linux Fest (TLF) for the first time this
year. I've wanted to attend every year, but it hasn't worked out
logistically for me in the past. If you're at TLF 2013 in Austin (May
31-June 1), be sure to stop by the USENIX Association booth.
The TLF Call for Papers is open until April 1:
you (or someone you know) are interested in speaking at TLF, even if
you've never done a talk at an event before, I encourage you to submit a
Reasons why I decided to start giving talks:
1. Speaking at events is a great way to add new skills to your resume
2. It can help you get over your imposter syndrome/fear of public speaking
3. It allows you to promote your research/project/group
4. It's an excellent way to network and make new friends
5. We need more visible women in IT
TLF topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- The Linux Kernel
- Open Source Programming Languages
- Databases
- Linux Distributions: Desktop, Server, and Mobile
- Embedded Linux and Open Source on Devices
- Open Hardware
- Network Services
- Free Software Licensing
- Community Management
- Open Source Multimedia
- Open Source in Government
- Linux and Open Source For Beginners
- Open Source For Small Businesses
- Open Source Marketing and Evangelism
- Open Source in Education
- Open Source in Science and Medicine
Session slots are 30 minutes in length; however, if you have a strong case for presenting a double-length presentation or workshop, please let us know in the "special arrangements" section. We cannot guarantee availability, so be prepared to discuss your plan. Basic technical setup will include an overhead projector and a Linux laptop with PDF and LibreOffice presentation software. Special setup needs will be accommodated; simply let us know in the "special arrangements" section.
Other deadlines:
- NSDI '13 Early Bird Registration discount ends today (March 13)
- USENIX Women in Advanced Computing Summit (WiAC '13) Call for Participation ends today (March 13)
- See our full list of CFPs at: https://www.usenix.org/conferences/calls-for-papers