Upcoming changes to LISA and SREcon

The USENIX conference calendar is undergoing some exciting changes!

In response to your feedback, LISA is moving to more convenient dates in the USENIX conference lineup.

Also, beginning in 2020, USENIX will hold two SREcon Americas events: East and West. This change increases opportunities for engagement and maintains the connectedness our communities appreciate in conferences of this size.

To facilitate these transitions, the existing spring SREcon Americas will become SREcon Americas West. As an interim step in December 2020, SREcon Americas East will be held alongside LISA. Beginning in 2021, LISA will be held annually in late spring, and SREcon Americas East will occur at the end of each calendar year.

Mark your calendars now for these dates:

SREcon20 Americas West
March 24–26, 2020, Hyatt Regency Santa Clara/Santa Clara Convention Center 

LISA20 and SREcon20 Americas East
December 7–9, 2020, Sheraton Boston Hotel

SREcon21 Americas West
March 23–25, 2021, Hyatt Regency Santa Clara/Santa Clara Convention Center

June 1–3, 2021, Marriott Anaheim 

SREcon21 Americas East
Late 2021, East Coast location to be announced

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