Dr. Sanchari Das, University of Denver
Even the largest enterprise can be subverted with a small device quietly tunneling through the network boundaries. One way to mitigate the damage is to purchase the higher quality IoT devices, to increase security before installation. In this work, we evaluated the purchase of a few devices that appear relatively harmless but create significant risk. Any workplace may have a small crockpot show up in the break room, or an employee with a fitness tracker. These may offer access to all Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices, or real time audio surveillance. Alternative models of the same devices, without the corresponding risk, show the value of careful IoT selection. Yet an employee can not be expected to understand the security risk of IoT devices. To address this understanding and motivation gap, we present a security-enhancing interaction that provides an effective, acceptable, usable framing for non-technical people making IoT purchase decisions. The interface design nudges users to make risk-averse choices by integrating psychological factors in the presentation of the options. Participants using this purchasing interaction consistently avoided low security and high risk IoT products, even paying more than twice ($6.99 versus $17.95) to select a secure smart device over alternatives. We detail how the nudges were designed, and why they are effective. Specifically, our Amazon store wrapper integrated positive framing, risk communication, and the endowment effect in one interaction design. The result is a system that significantly changes human decision-making, incorporating security the default choice. This was a collaboration between Prof. Sanchari Das at the University of Denver with Shakthidhar Gopavaram and Prof. L. Jean Camp at Indiana University Bloomington.
Sanchari Das, University of Denver

author = {Sanchari Das},
title = {Leveraging Human Factors to Stop Dangerous {IoT}},
year = {2022},
address = {Santa Clara, CA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = feb