So You're Going to Blow the Whistle? Communications Dos and Don'ts for Whistleblowers.

Note: Presentation times are in Pacific Standard Time (PST).

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 - 4:40 pm5:10 pm

Emily Schwartz, Bryson Gilette


Deciding to be a whistleblower is not something most people prepare for but it is undoubtedly a life changing experience. This presentation will talk through the communications basics for whistleblowers: what to consider, communications must haves, what not to do, and how to begin to tell your story.

Emily Schwartz, Bryson Gillette

Emily Schwartz is a strategic communications professional who has worked at the intersection of technology, politics, and policy for nearly 15 years. She led the communications rollout for Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen including preparing her for her public reveal on '60 Minutes' and multiple government testimonies. Prior to joining Bryson Gillette, Emily led global data sharing policy for Uber, advising the company on regulatory issues regarding privacy and geolocation data. Emily has worked with major brands, startups, and nonprofits to advise them on issues ranging from global product rollouts to crisis communication management.

@conference {285635,
author = {Emily Schwartz},
title = {So You{\textquoteright}re Going to Blow the Whistle? Communications Dos and Don{\textquoteright}ts for Whistleblowers.},
year = {2023},
address = {Santa Clara, CA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = jan

Presentation Video