Hannah Poteat

Hannah Poteat did data protection before data protection was cool. For 25 years, first with a long career in information security and then as an attorney, Hannah has built a career predicated on the idea that mere compliance with security and data protection requirements is the bare minimum: we can always innovate. Most recently, as Senior Manager and Lead Privacy Counsel at Twilio, Hannah led the Privacy Risk team and advised on the nexus of international, domestic, and sectoral privacy and telecommunications laws. This entailed advising on all matters of global privacy law enterprise-wide, including harmonizing Twilio’s binding corporate rules with GDPR, CPRA, LGPD, APPI, and other global privacy frameworks; developing company-wide global privacy policies, procedures, and strategy; guiding incident response and maintaining breach response policy; and coordinating employee privacy during a global pandemic. Prior to Twilio, Hannah built the privacy program at GitHub, moving GitHub from the downfall of Safe Harbor to the advent of GDPR. She is currently taking a break before taking on a new adventure in building privacy programs. When not arguing over what a “sale” is, Hannah is probably driving a Jeep off-road over very large rocks. Hannah is CIPP/US certified and someday will get around to that CIPP/E. Probably.