Utilizing VDBench to Perform IDC AFA Testing

Michael Ault, Oracle Guru, IBM, Inc.

9:00 am–9:45 am


IDC has released a document on testing all-flash-arrays (AFA) to provide a common framework for judging AFAs from various manufacturers. This parpa provides procedures scripts and examples to perform the IDC test framework utilizing the free tool VDBench on AFAs to provide a common set of results for comparison of multiple AFAs suitability for cloud or other network based storage.

Learning Objectives:

  • Undertand the requirements of IDC testing
  • Provide guidelines and scripts for use with VDBench for IDC tests
  • Demonstrate a Framework for evaluating multiple AFAs using IDC guidelines

MIke Ault has worked with computers since 1979 and with Oracle databases since 1990. Mike has spent the last eight years working with Flash storage in relation to Oracle and other database storage needs. Mike is a frequent presenter at user conferences and has written over 24 Oracle-related books. Mike currently works as an Oracle expert for the STG flash group at IBM, Inc.

@conference {208632,
author = {Michael Ault},
title = {Utilizing {VDBench} to Perform {IDC} {AFA} Testing},
year = {2016},
address = {Santa Clara, CA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = feb