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Keynote Address 1: Some Recent Research Results on Boosting Gadget Battery Life
Victor Bahl, Principle Researcher and Director, Mobility and Networking, Microsoft Research
Over the past decade, while mobile devices like smartphones and wearable have become immensely powerful and capable, battery development hasn’t kept pace. In fact it’s even harder to eke more life out of a smaller package, such as a sensor-laden gadget you could wear on your face or clothing. In this presentation I will share some new ideas and recent research results that help us in our perennial battle to win the “energy war”. In particular I will focus on joint hardware/software system design that treats energy as a first class citizen to share some results that give us good reason for optimism.
Victor Bahl is a Principal Researcher and Director of the Mobility & Networking Research (MNR) Group in Microsoft Research. MNR's mission is "to invent & research technologies that make Microsoft's networks, services and devices indispensable to the world". In addition to pursuing research and shepherding brilliant researchers, Victor helps shape Microsoft's long-term vision related to networking technologies by advising Microsoft's senior executive team and through associated policy engagement with governments and industries around the world. He and his group have had far-reaching impact on the research community, Government policy, and Microsoft products through many significant technology transfers. His personal research spans a variety of topics in mobile computing, wireless systems, cloud services and datacenter networking & management. Over his career he has built many highly cited seminal systems, published prolifically in top conferences and journals, authored over 110 patents, given over 35 keynote talks, won numerous awards and honors including ACM SIGMOBILE's Lifetime Achievement (Outstanding Contributions) Award and IEEE Outstanding Leadership and Professional Service Award, and has engaged in significant professional and company-wide leadership activities. Victor received his PhD from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 1997. He is a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE and AAAS. You can read more about him on his web page.
author = {Victor Bahl},
title = {Keynote Address 1: Some Recent Research Results on Boosting Gadget Battery Life},
year = {2014},
address = {Broomfield, CO},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct
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