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Media Coverage
Brendan Gregg on "Blazing Performance with Flame Graphs"
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- USENIX: Flame graph shows system performance in a new lightWatch or listen to this presentation (ITWorld.com, 11.8.13)
- USENIX: Flame graph shows system performance in a new lightWatch or listen to this presentation (CIO.com, 11.8.13)
Bruce Schneier on "Surveillance, the NSA, and Everything"
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- Bruce Schneier: Business model of the Internet has been surveillance (ComputerWorld, 11.7.13)
- 'Dataverzameling kost te weinig' (AutomatiseringGids.nl, 11.7.13)
- Is there a link between the low ost of storage and government surveillance? (ITWorld.com Canada, 11.7.13)
- Security expert seeks to make surveillance costly again (InfoWorld.com, 11.7.13)
- "We have to make surveillance expensive again" says Bruce Schneier (PCWorld, 11.7.13)
- Bruce Schneier: Überwachung ist Geschäftsmodell des Internet (Silicon.de, 11.8.13)
- Vigilância tem de ser cara outra vez (Computerworld.com.pt, 11.8.13)
- Schneier: «Verteuert die Überwachung» (Computerworld.ch, 11.11.13)
Jon Masters on "Hyperscale Computing with ARM Servers"
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- Red Hat prepares for 64-bit ARM servers (NetworkWorld.com, 11.8.13)
- Red Hat prepares for 64-bit ARM servers (PCWorld.com, 11.8.13)
- Red Hat prepares for 64-bit ARM servers (ComputerWorld.com, 11.8.13)
- USENIX: Red Hat prepares for 64-bit ARM servers (ComputerWorld.com.au, 11.8.13)
- USENIX: Red Hat prepares for 64-bit ARM servers (TechWorld.com.au, 11.8.13)
- De kracht van kleintjes: Linux op ARM-servers (Webwereld.nl, 11.11.13)
- Red Hat si prepara per i server ARM a 64-bit (cwi.it, 11.11.13)
- Red Hat prépare l'arrivée de serveurs ARM 64 bits ( lemondeinformatique.fr, 11.12.13)
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