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Home ยป Building a Big IaaS Cloud: Building a Massively Scalable, Geographically Disparate, IaaS Cloud Using Apache CloudStack
Building a Big IaaS Cloud: Building a Massively Scalable, Geographically Disparate, IaaS Cloud Using Apache CloudStack
Half Day Morning
(9:00 am-12:30 pm)
Thurgood Marshall South Ballroom
In this half-day class, we'll give system administrators an understanding of IaaS clouds, with the reference implementation being Apache CloudStack. We'll cover everything from initial configuration to scaling and maintaining availability.
Who should attend:
Intermediate to advanced sysadmins or enterprise architects wanting to deploy a production Infrastructure as a Service cloud. Experience with virtualization platforms and a deep understanding of L2/L3 networking are preferred but not required.
Take back to work:
What you need to deploy an IaaS cloud, based on Apache CloudStack, in an enterprise environment.
Topics include:
- Deploying Apache CloudStack
- Next-generation network topologies, including SDN
- Scaling storage without becoming indentured to SAN vendors
- Making CloudStack scale to tens of thousands of physical nodes
- Maintaining availability in a "failure-is-assured" environment
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