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Automated Build and Deployment of Docker Hosts and Containers
Bill Fraser and Dimitrios Liappis, Pythian
Bill Fraser, Pythian

Bill Fraser is a Principal Consultant for Site Reliability Engineering at Pythian, an organization providing Managed Services and Project Consulting to companies whose data availability, reliability, and integrity are critical to their business.
With almost 15 years of experience, a strong background in systems architecture and design, and expertise in automation, high availability and service discovery, Bill is well positioned to speak about what works (or doesn’t) as teams adapt to increasingly complex infrastructure.

author = {Bill Fraser and Dimitrios Liappis},
title = {Automated Build and Deployment of Docker Hosts and Containers},
year = {2015},
address = {Washington, D.C.},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = nov
How do you successfully take a Dockerized application from an existing dev/test environment and build out a production-ready, scalable, service-oriented architecture in the Cloud? That was the challenge Pythian faced, and in this tutorial we’ll walk you through our approach to the problem.
Attendees will learn how to use tools such as Ansible, Packer, Shipyard, and Consul to automate build, deployment, orchestration, and service discovery of Docker containers. Source code and configurations will be provided so participants can follow along on their systems or join the instructors in the LISA Lab space to work through specific problems.
- Vagrant (https://www.vagrantup.com)
- Vagrant hostmanager plugin (https://github.com/smdahlen/vagrant-hostmanager)
- VM provider such as VirtualBox
It will be necessary for attendees to download and add a copy of the virtual machines prior to the tutorial. A source code repository URL will be provided containing instructions on how to obtain the VMs.
Technical professionals, including System Architects and SRE/Software Engineers, interested in leveraging modern DevOps tools to create an automated, continuous delivery pipeline.
Attendees will leave the session with an understanding of proven use cases and patterns, as well as ideas of how you can leverage technology such as Ansible, Packer, Shipyard, and Consul in your Docker-enabled environment.
- Ansible for configuration management and task management
- Ansible Tower for job scheduling and storing sensitive data
- Packer and Ansible local provisioner for automating the creation of Docker containers and importing into a private registry
- Shipyard for providing orchestration of Docker containers, including automated deployment and lifecycle management
- Consul, Registrator, and Consul Template for service discovery and dynamic configuration updates
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