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Bashing JSON
David Josephsen, Librato
David Josephsen, Librato

As the developer evangelist for Librato, Dave Josephsen hacks on tools and documentation, writes about statistics, systems monitoring, alerting, metrics collection and visualization, and generally does anything he can to help engineers and developers close the feedback loop in their systems. He’s written books for Prentice Hall and O’Reilly, speaks Go, C, Python, Perl and a little bit of Spanish, and has never lost a game of Calvinball.

author = {David Josephsen},
title = {Bashing {JSON}},
year = {2015},
address = {Washington, D.C.},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = nov
Bashing JSON is an introductory hands-on course in jq, a command line, stream-processing tool designed to parse and transform structured data (think sed for JSON). Learn how to use shell tools to interact with APIs from AWS, GitHub, and Librato, to retrieve information as well as build JSON objects and post them from the command line without the need for a general purpose programming language.
Note: Attendees should bring a laptop with Vagrant installed.
Shell-adept operations folks who wish they had a better means of manipulating JSON formatted output from web APIs.
Attendees will take away practical experience with writing shell scripts and one-liners that interact with live web services APIs.
- Writing reliable shell scripts around cURL
- Reformatting JSON output from a web API to make it human readable
- Exploring API output by filtering on keys
- Filtering portions of JSON
- If/Else loops and key selection
- Creating new JSON objects by selecting parts of an inbound stream
- Creating new JSON objects from free-form text input
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