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Workshop 1: Government and Military Computer System Administration
Andrew Seely, University of Maryland University College
This workshop is for sysadmins who have primary responsibility for computing systems owned by government or military agencies and for sysadmins who work in secure environments, deal with classified data, provide GOTS support, or deploy to remote locations in support of government and military requirements. This includes contractors, government civilians, vendors and suppliers, uniformed members, and anyone who has a direct hands-on IT support role in the government and military sectors. Discussions will include topics like lessons learned from implementation of cloud technologies, data analytics in the government sector, and responding to policy and regulation requirements for IT and information security. This workshop is a great opportunity for sysadmins to compare notes among diverse agencies like DoD, DoE, DoC, NASA, and local governments. All workshop discussions will be strictly unclassified.
Andrew Seely, University of Maryland University College
Andy Seely is the Chief Engineer and division manager for an IT enterprise services contract, an adjunct instructor in the Information and Technology department at the University of Tampa, and a regular contributor to ;login: magazine. His wife Heather is his PXE Boot and his sons Marek and Ivo are always challenging his thin-provisioning strategy.
author = {Andrew Seely},
title = {Workshop 1: Government and Military Computer System Administration},
year = {2015},
address = {Washington, D.C.},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = nov
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