Gardner Room
Half Day Afternoon
1:30 pm–5:00 pm
Sysadmins freely acknowledge how important documentation is to their daily lives, and in the same sentence will loudly complain that they don’t have time to produce documentation. This class is about how to produce effective, useful and timely documentation as part of your normal sysadmin activities. Particular emphasis is placed on documentation as a time-saving tool rather than a workload imposition.
Who should attend:
System administrators of all types and levels who need to produce documentation for the systems they manage, or who want to improve their documentation skills. Documentation can be the difference that turns you from a good sysadmin to a great sysadmin!
Take back to work:
- The skills to improve personal and team documentation quality
- A solid understanding of how to establish and maintain effective documentation practices
Topics include:
- Why system administrators need to document
- Documentation as part of your daily workflow
- Targeting your audience
- Common mistakes made in documentation
- Tools to assist the documentation process (including effective use of wikis)
Presentation Type: