Writing and Consuming REST Services

Thursday, November 02, 2017 - 11:00 am12:30 pm

Chris St. Pierre, Cisco Systems, Inc.


REST services are widely used for interaction with and between applications and for systems management tasks. This mini-tutorial offers a quick introduction to how REST services are structured, for both the implementer and the client. We will cover the use of HTTP verbs, the architecture of URIs, maintenance of state, middleware, and more.

My presentation from last year can be viewed at https://stpierre.github.io/REST

Chris St. Pierre, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Chris St. Pierre is currently serving the fourteenth year of a life sentence to hard labor at the command line. He works as an software engineer at Cisco focusing on CI/CD for OpenStack, Docker, and Kubernetes. In his spare time he is a bicycle advocate and civic hacker.

@conference {207255,
author = {Chris St. Pierre},
title = {Writing and Consuming {REST} Services},
year = {2017},
address = {San Francisco, CA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct
Who should attend: 

People interested in gaining or solidifying their knowledge of how REST services work and how to interact with them in both manual and programmatic ways.

Take back to work: 

Increased confidence in discovering, using, debugging, and writing REST services, for both systems management tasks and application interaction.

Topics include: 

HTTP verbs, the architecture of URIs, maintenance of state, middleware, discoverability, error codes, asynchronicity, data submission, versioning, etc.