The Hardest Problem in Tech(nical Interviewing) Is People: The Personal Skills in Interviewing

Marina Room
Half Day Afternoon
1:30 pm5:00 pm

Technical interviews can be intimidating, but it’s easier if you have confidence in yourself and your ability to answer complicated questions. The hardest questions are not about sorting algorithms, but how you’ll work in a team, how you’ll resolve conflicts, and what it will be like to manage and work with you. This workshop exists to address the skills and theories of presenting yourself as confident, capable, and coachable.

Who should attend: 

We envision the audience for this tutorial to be people interviewing for technical or technical-adjacent roles at technology companies who are early career (2-7 years). It is meant for beginners, but all are welcome if they want to brush up on their interviewing skills.

Take back to work: 

The audience will experience hands-on practice, and can expect to learn tactics for preparing for and excelling at interviews. We will provide handouts for participants to use after the workshop and for practice. Participants will learn how to accomplish the checkpoints of a hiring workflow, including: phone screens, phone interviews, in-person interviews, and how to accept or reject an offer. The take-home worksheets will provide types of interview questions, job search rubric, self-evaluation forms, and resources for further research.

Topics include: 

Culture, Interviewing, Career, Early Career, Technology Industry

Presentation Type: 