Defenders' Guide to Container Infrastructure Security

Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - 9:00 am10:30 am

Madhu Akula


An organization using micro services or any other distributed architecture rely heavily on containers and orchestration engines like Kubernetes and as such its infrastructure security is paramount to its business operations. In this training we will use open source tools, techniques and procedures (TTP's) to build secure container infrastructure, which means we will perform security at many layers like infrastructure security, supply chain security and run-time security with real-world scenarios. The outcome of this workshop can be directly applied in their organizations and daily operations to apply practical security skills in the modern era using open source.

Madhu Akula[node:field-speakers-institution]

Madhu Akula is a security ninja, published author and cloud native security researcher with an extensive experience. Also he is an active member of the international security, devops and cloud native communities (null, DevSecOps, AllDayDevOps, etc). He holds industry certifications like OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional), CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator), etc.

Madhu frequently speaks and runs training sessions at security events and conferences around the world including DEFCON (24, 26 & 27), BlackHat USA (2018 & 19), USENIX LISA 2018, O’Reilly Velocity EU 2019, Appsec EU 2018, All Day DevOps (2016, 17, 18 & 19), DevSecCon (London, Singapore, Boston), DevOpsDays India, c0c0n(2017, 18), Nullcon (2018, 19), SACON 2019, Serverless Summit, null and multiple others.

His research has identified vulnerabilities in over 200+ companies and organisations including; Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, eBay, AT&T, WordPress, NTOP and Adobe, etc and credited with multiple CVE’s, Acknowledgements and rewards. He is co-author of Security Automation with Ansible2 (ISBN-13: 978-1788394512), which is listed as a technical resource by Red Hat Ansible. Also won 1st prize for building Infrastructure Security Monitoring solution at InMobi flagship hackathon among 100+ engineering teams.

@conference {240794,
author = {Madhu Akula},
title = {Defenders{\textquoteright} Guide to Container Infrastructure Security},
year = {2019},
address = {Portland, OR},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct