Call for Posters

Posters at NSDI '15 will be selected on the basis of submitted abstracts. Posters will be selected in advance of the conference. An abstract should be a one-page PDF using 10-point Times New Roman font on 12-point leading, formatted in two columns with .25" between the columns and in a text block no more than 6.5" wide by 9" deep, which on U.S. letter paper means 1" margins on all sides. Submissions violating these guidelines will be rejected without review. Abstracts must be submitted to the Web submissions system by 11:59 p.m. EDT on March 10, 2015.

Posters will be selected on the following basis:

  • Submissions must describe new, interesting work, not previously presented. We are especially interested in posters accompanied by demos.
  • Submissions should represent early work that has not yet been published in a refereed conference or journal.
  • Student submissions meeting the above criteria will be given preference; however, abstracts from non-students are also welcome.

Submit Your Work

Provide the following information in your PDF file:

  • Poster title
  • Author names, affiliations, and email addresses
  • Which authors, if any, are students
  • Whether you plan to set up a demo with your poster
  • Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection via email by March 20th, 2015, two weeks before the student travel grant application deadline. No reviews will be provided. Send any questions about the poster session to